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About this mod

This is a simple mod that adds a few new outfits the player can use when selecting costumes for a job inside Hello Work!

Permissions and credits
This mod adds new usable costumes in the different Job classes for Ichiban, Nanba, Adachi, Saeko, Han and Eri.

Most of the new additions were for Ichiban, including a lot of alternate clothing such as shirtless, game start haircut, ponytail hair, etc.

    Ret-HZ - REArmp

1) Download and install the Shin Ryu Mod Manager if you haven't done so already;
2) Download the mod .zip file;
3) Launch RyuModManagerGUI.exe and press the "Install Mod" button;
4) Select the file you downloaded and wait for it to install;
5) Done, the mod is installed.

NOTE: As of version 1.2 this mod is now usable with all game languages! HOWEVER, the costume names themselves will show up in English, this should not affect mod functionality or other game functionality!