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Koi ga Gotoku - The Ultimate Nishiki Mod
The Ultimate Nishiki mod for Yakuza 0. Previously known as the 'Nishiki Quality of Life Mod', Koi ga Gotoku completely replaces everything Kiryu related, from models, sound, UI, movesets and effects, with Nishiki versions. Features modular installation, and requires Ryu Mod Manager for install. Made by Kagearashi and Eve.
- 4.1MB
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Koi ga Gotoku - The Ultimate Nishiki Mod
The Ultimate Nishiki mod for Yakuza 0. Previously known as the 'Nishiki Quality of Life Mod', Koi ga Gotoku completely replaces everything Kiryu related, from models, sound, UI, movesets and effects, with Nishiki versions. Features modular installation, and requires Ryu Mod Manager for install. Made by Kagearashi and Eve.
Speedstar 88' Akiyama moveset voiceline and model port
Adds akiyama moveset, models, heat actions, voices (including singing) and animations to yakuza 0
- 53.2MB
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Speedstar 88' Akiyama moveset voiceline and model port
Adds akiyama moveset, models, heat actions, voices (including singing) and animations to yakuza 0
Replaces the Mr.Shakedowns with Futoshi Shimano
This is a sound.par file with some of the soundbanks modified. The original goal was to mute money sound effects during battle, but soon became to alter several other sounds that I found annoying. Full changelog below (24 mutes, 5 replacements)Bonus Muted Sega Sound file. Bonus Mahjong Riichi Music Mute file.
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This is a sound.par file with some of the soundbanks modified. The original goal was to mute money sound effects during battle, but soon became to alter several other sounds that I found annoying. Full changelog below (24 mutes, 5 replacements)Bonus Muted Sega Sound file. Bonus Mahjong Riichi Music Mute file.
Replaces Kiryu voicelines with Kaito voicelines
changes kiryu's default grunts to his yakuza 5 counterparts
Replaces Kiryu combat voices with Ichiban's voices + Y7 Kamurocho and Yokohama Battle Theme (Brawler Style)
- 595KB
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Replaces Kiryu combat voices with Ichiban's voices + Y7 Kamurocho and Yokohama Battle Theme (Brawler Style)
Adds Tanimura Voicelines + Infinite Handcuffs (Brawler Style Theme)
Replaces Majima combat voicelines with Jin Kuwana voicelines + Dig In Your Heels (Thug) and Gives Majima Kuwana's Army Jacket Outfit
- 20.5MB
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Replaces Majima combat voicelines with Jin Kuwana voicelines + Dig In Your Heels (Thug) and Gives Majima Kuwana's Army Jacket Outfit
This mod replaces Kiryu voicelines with Tatsuya voicelines
Replaces Kiryu Voicelines with Kurohyou 2 Tatsuya's Voicelines
Adds voicelines for all battle voicelines (except for some heat actions.) All text voicelines, and All encounter intros (he'll say stuff like "Kept you waiting huh?" or "You're kidding me." at the start of an encounter)
- 328KB
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Adds voicelines for all battle voicelines (except for some heat actions.) All text voicelines, and All encounter intros (he'll say stuff like "Kept you waiting huh?" or "You're kidding me." at the start of an encounter)
daigo dojima if he was from the future and was super cool and awesome