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Update 1.3
- New eyes for dark elves and orcs. They are more dark now. Let me know if you prefer the old eyes for these two races

Update 1.2
- New eyes for khajiits
- Added two optional packs who will replace human bloodshoot eyes. One with red and violet elven eyes and another with amber and orange dragonian eyes. Install them after the main file overriding my mod original files
- If you have a female human vampire and your eyes are hazel-brown download this fix

Update 1.1
- Corrected a wrong path with 2 argonian files.
- Completely new eyes for argonians! They are better than human ones!

Upcoming releases
- i will improve humans color gradients and make use of better shadows

I dont like oversaturated eyes and how bethesda made elves and orcs ones. I tried to make eyes with natural colors and shapes (when possible, khajiits and argonians are another story) and added shadows to make them more real. I tried differents other eyes mods but nothing i liked. These are no superman, naruto or alien eyes, only more realistic eyes.

Unzip the file inside your Skyrim folder and enable the "Load loose files" in your start up panel. If you want to change the eyes of your current character, open the console and enter the command "/showracemenu". This will let you change your eyes :)