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  1. Salivon
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    (Shadowlands version)Ive been playing it for the last few weeks with a group of friends. Started in Timeless Isle then transferred to Gilnaes and farmed mats in silverpine forest. Now getting Iron in Tol Barad(?). I like How bosses seem to be in the major cities of each zone. I think. Eikethyr was in Gilnaes city in center, Elder was in Southshore, Im going to guess that bonemass is in Menithal Harbor. 

    I was wondering a couple things. Could you add a feature that pops up to which zone you are in? Like If I enter the wetlands, It pops up at the top(wetlands) the same way the existing feature of "mountians/meadows/black forest" has it. Bonus if it does this for the towns and landmarks as well. (stormwind, Deadmines, Sentinal Hill, raven hill graveyard). 

    Also, is there any community effort to recreate the buildings, roads, etc of WoW? I dont expect and entire recreation of SW, and ICC. But even just the roads and foundations would go a long way. Or having ingame village/abandoned building/tower where one would exist in WoW would be awsome. I cant find Tarren Mill, and ShadowFang Keep is unrecognizable, even just looking at terrain. where places like Stromgarde and Refuge point I can find, But only because the terrain is extremely obvious. 
    1. ljonathan
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      Are you still playing? And would you be interested in working on the recreation of the world? We dont have to do everything, Im simply going to pick one project at a time and go from there, right now im doing the Orgrimmar Main Gate, which is turning out amazing, after which im going to begin on the city inside. I figure over time if each individual that joins can do one thing, eventually we can fill alot of the world and make it more fun. I even plan on either giving a copy of the world to Kromek, So it can be added as a fourth optional map, or ask permission if we can offer it here on the nexus ourselves.
    2. Lacostage
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      • 0 kudos
      Hey, I would love to work on recreating some part or city of Wow in your map :)
    3. xZanzo420x
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      I'd love to help out on that project as well... Anyone have a copy of the heightmap file for these azeroth maps?
  2. Murdocftw
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    I keep spawning in the high north, with all the gates first in mid air and suddenly destroyed. Am I doing somthing wrong here? (Cataclysm)

    1. Kromek
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      • 2 kudos
      Sorry for the late reply.
      I tried to replicate the problem but it looks fine on my side.
      It sounds like a problem with better continents, can you check if the world looks anything like it should? if not there is a problem with the BetterContinents.dll, maybe redownload it and try again. Maybe check if BepInEx needs an update aswell. Also the spawnpoint for the Cataclysm map is Isle of Quel'Danas (very upper right side of the map) so it sounds like the spawnpoint is correct.
      Thanks for trying out my map, hope it works out
  3. ljonathan
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    I've got to ask, has anyone found the Trader location yet? I would really love to build a trade city around his camp... FOUND TRADER, Shadowlands map version, In the Hillsbrad Foothills, Near what used to be the HIllsbrad fields, now the sludge fields.

    and I noticed others asking about replicating the buildings and such, I myself am working on the recreation of Orgimmar, I plan on getting this main city at least skeletal, then opening a dedicated server to allow others a place to come and help bring it all together. I figure it may take time but the more hands on deck the faster it can start becoming a filled and lived in world. Anyone interested can hit me up here or at my email,

    Just want to add, that so far, measurements for building sizes in the recreation are nearly perfect on Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, the Valheim custom map size for these two continents happens to be almost identical in actual size compared to the live WoW map, which means the reconstruction should be very nearly perfect. I cannot attest, however, to the size of the other islands as of yet.

    [email protected]

    or reach out to my IG,


    BTW I use the Populated Villages - PopVillages Mod by Fantu, and when I got to Orgrimmar, it was Filled with  a Draugr Village and Upon Clearing it of Enemies, I secured the Village and now its filled with Common Human NPCs, So cool running around a populated Orgrimmar as I begin Construction, Its cool, I almost feel as this is Azeroths past, We have a whole open world before us, and WE get to found it this time :D
  4. Malacay2k11
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Not Updated since "May 2021" ... Needs much more effort...
  5. Bigfootseason
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    A good start, but it doesn't feel like Azeroth. At the very least it needs roads, and in the long term, a community effort to add buildings here and there. I know somebody made Lion's Pride Inn - maybe link up with him and import it. 
  6. hempshaw
    • member
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    Very cool, the effort is appreciated. I'm gonna start my best attempt at recreating Booty Bay and work north from there! Thanks!
  7. Firesworn
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Did you update the Cata map yet?
    1. Kromek
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      • 2 kudos
      Not yet sadly
      Im working on something else right now, but it will be done in the next update somewhen this week.
  8. Krumpacz
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    Great map! Should be possible to get the roughmap, biomemap, spawnmap and the flatmap ? I would like to edit a little bit the Ashlands & DeepNorth spawn places and gerenate it as new world, since we are now able to unlock the secret/hidden objects(buildings/caves/dungeons) ? :)
    1. Kromek
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      • 2 kudos
      I just realized that changing the biomemap and spawnmap isn't possible on a downloaded map, i always could while creating the world so i thought it would work aswell, sorry about that.
      The Heightmap is what you need to generate the world, and while my plan was to release my source material when im done with a project, im not willing to give it away just now. It took me about 10 days to make it.
      Im gonna make a Discord server for more suggestions and requests, so when i find the time i will make your map.

  9. hexxr666
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    Walking around and recognising small mounds and hills and being able to say "yep, here's crossroads", walking along and remembering "this should lead to a gap between two hills, yep here's the exit of Valley of Trials", "this slow slope should lead up to a big plateau with a small hollow, yep Undercity is right here." It's just way too damn cool!

    I've stumbled across an OG <-> UC port. Are there others like this?

    Love the mod!
    1. Kromek
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Yes, there are portals for Orgrimmar - Undercity, Ratchet - Booty Bay, Theramore - Menethil and The Deeprun Tram from Stormwind - Kharanos.
      Gonna drop a update soon that will fix the water problems in elvynn/duskwood, STV, redridge, swamp of sorrows, wetlands, mulgore and barrens/durotar to make it look even more recognizable, so stay tuned :)

      And thank you very much for your nice comment <3
  10. PsychoMetalxNTD
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    For the future maybe you could use these maps as a reference.
    The Author has several maps of Azeroth represented as if they were real, with many details.

    Hope this can help you.

    (sorry for my bad english, i used google translate)
    1. Kromek
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Interesting idea
      I could make a biomemap that resembles those maps somewhat i guess, but its not on my list yet, but if its just about the biomes you could easily do it yourself aswell. Check out Better Continents there are guides on how to create and replace biomemaps
      Thanks for checking out my map