Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
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  • A Kurdish inspired flag or banner

    A flag for the indigenous peoples of North Iraq (Bakur - which means north), Western Iran (Rojhelat, west), Eastern Turkey (Bashur, east) and North east Syria (Rojava, which means west in Kurdish, as in west Kurdistan). The original inhabitants of the region who seeking autonomy and peace in the region for all native and indigenous peoples in the region, largest nation in the world without a country, at 38-40 million Kurds inhabiting the region originating from neolithic red crescent aborigines. 

    Install: Copy the code in the txt file and press Ctrl+V in the banner editor screen. You can click the Kingdom tab in game and press the emblem to change it at anytime in game even on a current save file then paste it in with CTRL+V in the banner editor screen there as well. ...

  • Feedback

    Обсуждение перевода
    Здесь вы можете поделиться багом, связанным с самим переводом
    Предложить что-то, например изменить в переводе то или это...

  • Features Suggestions and Requests

    Good day all!

    I am collecting possible mod features or suggestions that can be related to this mod. Do feel free to drop a comment if you have a suggestion for a new mod feature, or how an existing feature can be improved!...

  • original creator
    support the creator...

  • Adding Minor Faction Hideouts To Your Mod

    This guide will show you how to add Minor Faction Hideouts to your mod. This should work on any map.

    Adding New MF Hideouts

    Method 1: Hijacking Bandit Hideouts (easy)

    Step 1: Find a Bandit Hideout to Hijack and save it's string id.
    To find suitable Bandit hideouts I would recommend going into settlements.xml and changing hideout names to something like "Hideout 1, Hideout 2" etc. or setting up a CampaignBehavior with a SettlementEntered event listener and entering Hideouts.
    To see all hideouts on a map you can use cheats by pressing ALT+` then running "config.cheat_mode 1" and "campaign.show_hideouts 2"

    Step 2: Make a settlements.xslt file in your mod to remove the hideout using its string id.

    <?xml versio...


    Tüm Kalradya gruplarının yenilenme modudur. 30 yeni klan, 750 yeni birim, 250 yeni silah ve büyük, küçük ve kanun dışı gruplar için genişletilmiş asker ağaçları içerir. RBM'li ve RBM'siz çalışır....

  • Bald Prisoner


    when capture lord, add choice make prisoner bald.

    Create your own encyclopedia of bald heroes!...

  • Weapon Suggestions

    Add comments below this of suggestions for new weapons, after so many have been suggested I will update this mod....

  • Instalacao do Mod

    Instalação do Mod:

    Esta é apenas uma tradução em português do mod e não é autônoma. É necessário baixar o mod completo na versão 1.2.3 como base e, em seguida, aplicar o patch 1.2.5. Após o download, extraia as pastas contidas nos arquivos baixados sobre as pastas correspondentes em "Módulos", substituindo os arquivos quando solicitado.

    Atualização do Jogo Bannerlord:

    Para garantir compatibilidade, é recomendável alterar a versão do jogo Bannerlord para o branch estável 1.2.8 antes de aplicar esta atualização. Embora a versão mais recente no momento do upload seja 1.2.5, foi confirmado que ainda funciona na versão 1.2.8.

    Eu estou usando a versão 1.2.7 da Steam verde. Observe que o mod não é compatível com a versão...

  • Suggestions

    Add Suggestions to the comments of this post....

  • Using the Killer Shooter mod

    Using the "Killer Shooter" mod...

  • Adjustable Bandits Turkce Yama

    Bu mod Adjustable Bandits modunun türkçe dil desteği eklemesine olanak sağlamaktadır.
    Yüklemek için Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\AdjustableBandits\ModuleData\Languages klasörüne indirdiğiniz zip dosyasından TR klasörünü çıkarıp bu klasöre yerleştiriniz....

  • New tutorial video

    Here is a new tutorial video:
    I am sure you will discover stuffs ;) ...

  • How to report a game crash.

    This is a guide on how to report a game crash.
    First of all, you must have the ButterLib mod installed.
    When this mod is installed in case the game crashes you will see a crash report on your screen.
    To properly send it to me, click on the "Upload Report as a Permalink" button.

    But wait Before you open a new bug report you should take a few more steps.

    1. Reproducibility check.In this step you should load the nearest save without changing anything and try to trigger the crash again.
    If (you succeed){
    that's great. Try to identify the trigger, i.e. describe the conditions under which the game crashes and your actions that allow you to cause a crash.

    If (you can reproduce the crash){
    you should proceed to step...

  • AddMoreLooters

    this mod is increased looters and bandits Party Size
    you need to clean some bandits inside your old compagin to make them respawnded again with high party Size...

  • BetterLootingLooters

    !if u want me add more things and make bandits upgrade to better infentry just post comment
    this mod add a good loot for bandits and it will help u when u start game
    but make sure u can fight them and finish them
    my youtube channel :

  • Disable auto-equipment

    Note that starting with version 1.0.8, there are now two lock buttons in the inventory screen. One locks the armors, the other - the weapons. They allow selective locking - per companion.

    In version 1.0.9 MCM support was added, but with that I introduced a bug that causes the file config to not work if you don't have MCM. The only way to disable autoequip in that version is to have MCM installed.

    It is possible for the auto-equipment behavior to be disabled altogether, through a config file. Here's how:

    Go to "My Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs" folder and make a folder "SmallSquadVanguard" in it.
    Inside the new folder, make a file "config.txt"

    Examples: <...

  • Characters import

    If you have character body codes that you want to use for the mod's companions, you can import them. Here's how:

    Go to "My Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs" folder and make a folder "SmallSquadVanguard" in it.
    Inside the new folder, make a file "companions_body_keys.txt"

    In that file you enter three things, separated by a comma: string id, the name and the body key.


