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About this mod

Adds recipes for Batteries, Acid, Polymers, Mechanical/Electric parts, Brass and more!
Also adds two new resources Copper and Zinc with new mining and refining patterns.
Also adds a new campfire chem station tool for refining the new resources.
All in game models made by me and are posted here in the pictures. I hope you like it!

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Version 1.0

How to explain this mod. This is my way of including the special parts in a more realistic way. I did a crap ton of research and tried to make this mod off of what happens in the real world.

This mod adds two new resources Copper and Zinc. These resources are fully integrated into the game (schematics, progressions, ect) with certain recipes that require a new tool, a Lead Silver Anode. They can be found in world loot, salvaged, or mined in their raw forms. All of these new items come with custom icons I created. Each of the new resources have specific locations to be mined and different patterns of refining. 
These new resources are used in new recipes for brass, batteries, and even painkillers.
All of the items from my other mod All Parts Craftable, that were not true "Parts" items have also been moved to this mod. Those are acid, springs, mechanical/electric parts, polymers ect. This mod also adds recipes for solar cells and solar banks.

Another major change is to the Chemistry Station. With this mod the recipe will REQUIRE a new tool, the Lead and Silver Anode. Personally, I love this addition, it adds a fully immersive addition to the game that allows you to create Brass the way it is done in the real world. I even try to get the refining method for Zinc and Copper close as well! The Chemistry Station recipe will seem rather different because an intermediate item will need to be created. This is due to the UI limitation of 5 ingredients. That intermediate item is All Chem Station Parts. This is the beaker, cooking pot, and Lead Silver Anode combined just used in the Chem Station Recipe. Comes with a disassemble recipe in case you want the tools back.

One major change that you need to know of is the change to the Campfire. The campfire now uses the new tool, which adds a UI xml change, this is tested and working for me. 
Any other UI mods could have issues. I have tested and added separate patch files for SMX UI. It is necessary you take these with a main file if you have that UI mods. 
BE CAREFUL when selecting the patch files. The description will help you decide which ones to take. It all depends on if you have SMXUI and/or mining station.

Interesting points:
Batteries will require copper, even the vanilla recipe.
Refining pattern: Raw Copper -> [Cement Mixer] -> Copper Mix -> [Campfire/Chem Station] -> Scrap Copper
Mining Location: Raw Copper can be found often with Iron Ore deposits.
Scrap Copper can also be found when mining destroyed stone and salvage from electrical objects in the world.
Spalerite (Raw Zinc) -
Refining pattern: Spalerite  -> [Campfire/Chem Station] -> Zinc
  Mining Location: Occasionally found in sand/gravel in large quantities. Can also be found everywhere in the top soil of the Burnt Forest Biome.