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Buffzoo and Sea Parrot - MajorGalah IrritatingFish Sharking Around

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The Oceanic Reef Expansion Pack is a joint venture between Buffzoo and the Sea Parrot team (MajorGalah, Sharking Around, and IrritatingFish)

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Exploring the Depths: Oceanic Reef Expansion Pack for Zoo Tycoon 2

Meet my brand new and best expansion pack ever, the Oceanic Reef, a collaboration between me and the Sea Parrot team - MajorGalah, Sharking Around, and IrritatingFish. They are my buddies, and I really appreciate their generosity in sharing their beautiful fully custom-made models as this pack would not have been possible without them. This dynamic collaboration merges the beloved Zoo Tycoon 2 universe with assets from Roblox games developed by the Sea Parrot - The Reef, Oceanic, and MIZU. With over 50 new species, innovative animations, detailed models, fun variants, custom emotes, and accurate animal stats, Oceanic Reef promises to deliver an unparalleled underwater adventure for players to enjoy (Check 2nd image for full roster).

Diverse Marine Life: Oceanic Reef introduces players to an extensive collection of over 50 new species, ranging from the colossal blue whale to the charming orangefin anemonefish. This diverse array of marine life offers players the opportunity to create vibrant and thriving underwater ecosystems within their virtual zoos. Whether it's caring for the gentle giants of the ocean or tending to the intricate needs of smaller reef dwellers, players will find themselves immersed in a world teeming with life and wonder. Within that 50 new species, I have edited several of the models for extra male female differences and three new species (Blue Whale, Greyface Moray and Common Dolphin).

Innovative Animations and Ambient Animals: One of the standout features of Oceanic Reef is its brand new ambient animals, featuring innovative animations that breathe life into the underwater world. From the creative use of the underutilized crab rig to animate bottom dwelling stingrays (Khul's Maskray) to the lively swimming animations of the herring rig (pectoral fins and additional dorsal fin movement) for several ambient species, the inclusion of seafloor animals enhances the immersive nature of the game, allowing players to observe and interact with creatures both above and below the waves.

Realistic Models and Fun Variants: While Oceanic Reef models aren't originally made for Zoo Tycoon 2, the highly detailed and realistic models seamlessly blend with the existing game assets. Each creature is meticulously crafted to capture its unique characteristics, from the intricate patterns of a lionfish's fins to the sleek contours of a dolphin's body (Remember to check out all the Bottlenose dolphin and humpback dolphin variants!) Moreover, Oceanic Reef introduces fun and interesting variants for these animals, providing players with a delightful array of options to customize their underwater exhibits and create truly unique experiences for their zoo visitors.

Custom Emotes and UI: To further enhance the player experience, Oceanic Reef features custom emotes for all animals (excluding ambients). These emotes add personality and charm to each encounter. Guests will display this emotes when viewing the respective animals, if they're happy of course.

Accurate Animal Values: For some realism feels, Oceanic Reef provides players with accurate animal size and rating values. Each creature is carefully sized and rated according to real-world standards, allowing players to create authentic and balanced underwater environments in their virtual zoos. Whether it's maintaining the proper habitat conditions for a pod of dolphins or ensuring adequate space for a shiver of sharks, players will find themselves fully immersed in the challenge of caring for their aquatic inhabitants. Do take note that the donation values have been ramped up significantly as Challenge mode players would find it annoying to earn sufficient money otherwise. Keep in mind that this pack is never meant to be fully realistic. The only fully natural thing here is keeping a full-size blue whale in a square 40mx40m tank.

Finally, the Oceanic Reef Expansion Pack for Zoo Tycoon 2 represents a groundbreaking collaboration between developers, bringing together the best elements of both Zoo Tycoon 2 and the best marine life-focused Roblox games - The Reef, Oceanic, and MIZU. With its diverse marine life, innovative animations, realistic models, fun variants, custom emotes, UI enhancements, and accurate animal values, Oceanic Reef offers players tons of funs. So, as we prepare ourselves to celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year, let us admire these beautiful creatures of the ocean together, a pack filled with amazing animals. Happy gaming, and may your virtual aquariums be filled with joy and excitement! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

You can play Oceanic, The Reef and MIZU, developed by MajorGalah, Sharking Around and IrritatingFish via these links - 
The Reef

Check out Sharking Around's Sketchfab here: Sharking Around sketchfab
Check out the MajorGalah's Sketchfabl here -  Major (@majorgalah) - Sketchfab
Check out IrritatingFish's Ko-fi and Sketchfab page here - IrritatingFish Ko-fi page
IrritatingFish sketchfab

Special thanks to
Mjmanella for checking the code for Giant clam, show icon template and gray skin for Great white shark.
UnusMultorums for creating the light grey skin variant for Great white shark