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About this mod

Lets you spawn in any of the five traders in front of you using hotkeys.

Permissions and credits

With this mod, pressing the hotkey (default period) will spawn in a trader (default Trader Jen) facing you.

Pressing the hotkey while aiming at a trader will despawn the trader.

There are two other hotkeys for cycling through the trader list (default Up Arrow and Down Arrow).

Pressing either cycle key when aiming at a trader will change that trader to the next / previous trader in the list.

Pressing either cycle key when not aiming at a trader will change the default spawnedtrader to the next / previous trader in the list.

The current trader list is:

  • Trader Joel
  • Trader Rekt
  • Trader Bob
  • Trader Hugh
  • Trader Jen

I'm not completely clear on quest tiers for traders, but it seems each trader type has a unique quest faction, so there should be some correlation between trader type and quest tier, though there seems to be other factors involved as well. Needs more testing.

I haven't looked into trader inventory either, but it appears that spawned traders do have stuff for sale.


You can edit the config.json file once you have run the game with this mod installed. The config file is created in a subfolder of the mod's folder.


Easy Anti-Cheat must be disabled to use this mod.

To install, place the mod's folder in your game's Mods folder.

Source code is at https://github.com/aedenthorn/7D2DMods.

If you want to complain or ask for help or help me test my mods, you can visit my Discord server.