Skyrim Special Edition
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  1. ProStyle13
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    is this mod still necessary? 
    1. ajnics22
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
    2. smaxy3
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      I guess Bethesda has some other priorities with their constant "patches", far more important than fixing 12 years old bugs and glitches... 
    3. VintageTVs
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I still get this bug so yes it's been over a decade going on a decade an a half now and this has still not been patched out.
  2. Tiamat042
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    During my very first playthrough of Skyrim (way back on the PS3), a dragon I killed extremely early in the game followed me for hours and hours. I named him Floppy and we had many adventures together. He was always there, waiting for me outside dungeons, going shopping, climbing mountains, trips to the beach. Heck, he even carried my stuff for me, what a gentleman! At some point Floppy stopped following me and, bizarrely, I missed him (and my stuff, the thief). But lo and behold, many hours of gameplay later, probably weeks of real time, FLOPPY CAME BACK. It was a very touching reunion. Literally, he fell on my head. 

    RIP the PS3 days when the only solution was to adopt dead dragons.
    1. DarkDominion
      • premium
      • 453 kudos
      Very cool story

      Question remains : was Floppy still carrying your stuff ?
    2. Tiamat042
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      He was not. Probably used it to pad his dragon hoard. >:(

      My husband and I still laugh about Floppy to this day. Bethesda bugs; making memories since 1994.
    3. Binak
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I can't remembar laughing this hard to any other Nexus comment ever
    4. Alvoltz
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      omfg hahahahahhahhaaahhah wonderful story!
    5. Schadow6
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh Boy so funny story, had these days nothing to laugh but your story let me laughing so hard fantastic and ty !!!!
  3. Yakis0ba
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Honestly, endorsing just for the mod description.
  4. Snippy2077
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    It is the year 2022 A.D.

    Amalgamations of draconic bone and sinew pollute the realm.  Cities lie barricaded behind walls of desolate form; a stout reminder that no matter how safe you feel, the horde will always be there.

    Yet, a ray of hope.  One stands amongst the remains of millions, containing a power, unfathomable, to those who succumb to the eternal grave of the lizard tomb.  One with an eternal fire in their heart to right a wrong that has been stalking humanity for a decade. 


    Mara Guide You, sevencardz.

  5. Impulseman45
    • premium
    • 83 kudos
    The number one reason these things happened is because player tends to forget that all Bethesda games built on the GameBryo, Oblivion, Garden Of Eden(aka)Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas, and Creation Engine 1 and 2 must be locked to 60FPS period. No if, ands, or buts about it. This is because the Havoc engine, aka, physics engine, goes nuts if it goes above 60fps, it always has. This is why there are flying cows, giants that hit the ground in front of you and put you into orbit, and why dragons fall from the sky and rubber-band around. The other main reason its seen most on Dragons and Cows is that they have some major issues with their Skeleton meshes, they are bugged and have never been fixed. This is why you can't resize dragons down in size, they fail to fly. Or use the Cow skeleton on a larger animal and hunt and kill them without them going into orbit. All this is very well documented. So in the end this mod may or may not help or be needed. But keep your Vsync turned on, either in the game options, or your, if you used it, ENB settings. If you are using a high refresh rate monitor, 75, 90, 120, 144 Hz lock it to 60fps, then engage vsync. Sorry but its the facts of life for all Bethesda games on the Gamebryo/Creation engine. Yes Fallout 4 handles this a tiny bit better and so does Skyrim SE, for a short time, but in the end the weird Havoc glitches will start to show up if you let the game go above 60FPS. Just reminding everyone about this, it is so often forgotten when almost all other games are able to be played at higher refresh rate.
    1. shiholude
      • premium
      • 143 kudos
      Sticky this. On the nexus homepage. Forever.
    2. initial427
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Thanks a bunch!
    3. badkrma
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
      At least for me, if you want to uninstall this, running Fallrim tools afterwards says my save was clean.
    4. fragmentedbeauty
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
      I lock my framerate to 60fps and turn on vsync, with my 75 Hz monitor. Dragons still stalk me without this mod.
    5. mattski123
      • supporter
      • 88 kudos
      I know this is old... But have you considered this mod? SSE Display Tweaks along with this one? SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin)

      I've managed to play at 120 frames and have had no problems whatsoever... Just sayin'...
    6. lancegeis
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      being at 60 fps vsync from the start with vanilla settings, i still have this issue. So no, it's not tied to fps.
    7. mythochondria
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      the best way to lock fps is by setting your monitor refresh rate to below 60fps. Vsync sadly still fluctuates fps to above 60fps. Also try to turn off gysnc
    8. rpg38
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      also, if using an enb there is an option to set your fps and lock it. I keep mine at 59 and unless mod conflict I never have issues. 
    9. Socratatus
      • premium
      • 70 kudos
      Forget? How can we forget what we didn't know?
    10. Zerilinirath
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      @Mythochondria, you know that a game can technically run at a higher fps than your refresh rate on the monitor right? You won't see it but the game would still be outputting whatever FPS it is. This is why you probably don't wanna run 250 fps on a 60Hz monitor. It honestly looks terrible. I got to experience this when playing League of Legends once. It was very... Odd and not very comfortable. The game still runs at 250 fps if it is set to and your PC is capable of doing so even if your Hz doesn't match and the same issues would come from it I'd imagine.
    11. jjmard
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      I had this happen under 60 fps though
    12. Daemonjax
      • supporter
      • 66 kudos
      Late reply, but just because you have vsync on doesn't mean fps never goes over 60 -- for a couple of reasons: 1) the vsync implementation may not be 100% accurate, 2) even if you have a "60 hz" lcd panel, it's probably not 60 hz and may actually be slightly higher than 60 hz.

      I always run every game with vsync AND another program called RTSS and use that to cap fps 0.01 fps UNDER my actual vertical refresh rate -- use (for me it's actually 60 hz but only because I overclocked my lcd to exactly 60 hz from 59.97 but that's not necessary, so I cap fps to 59.99 in all my games).  Use this website to test actual fps if you have an advertised 60 hz display:

      RTSS is SUPER accurate.
    13. HorrorVirus
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Wait, what?
  6. deleted67173466
    • account closed
    • 2 kudos
    Works great, but a little too great.  Dragons no longer stalk me which is awesome.  Unfortunately this mod also cleans up other NPCs I've killed.  Eisa Blackthorn, for instance, that bandit defector outside of one of the vanilla dungeons near Stonehills, disappeared when I went back out of the dungeon after clearing it.  Also, in a modded dungeon which has an army of Draugr Deathlords, all of whom seem to have an unhealthy obsession with the Disarm shout, I fought about 20 or so of them and they had a whole heaping helping of ebony battleaxes, but after I went through a doorway into another chamber and had to retreat because of another army of Draugr Deathlord archers (each shot from which took like half my health because they're using ebony bows and arrows), all the corpses I had left complete with all the nice battleaxes were gone, as were all the weapons they'd left next to them. 

    Now, of course there is always the thing people could say to me "just leave and go back when you're at level 31 and they can't disarm you anymore," but that doesn't make this problem go away.  It didn't happen before I installed this mod, and this is the only corpse-cleaning mod I've got installed, so I have no reason really to think it's any other mod in my load order.
    1. HorrorVirus
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Wait, what?
  7. whiiite92
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i was in the middle of the story where i downloaded this mod, now for some reasen i encounter no more random dragon fights

    it wouldn't be so bad in the end but now i can't get no more dragonsouls

    can i edit this with sseedit? (disabled the mod did not fixed it)
    1. shahroozleon
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      not sure if this mod causes it or not but I too encounter no more dragons outside their houses(places where they rest and there's word power) after I got at level 50, and with 14 dragon souls still unused, not much progress in the main dragons quests.
      (btw i dont use this mod but I wanted to, but still unsure how safe it is with AE and other mods I've installed.
    2. whiiite92
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ok weird, it begun with lvl 42 ro so, got 14 spells and im in the mission where i must bring back the horn to them

      maybe its in vanilla, im playing a little more then we see 

      thanks for the reply
  8. Esteris
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    That sounds terrifying. If I left some store and I saw a dragon hugging the building like in the screenshot I'd genuinely jump in my seat xD Supposedly this is fixed already, but I'm not risking it, nu-uh. Getting ze mod...
  9. StefanCP
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    This isn't needed anymore, Bethesda fixed the issue 6-7 years ago in patch 1.9. Read more about this on USSEP thread.
    1. DarkDominion
      • premium
      • 453 kudos
      then why is it still happening to people ?
    2. deleted119234633
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos

      then why is it still happening to people ?

      because people use all sort of junk/untested/unstable (even if the mod author say it's working)/conflicting mods.

      Do you want examples? see where go endorsements in this site.

      I have almost never got the Dragon stalking problem since the SSE release.
    3. genderneutralnoun
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      To be fair, a lot of mods people use are stable on their own, and don't create issues when used with a few other mods, but the issues start stacking up when you have a lot of mods. I'm not saying there aren't horribly broken mods out there, but- oh, you're a deleted account. Never mind then.
  10. NetRaptor
    • premium
    • 36 kudos
    Safe to turn into an ESL. In case anyone was wondering.
    1. LokiMK87
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      thanks bro
    2. mrbetadine
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      The esp is a dummy. Just unpack the BSA and use the loose file. No need for the esp file.