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About this mod

Mod increases Rina's already ample assets by a significant amount! Minor resizing elsewhere too.

Permissions and credits
"Here at Victoria Housekeeping Co., we aim to please our customers' every whim.  That includes everything from service, quality, price, and our staff appearance.  As such, sometimes we find it necessary to enhance our appearances even further for the most discerning clientele."  Rina, otherwise known as Alexandria Sebastiane mentioned to a prospect nearby.  

Seemingly overnight, the already well-dressed and proper lady had seemed to have grown larger in her chest and thighs, though to what purpose yet was unknown.


Mod increases Rina's already ample assets by a significant amount!  Minor resizing elsewhere too.
Due to how ZZZ handles characters like other Hoyo games, arms and to a far greater extent, hands, can not be moved from their anchoring positions so they will clip her chest, unfortunately.

Many ZZZ mods are on Nexus, though sometimes people prefer Game Banana.  Will crosslink the mod there to here, too.

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