About this mod
MERGED File Version Sorry No Fomod Version, idk the fomod crash before i can create it.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Patch required : 1.4.132
Done by : All by the glory of FO4EDit.

An updated requested Granted on comment section.
Installation Instructions on new mod users that's confused how to install this
1. You will need Armorkeywords For AWKCR version
2. if you choose download manually you need to extract data files in this location
C: \ Program Files \ Steam \ steamapps \ Common \ Fallout 4 \ Data
Recent Update Announcment
Fomod will be added soon, not yet the file section is still the same due to one person request one plugin i will re-make and re-balance entire file with plenty version to choose from.
- -Weightless version/cheat version/Vanilla
- -Weightless version/cheat version/Armor keywords patch
- - Vanilla/Rebalance version
- - Vanilla/Rebalance Version/Armor keywords patch
- - Vanilla/Cheat Version
Non awkcr will be located on Chemstation
An awkcr Will be relocated on a new Category, please backup all you're save file before isntalling new updates , Thank you for downloading.
FOMOD application crashing over and over before i can updated maybe in near future when i really learn how to ceate FOMOD i'm still a noob on that part.
Folder Installation Just Drag the files in data
- "All Tagged In this category
- Vanilla - [Vanilla DLC stuff/Combined Including Powerarmor/WEAPONS/Robot Armor ALL IN ONE]
- Vanilla Rebalanced - [ ALL DLC Rebalanced with added 1-5+ PTS fair STATS on each armor re-edit the entire file]
- Vanilla Weightless - [ALL DLC Vanilla Weightless cheat version , has updated names and boosted unfair stat marked as cheat]
- All above as usual when mod labeled as awkcr you Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource to make it work if you want categorized version
- added extra stuff "ROBO REPAIR KIT" can be crafted on chemlab
if you enjoyed the mod and its update please endorsed this file or if you if feel the mod is done in wrong way and its breaking you're game please let me know and i will fixed it asap when i'm able.
1.M.N.A Military Nuclear Arsenal
2.Wasteland Workshop Silent FX
3.Weightless Scraplist