A huge pack that includes new transformations and skills not included in the base game such as UI ~sign~ MUI, SSGSSE, Ultra Ego, Beast Gohan and many more!
Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
Modification permissionYou must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
Conversion permissionYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
Asset use permissionYou must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
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Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation pointsYou are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
Credit me and my team for our work. It's all we ask and it's easy to do :)
File credits
TheReckon5 Ali DemonBoy NokeCity NoName
Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
Version V4.55
-Increased Goku's level 5 base combo string
Version V4.54
-Fixed facial animation glitch on SSGSSE Vegito's surge combo finisher (Caused to the new update, there may be other animation bugs I have not seen too)
Version V4.53
- Increased Speed of Vegito's first base combo attack
Version V4.52
-Fixed Royal Blaster skill text
Version V4.51
-Re-added Super Vegeta to the skill tree
Version V4.5
Speical thanks to ssjatys for the amazing help he gave to fix a ton of bugs! Please go support him and his work! Special thanks to DoubsOnNexus for letting me use some of his amazing combo assests!
I worked pretty hard on this update! Hope you all enjoy it Z Warriors!
USE A CLEAN SAVE FILE! Some bugs required Skill Trees to be completely redone, so any save file that uses part one or any older version of Limitless will mostlikely not work!
Note: I probably forgot to note down some other changes and additions, so go play with all the characters and see what's different! A whole lot changed!
==New Content== General -Added a new Aura to Ultra Ego and Ultra Vegito -New Optional File that includes a UI dodge that replaces regular blocking. Applied to Goku and Vegito
Future Gohan -Added accurate charge auras -New base combo string
Future Gohan (Missing Arm) -New base combo string
Vegito -Added Big Bang Kamehameha (No Cinematic. Mainly added for the Gogeta add-on, but can be used non the less) -Added a new Big Bang Attack Cinematic -New Kamehameha Cinematic (Credit to Doubs. Asset used from Reborn) -New transform animation and particles for SSGSS and SSGSSE, SSGSSEkkx20 and Ultra Vegito -Improved SSGSSE Surge combination -New SSGSSEKKx20 Surge combination (Credit to Doubs that let me use some of his assets) -Increased size of SSGSSEKKx20 surge aura (slightly) -New Ultra Vegito Surge Combination -New Ultra Vegito Transform Particles -Improved/added a better fly aura for SSGSSE KKx20 (Now has SSGSSE as a base color and red as a sub color)
Bardock -Added accurate charge auras
Vegeta -New Super Saiyan God SS Evolution's surge combo -New Super Saiyan God SS Evolution's Surge Cinematic -New alternative look for SSGSSE (Optional file separate from the main mod. Check the additional files tab) -New Ultra Ego Transform Particles -Improved Ultra Ego Charge particles and color (same goes for Ultra Vegito too)
Gohan -New Beast Surge Combo with cinematic finisher
Trunks -Added a new finisher to SSGSSR -Added sound effects to SSG finisher -New/improved Super Saiyan God SS Rage Surge Combo
==Fixes== General -Fixed some skill level issues. -Auto Forms fixed (Some are still broken, will aim to get fixed but not priority)
Goku -Fixed Auto Form text to say Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken x20 -Fixed Dragon Flash missing it's audio (This wasn't actually caused by mods, this bug was left by the developers. Looks like they missed this!)
Vegito -Fixed Potara Fusion Vegtio Skills (Credit to Chen) -Fixed Stun Cutscene of Kamehameha (Had wrong voice lines and text)
Trunks -Fixed Trunks' Skill Tree -Fixed Galick Gun text lines (skill) -Fixed transform text for SSG, SSGSS and SSGSSR
==Changes== General -Super Saiyan God now has small passive healing. -Nerfed Self Medication due to how strong it was
Goku -Improved Mastered Ultra Instinct's Combo String -Increased the temp transformation of Ultimate kame (Only a little)
Goku (DLC 6) -Added Fresnel to ssj4
Trunks -Reworked Trunks' Skill Tree -Reduced Ki Drain on Trunks' SSGSS and SSGSR -Improved SSGSS and SSGSSR transform animations -Lowered Cost of SSG, SSGSS and SSGSSR -Altered buffs for SSGSS.
Vegeta -Altered Ultra Ego Surge Combo -Lowered price of most modded skills -Changed the colour of Vegeta's level 4 finisher to purple. (Was red) -Ultra Ego's buff is now unique to that form. Initially used an already existing buff that would cancel out if stacked -Adjusted Ultra Ego Surge particles slightly
Future Gohan -Changed Super Saiyan 2 Surge Combo
Vegito -Fixed Weak Vegito issue. -Added a different charge effect to his Kamehameha Cut scence -Lowered SSGSSE KKX20 Ki and Hp drain -Lowered Ultra Vegito Ki drain -Renamed Kamehameha to Final Kamehameha -New Charge sound effect to Final Kamehameha -Super Saiyan God SS Evolution is now a 300% damage boost -Super Saiyan God SS Evoultion Kaioken x20 is now a 400% damage boost -Ultra Vegito is now a 500% damage boost
Vegito (Potara) -Now has custom transformations including SSGSSE, SSGSSEKKX20 and Ultra Vegito
Gohan -Improved Beast Gohan outline aura and fly aura -Improved Beast Gohan Charge Aura -Improved Beast Gohan Surge Aura -Changed base combo a bit -Merged Ultimate Gohan (Modded transformation) with Potential Unleashed
Vegito -Removed Final Kamehameha, kinda (There was two, I decided to change this to Big Bang Kamehameha, Final Kamehameha is still in there)
Vegeta -Removed his basic combo stun cinematic for the time being. Will replace with a better one next update! -Removed Super Vegeta
==Known Issues== -The developers made a mistake/ did not code Bardock in a way that allows him to correctly finish battles. So when using Bardock in Vs Mode you will crash when a fight is finished (via enemy defeat or quitting) -Vegito's Big Bang Attack Cinematic has Vegeta's text lines, me and other modders have looked at the issue but can't seem to find how to remove it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Version V4.02
-Added a tribute to Akira Toriyama to the game start screen logos
Version V4.01
-Main file no longer contains GT Gi. It now is a separate optional file. -Added alternative look to Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken X20 (optional file)
Version V4
THIS IS PART ONE OF A TWO PART UPDATE! THE SECOND PART WILL INCLUDE OTHER BUG FIXES, CHANGES AND NEW CONTENT Update part two will also include compatibility for ssjatys' advanced variant mod! This will let you play as Vegito, Bardock etc freely! Big thanks to ssjatys for helping me out with major bugs! Big thanks to DoubsOnNexus for extra assistance! Big thanks to Sternensohn for the Thumbnail and SSJ4 Icon <3
I would recommend having a new clean save file when installing this update as it has changed a lot of things around file wise; other saves may not work now.
DLC 6 Content -DLC 6 Compatibility -DLC 6 Goku (End Of Z Goku) Now has GT Gi -DLC 6 Goku can now access the Super Saiyan 4 Transformation. (You have to purchase it in his skill tree)
Main Game Content -Altered MUI Surge Combo (Starter has changed) -MUI Surge particles slightly altered. Should look a little more impactful -MUI has a new transform animation -Omen has MUI's transform particles -UI -Sign- is now an auto transformation | Still Drains Ki! | Comes with new Combo String -New Super Saiyan God SS KKX20 Combo String + Finisher -New Super Saiyan God SSK KX20 Surge Cutscene -Super Saiyan God SS KKX20 now has a new base aura -Gave the Potara version of Vegito (Fusion Skill variant) SSGSSE, SSGSSEKKX20 and Ultra Vegito (Only SSGSSE works for now) -Main game title has been changed to "Dragon Ball Z Limitless" (made by Sternensohn)
Changes/Buffs/Nerfs -Lowered the cost of most modded, skills and transformations. (One example: Super Saiyan God SS KKX20 is no longer 50k+ orbs) -Ultimate Warp Kamehameha has been buffed significantly (Try it out) -Kaioken X20 (Skill) has been buffed, it has less HP and Ki drain, along with an increased timer from 8 seconds to 12 -Made Final Blaster and Warp Kamehameha cheaper -Angry Kamehameha has a new sound effect now -Final Strike now called Dragon Combo (Still unsure what to do with this move, any suggestions would be cool!) -Made Power Unleashed the new Ultimate Gohan -Remade Gohan's Skill Tree -Change Gokus Super Saiyan God SS combo back to normal
Fixes -Updated Compatibility with VS Mode. (Text bug is fixed. However you still crash when you fight Goku) -Angry Kamehameha beam is fixed (Beam was inside the arm and had the wrong text lines) -Fixed Small a animation Error on the Shockwave skill and increased the MUI auto transform by a few seconds
Removals -Removed Ultimate Gohan Transformation -Removed Full Power Super Saiyan Transformation (Gohan) -Removed Final Blaster and Ultimate Warp Kame levels, they only have one unlock (Need Super Saiyan God SS KKX20 as a prerequisite) -Removed Super Saiyan God SS 3
Misc -Some files have been re-organised to help with future updating.
A MASSIVE THANK YOU to Doubs (Aka DoubsOnNexus) for making this update possible. He let me use his assets for this update so all credit goes to him. All I did was change some combo strings and tweaked his assets slightly.
Version V3.32
-Changed UI Surge Combo string to be quicker -Shortened Goku's SSJB Combo String -Added Angry Kamehameha to Goku (Free skill, you can find it already there on your skill list) -Removed Gohan's Ultra Sonic Fist level 2 & 3 due to bugs
-Updated to work with the latest Update. -Corrected Goku's Warp Kamehameha to say the right words, also fixed it's animation (stiff legs) -(New Content to be added soon)
I recommend COMPLETING DLC 5 before using limitless, there are some bugs that cause crashing and inf loading screens if you play the DLC with Limitless installed start to finish
Version V3.22
-New Power-up Skill 'Majin Surge' added to Vegeta! -Lasts for 1 minute 30 seconds and boots damage dealt by 100% -The power up can be stacked onto any form! (It's similar to the Kaioken Stack Update)
Version V3.21
-Kaioken now cost's Ki to use. The higher the grade of Kaioken, the greater the cost. -Kaioken now drains Hp and Ki. The higher the grade of Kaioken, the greater the drain. -Kaioken x4 added -Kaioken x10 added -Kaioken x20 added
-Misc- -Added an optional file to make Vegeta's SSGSSE form muscular.
Version V3.20
-Goku now has Kaioken added to his Super Attacks! -You can now activate Kaioken whenever you like, regardless of transformation! Think of this being a Rework of Kaioken. To equip the skill, simply go into Goku's Super Attack Skill list and equip it! -Lasts 30 Seconds. Can be spammed but it won't make you any stronger, it will just refresh the 30 second timer. -Gives a 50% Power boost -Slightly lowers overall HP! -New Thumbnail by Ali Kaioken x4, x10 and x20 will come in a later update! Stay tuned Z Warriors!
Version V3.15
-Deleted unnecessary files to reduce overall file size. No content was added.
Version V3.1
-Future Gohan Now has Super Saiyan 2 -Future Gohan Now has Super Saiyan 3 -More Updates to come, just waiting on other assets. Disclaimer To use Future Gohan, you will need the DLC Characters in Main Game v1.91 Modification It should also be noted that these skills are given out for free. The skills are located in Future Gohan's skill Pallet. Don't try to use his skill tree.
Version V3
-1.91 Compatibility Fix -Minor Adjustments -Fixed mismatched text lines -Fixed broken animations -Burning Spirit has been merged! Bardock now has Super Saiyan and god forms in his arsenal now! -Bardock DLC is now Compatible
Version V2
-Added Super Saiyan God SS. (New surge combos etc) -Added Super Saiyan God SS Rage. (New surge combos etc) -Increased Ki ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Goku-
-Renamed Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken to Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken x20. -Adjusted Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken x20's Aura (Bigger). -New Ultra Instinct Transformation Particles. -Slightly changed Ultra Instinct's Surge Combo (Mastered) -Changed Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken x20's surge combo. -Added a new Ultra Instinct surge aura (For Omen and Mastered) -Added a new skill 'Shockwave'. It will briefly tansform you into MUI. (Note: The skill is given out for free. It should already be in the skill pallet under super attacks). -Added a new skill 'Full Power Strike'. (Warning: This skill is slightly unstable, once the attack has started and the punch connects with the opponent, the animation/attack will freeze for 2-5 seconds. The Dragon Fist doesn't occur when the stun bar is broken. Skill is also given out for free). -Added a new skill 'Full Power Rush'. (Skill is also given out for free). -Increased Ki -Decreased MUI Ki drain -Made Ultimate Kamehameha transform you into MUI instead of SSGSS. -Increased attack speed by 1.5x (Level 5 Combos)(Down finisher is x1.5 quicker) -Added a new Ultra Instinct -Sign- Icon -Added a new Ultra Instinct (Mastered) Icon -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Vegeta-
-Adjusted Super Saiyan God SS Evolution's Aura (Bigger slightly). -Improved the Ultra Ego Transform particles. -Altered the Ultra Ego Surge Combo Slightly. -Added 'Prideful Striker' as a new skill. -Added 'Strong Assault' as a new skill. -Added 'Angry Explosion' as a new skill. -Added 'Royal Blaster' as a new skill. -Added 'Final Destruction' as a new skill. -New Ultra Ego Icon (Made by Sternensohn) Note: To unlock the new skills, you need Ultra Ego unlocked to at least it's first level. -Increased Ki -Increased attack speed by 1.5x (Level 5 Combos)(Down finisher is x1.5 quicker also) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Vegito-
-Adjusted Super Saiyan God SS Evolution Kaioken x20's Aura (Bigger). -New Ultra Vegito Icon (By Ali) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Beerus-
-Improved Beerus' normal combos. (Note: might struggle to see them as beerus doesn't attack normally much.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Piccolo-
-Increased Ki ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Gohan-
---------------------------------------------------------------- Credits TheReckon5 (Lead Modder and Creator) Ali (Artist) Sternensohn (Artist) NokeCity (Modeler) No Name (For the models. Not apart of this mod but can work with it) Ssjatys (Help with major bugs and assistance) DoubsOnNexus (Help with major bugs and assistance) ----------------------------------------------------------------
Description Changes: You've probably noticed that the description looks different! That is because ALL new update information will be contained in the CHANGE LOG! So don't forget to check that out if you want to see what every new update contains! =) (Psst, it's in the logs section! ^_^ )
Important: Not all mods are compatible with this mod! This includes my own that aren't updated!
This mod adds A LOT of new content into the BASE GAME. There are some bonus stuff in the Bardock DLC but other than that there is NO POINT in installing this mod until you have completed / played the main story and DLCs you want.
Failure to follow these instructions may lead to crashes, bugs and soft locks. So with that being said I encourage you to play the base game first and complete everything you want before installing this mod.
This mod adds in a boat load of new content, almost too much to have listed entirely here! So if you don't want to read it all, let me summarise it all for you. New forms, skills and combo strings for nearly all playable characters such as: Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Future Gohan, Future Gohan (Missing arm), Vegito, Gotenks, Bardock, Future Trunks and Piccolo! This mod also includes some QoL changes!
This mod is only compatible with a handful of other mods, such as some of my own, ssjatys vs mode and advanced variant. If you run into game breaking or major bugs such as transformations not working, missing effects and so on, it's most likely because there is a mod that is conflicting with it.
---------------------------------------------------------------- -Universal changes- -Decreased all Ki costs on modded forms. -Slightly buffed some moves. -Some bug fixes and adjustments.
---Vegito--- -Buffed Vegito's attack strength and heavily buffed his Ki. -Added Super Saiyan God SS Evolution with new Surge combos. -Added Super Saiyan God SS Evolution Kaioken X20 with new Surge combos AND a new custom aura! -Added Ultra Vegito with new Surge Combos. -Added a new X/Square/Left Finisher. -Added a new Y/Triangle/Up Finisher (Vegeta's Level 4 Ki boost) -Added a new B/Circle/Right/Normal Finisher. -Buffed and improved base (Non-Surge) combos. -Slightly Buffed: Kamehameha, Spilt finger shot, Big Bang Attack, and Spirit Sword. -Added Auto Forms to: SSGSSE, SSGSSEKKX20 and Ultra Vegito -Added new moves: -Godly Slash -Ultimate Split Finger Shot -Hakai -Energy Sphere -Ultimate Warp Kame -Destructive Blaster -Final Consecutive Ki Wave (Final Kame Finish) -Sphere of Destruction. -Final Kamehameha (Cutscene has text, can't seem to get rid of it.) -Note: You can not use the new skills and transformations if you use the Potara skill mid-battle. You will only be able to use SSJ, SSG, and SSGSS and his regular skills.
---Gotenks--- -Buffed Stats -Improved the Base combos (Non-surge) -Added Goku's level 4 combo finisher (Bottom/A/Circle) -Added Super Saiyan God SS with surge combos. (Mainly out of a gag referencing how trunks and Goten went Super Saiyan by accident) -Buffed base Ki.
---Gohan--- -Improved Base Combos (Non-surge) -Added Beast Gohan with a custom aura! (Make sure to download No Names Models for this transformation. It'll be marked as a required download when you download this mod)
---Piccolo--- -Improved Base Combos (Non-Surge) -Added a new X/Square/Left Finisher -Added ascended form to Piccolo -Added Orange Piccolo -Added Super Namekian God with new surge combos.
---Goku--- -Buffed Limit Breaker Kamehameha. -Final Blaster skill added (Super Saiyan God SS KKX20 as a prerequisite) -Warp Kamehameha (Super Saiyan God SS KKX20 as a prerequisite) -Need Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken unlocked at level 3 to get moves. -Improved Super Saiyan God SS surge combo.
---Vegeta--- -Energy Sphere Skill added -Sphere of Destruction Skill added -Hakai Skill added -Final Consecutive Ki Wave (Final Flash Finish) Skill added -Slightly altered the UE surge combo and recoloured some moves to look purple. -Added an Auto Form to Ultra Ego -Greatly improved the Surge Animation for Ultra Ego. (Tried my BEST to get rid of the eyebrows but wasn't meant to be. Use the model No Name made instead!)
-Godly Slash was going to be 'Spirit Slash', but decided against it. -I added in Godly Slash because I took inspiration from the fan manga 'The God Killer' Vegito by ARJ. It's what most of his moves are based on.
-I took an entire day perfecting Vegito's non-surge base combo. I wanted to feel smooth and quick.
-Vegeta was going to get the "God of Destruction's wrath" move renamed to "Angry Blaster", but I decided against it since the move isn't very good and slows down combat.
-Vegito was going to progressively get his transformations and moves via having you unlock them with the respected character first. E.G You'd get SSGSS E when you unlock it a level 3 for Vegeta. But sadly it didn't work out.
-There was a custom Ultra Ego head model made by Falcon (The guy who made the MUI Hair) But sadly, I couldn't get it to work properly.
-I wanted to add SSJB3 for Goku as a nice nod to my first-ever transformation mod. It's actually my favourite. Sadly it couldn't be added in as a standalone form due to the fact that there's such a thing called a transformation limit. (The limit is 8 forms per character.) I tried to replicate what Doubs did with the SSGSSKK mod having you transform at the end of the combo. But I couldn't get it to work.
-Goku was going to two have Supreme Kai moves, but one of them didn't look good, nor was actually good at all. So it was swapped for Ultimate Warp Kame. The move it replaced was called "Ultimate Bullet Wave".
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks Big thank you to DoubsOnNexus for making power have no permissions and helping with content! Big thank you to RikudouFox and other Youtubers for supporting my content! Big thank you to Ssjatys for helping with major bugs and overall assistance! Big thank you to all the fans that have supported me throughout! Your love keeps me going! Big thank you for everyone that has helped me work on Limitless! Together we really made Kakarot 2 haha :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Drag and drop into your ~mods folder in the Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Directory.
Here is an example file path if you don't know where to find it: Steam\steamapps\common\DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROT\AT\Content\Paks\~mods
-If you don't have a ~mods folder, simple make one and put any mod in there!