The Witcher 3

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Created by

Stellar7Project for Long COVID Europe

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  1. stellar7project
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    So that we understand each other:

    I wrote this mod as a courtesy for the Long COVID Europe organisation. The project is under their direction, so making requests for feature changes because you are at odds with the subject matter is not my jurisdiction.

    What I can offer is bug fixes. I would actually appreciate any bugs that the community finds, especially with the new HUD element as I'm implementing something similar in another project.
  2. Buzzzzilisk
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    ..more like a vaccine-side effects mod...
  3. Cronomas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I am really getting far cry 2 vibes. Heavens knows how much free time I had when I was younger, it seems like an extra level difficulty on witcher 3. Appreciate the effort bu this mod will add too many "real life" hassles.
  4. rj200b
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    As someone who had M.E. as a child, and more recently took a few months to really recover from COVID this is the last mod I want to run!

    However, I like the idea. If it helps a few people develop some understanding and sympathy for people with invisible illnesses then you have done a good thing.

    I actually found Witcher 3 was the perfect game to play while recovering from COVID. Some games are quite intense for long periods; Witcher 3 has a more relaxing pace. Combat is usually brief, and sometimes avoidable, and when you are tired you can always take a break from the main quest and just explore the beautiful world or play gwent.
  5. Banjomir777
    • premium
    • 68 kudos
    I wrote this mod as a courtesy for the Long COVID Europe organisation.

    For real, or is this humour?
    Actually, nevermind. Whatever the reaosn for this mod (which doesn't make any sense whichever way you look at it), it seems to be a nightmare merging with version 4.03. No thanks.
    1. stellar7project
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Well, they wanted my help. Sometimes all you have to do is just ask.
    2. Banjomir777
      • premium
      • 68 kudos
      The Long COVID Europe Organization wanted to make a COVID mod for The Witcher 3. I highly doubt that.
    3. stellar7project
      • member
      • 11 kudos
    4. Rockinwithkropotkin
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yikes, are you this rude about every mod that "doesnt make any sense" or is there just something about this one that especially offends you?
    5. Banjomir777
      • premium
      • 68 kudos
      I was not rude in any way. I am simply questioning the merits and apparent commission for this mod. Why would anyone want to now promote "Long COVID" like it is something good? It is of poor taste.
    6. Cooldudyorue
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      It is to raise awareness. Some people have something called empathy for fellow human beings. It isn't a bad thing if you don't have any - you cannot control that. Just like people cannot control their long covid symptoms.
    7. helljoe12
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      looks like one hell of a grift org man, but at least they paid you to make this, right?
    8. DismalRing
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Why leave a comment if you're just gonna be a moron? No one cares if you're gonna download it or not, you're not that important. Ignore this weirdo stellar, it's a cool mod. 
  6. Schimmelreiter65
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    Critical comments will be deleted.Why am I not surprised?!
    1. Veanes
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Yes, statements that run counter to the general narrative are removed. The author does not accept everyone's opinion and is not very open-minded. I'm not asking for any mod removal but I just want my opinion to be accepted on any page if I don't say anything abusive. As far as I know, no one can interrupt a person who is speaking in public if it is not abusive, offensive or harassing. I don't see why my opinion should be deleted here.
      The mod author even deleted the opinions of the two biggest modders of the witcher 3 when their opinions were in line with the author...
    2. M1k3Ezz
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      for real, i mean primal needs is even accpetable(Pee and poop) but personally i can't understand why this mod even exist, i mean we all know that after the mutation, geralt won't get sick that easily except for strong or deadly poison stuff. Why even bother to make a mod about a virus which kills  people in realistic and put it in the game, i just don't get it.
    3. stellar7project
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Not sure who you're really referring to, but I never deleted any comments here or on my other two witcher mods.
    4. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 316 kudos
      Really? I thought you were offended by what the "two biggest modders of the witcher 3" were saying.
    5. longjohn119
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      I believe any comments that were deleted were deleted by the Nexus Moderators who don't put up with a lot of crap (nor should they)
      You have no rights to free speech on someone else's personal property including privately owned Internet servers. Your rights end where the next person's rights begin meaning on someone's else property their property rights supersede your free speech rights. 
    6. Schimmelreiter65
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Nexus deletes a comment I wrote neutrally, where I point out that comments will be deleted? And am I supposed to believe that? Good joke!The creator claims no comments are deleted here. Whoever deletes them, it's a blatant lie to say they don't!

      I won't pursue this any further here, it's a waste of energy dealing with such nonsense.
  7. bushidounohana
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you for making this mod, I first got sick back in April 2020, and essentially have never gotten better. In many ways, worse. Crippled by a condition that many don’t even believe exists. I’ve lost my livelihood, my home, my ability to do any real activity beyond half an hour. Daily. While I can understand those who have no desire to use this mod and those who cannot comprehend its value, I appreciate the effort and the idea behind it. If you would have tried to explain this condition to me before I fell ill, I wouldn’t have been able to comprehend it myself. It’s surreal. It’s unbelievable. At yet, it is the “new normal” for so many. For my part, I’m working on translating my experience into a novel. You can imagine how long it’s taking, but it’s about all I have left. So thank you to the mod creator and love to all those suffering and to all those attempting to understand!
  8. Feregorn
    • premium
    • 130 kudos
    Although not a mod I plan to use - for many reasons - most important being that I don't play the game, I definitely applaud the effort, as it does look like a well thought-out and technically implemented mod. This is not surprising in any way though, if one knows of the creator's previous works (I'm a big fan of the W2 overhaul mod).

    What I really don't like though, is seeing some very immature and inconsiderate reactions. I don't have the time to expand on civility, upbringing, social values and more, but knee-jerk reactions of the type "not lore-friendly because Geralt can't get sick", etc completely miss the point and reveal a clear lack of empathy and/or comprehension skills.

    This is a not a mod made to be lore-friendly or claiming to be lore-friendly. The aim of this mod is to raise awareness for a serious ongoing health issue that has stayed with many fellow humans across the world, although the COVID pandemic is now officially "ended" according to WHO. Subsequently, to accomplish this aim, the organisation that commissioned this mod (and others like it) thought about using mods for popular videogames, as this allows for a more interactive learning experience of the Long COVID condition on human health.

    Someone might disagree with the aim or the means to achieve it. However, the mod and the rationale behind it should not be demeaned or ignored, because the end state is to get attention, find funding and develop solutions that will help alleviate the symptoms of a still largely unknown disease and/or cure so many people that are still sick. And that's a noble cause that deserves to be supported and not diminished.

    Obviously, downloading and playing this mod won't do that, but instead it should be thought of as a starting point for more serious discussions out in the real life/world that may cascade into a real call for action.
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 316 kudos
      Completely agreed.
      It won't please everyone, but the purpose is very respectable.
  9. Vandelgard
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you so much.. I've been suffering for half a year already. 
    It would be immersive, given my personal experience, if you added anything that translates to thyroid issues :P
    I will use it on a separate save, I also understand if you will delete my comment. 
    It's an interesting approach to raise awareness or make some people feel better about it :)
  10. TheMattaBase
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for making this mod. 
  11. Jerichorandall
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Brilliant work! Long Covid seems to be laughed at in America. My boss always made fun of me for it and kept telling me it wasn't real.