About this mod
Adds tons of new features and logic into the game. Also makes it easier for players to survive during startup, while increasing the difficulty of the vital combat mechanics of the game. The new UI makes the visual interface more like an RPG so you'll have all the needed statistics handy specially during zombie fights or survival adventures.
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Mod now compatible both with A20.6 and A19.6. Choose your preferred version!
Latest patch update for A20.6 is at version 1.1b
For updates and file download, kindly visit https://terablitz.com/mod/the-walking-horde/
The Walking Horde Overhaul Mod adds tons of new features and logic into the game. It also makes it easier for players to survive during startup, while extremely increasing the difficulty of the vital combat mechanics of the game. The new UI makes the visual interface more like an RPG so you'll have all the needed statistics handy specially during zombie fights or survival adventures. Tons of new zombies, food types, recipes, items, coins, oils, spices and more.
- ? Game Features
- ?Zombie and Animal AI biome spawn and entity groups were redesigned
- ?Encounter more zombies than normal as you walk through the roads
- ?Added regular zombie and zombie boss spawns
- ?Much harder zombie horde
- ?Much harder blood moons
- ?All new separate UI and Icon mod (more RPG like style)
- ?New background and logo
- ?66 slot backpack
- ?Redesigned AI - AI groups, horde and AI biome spawns
- ?Better and reliable melee weapon damage and headshot percentage
- ?Better guns weapon damage and ammo limits
- ?Stronger and reliable bow weapons
- ?Better chainsaw and auger block damage
- ?Quieter and effective chainsaw, auger and auto-turrets
- ?Weapon Durability and Stamina changes
- ?Changed stacks 99999 for most items, 1000 for weapons, 300 for food and more
- ?New Startup Supplies - Survival bags will provide quests, books, manuals and boxes to open Apparel Supplies, Food Supplies, Mastery Supplies and Profession Supplies
- ?New Vehicles - Toilet Blimp (in construction) and Mini Bike Punk
- ?New Recipes - Salts, Bio Diesel, Bio Oil and Bio Battery, Dyes and a lot more!
- ?New Goods and Items - Sugar, Milk, Dextrose, Animal Liver and Intestines
- ?Zombies - Scientist of Death, Kamikaze Prophet, Adrenochrone Goated Beast, Eugenics Infector, Crooked Hildebeest, Royal Tyrant, Davoss Monster, Rotten Puppet, Nervous Karen, Anarchist Punk and more!
- ?New Food Types - Canned Goods, Spices, Cheese, Desserts, Dairies
- ?New Drink Types - Doc Preppers, Gator Aid, Calamansi Juice, Herbal Pro and more!
- ?Explosive weapons like Rockets, Grenades, Bombs and Dynamite nerfed block damage.
- ?Added new lure explosives - sticky grenade and sticky bombs.
- ?Zombie block damage nerfed
- ?Vanilla vehicle handling changes for minibike, bicycle, 4x4, gyrocopter
- ?Some Zombie walktypes modified
- ?Better walk, running and swimming speed for Player
- ?New Gas, Oil and Battery bio alternative sources
- ?Pickable Items
- ?Bear, Coyote, Snake, Rabbit and Chicken resized and speed balanced
- ?Bear and Zombie Warthog life nerfed
- ?Loot, Destroy and Harvest overhauled
- ?Destroyed Loot respawn (Cars, Trees, Boulders, Trash Pile and Bird Nest)
- ?Stainless Steel Block damage to 30000, Concrete to 10000
- ?Electronic Relay, Switch and Generator damage set to 10000
- ?Metal spike traps health max to 10000 while Wood Spikes set to 5000
- ?Seeds can now be planted anywhere there is soil!
- ?Get water from Cactus, Toilet, Faucets and more!
- ?Cook in closed Ovens, Microwave, Grill and more.
- ?Gore Block Animals are now craftable as traps
- ?Biome with lesser grass and rocks
- ?New Loot containing Bible Verses. Bundled with Flashlight, Medkit and Ivermecthink!
- ? New 3D Assets
- ? New Icons
- ? More Zombie types
- ? More Zombie Bosses
- ? New Quests
- ? New Perks
- ? More Supply Types
- ? More Vehicles
- ? More Food Types
- ? New Seed, Tree and Plant Types
- ? New Animals
- ? New Human NPCs
- ? New World Spawn Loot Drop type
- ? Functional Mechanic Workshop, Coffee Maker, Meat Processor, Printing Press
- ? Zombie and Animal AI biome spawn and entity groups were redesigned
- ? Encounter more zombies than normal as you walk through the roads
- ? Added regular zombie and zombie boss spawns
- ? Much harder zombie horde
- ? Much harder blood moons
- ? Anarchist Punk - a giant zombie with a sledgehammer and a strong armor
- ? Kamikaze Prophet - an exploding zombie with a jack-o-lantern mask, two chainsaws and a burning barrel at his back
- ? Adrenochrone Goated Beast - a crawling zombie with goat helmet mask and burned body.
- ? Royal Tyrant - large zombie with zombie corpse on his back.
- ? Scientist of Death - zombie with wooden coffin.
- ? Eugenics Infector - zombie with bladed weapon and a brown body bag.
- ? Crooked Hildebeest - zombie with four bone knives. Extremely fast and aggressive.
- ? Davoss Monster - large but slow zombie.
- ? Rotten Puppet - carries a fireaxe and has a knapsack.
- ? Nervous Karen - aggressive female zombie
- ? Dr. Virus Lockdown - a zombie with a bone knife. Carries a yellow body bag. Replaces Screamer.
- ? Toilet Blimp - ride and die with a toilet bowl (under development)
- ? Mini Bike Punk - a minibike with a goat handlebar design and some iron scrap cosmetics (under development)
- ? New Drink Items
- ? New Canned Goods
- ? New Spice Items
- ? New Food Types
- ? New Powder Types
- ? New Dairy Types
- ? New Cheese Types
- ? New Lootable Animal Parts
- ? New Dessert food types
- ? New Oil food Types
- ? New Coin Types
- ? New Bible Loot
- Players start the game with a Survival Bag. Players have three types of free supplies. Apparel, Mastery, Profession and Food. Players will need to open the survival bag, then accept a quest with contract agreement, then choose type of supplies that can be crafted using a required operating manual and a supply box.
- ? Bio Diesel Gas (Ammo Gas Can) and Bio Battery (Car Battery) through the use of potato and other ingredients
- ? Salt now available via sand and murky water at chemistry station
- ? Milk Drink, Ice Cream, Yogurt, Pearl Shake, Frappe, Fruit Mix Smoothie
- ? Parmesan, Cheddar, Cream and Mozarella Cheese
- ? Several Juice Drinks, Jams and Smoothies
- ? Perfume to lessen detection made from fruit and flower
- ? Sausage, Hotdogs, Meat Patty, Grilled Liver and Intestines
- ? Antibiotics from rotting flesh
- ? Medkit made with Dextrose instead of bloodbag
- ? Medkit made with Duct Tape instead of Sewing Kit
- ? Bandage made from alcohol instead of aloe
- ? Dextrose made from sugar solution
- ? Color Dyes made with acid, alcohol, flowers and fruits, paint
- ? Water Dispenser and Water Cooler
- ? Wall Oven, Microwave Oven, Indoor Oven, Gas Grill, Grill
- ? Some Windows, Doors and Light sources
- ? Animal Gore Block Trap, Wood Spike Trap, Metal Spike Trap, Iron and Wood Traps
- ? Supply Drop Crate - probability to loot books, resources, food, drinks, weapons, vehicle and weapon parts, mods, seeds and more.
- ? Shopping Cart - probability to loot cold drinks, canned goods, milk powder, moldy bread, junk and rotting flesh
- ? Shopping Boxes - probability to loot cold drinks, canned goods, milk powder, moldy bread, junk and rotting flesh
- ? Trash Bin and Piles - probability to loot clothing, brass, stone, wood, nails, drinks, goods, moldy bread, junk, rotting flesh and more
- ? Trash Dumpster - probability to loot brass, stone, wood, vehicle parts and schematics, generator, forge, battery bank, schematics, drinks, goods, milk powder, moldy bread, junk, rotting flesh and more
- ? Trash Compactor - probability to loot brass, stone, wood, vehicle parts and schematics, generator, forge, battery bank, schematics, drinks, goods, milk powder, moldy bread, junk, rotting flesh and more
- ? Bird Nest - probability to loot junk, polymers, increased feathers, increased eggs
- ? Coffin - probability to loot rotting flesh, bone, gold, silver and diamond
- ? Body Bags - probability to loot rotting flesh, bone, gold, silver and diamond
- ? Cars and Vehicles - probability to loot engine, battery, radiator, junk, pipes, metal, electrical, polymer and mechanical parts
- ? Oven Toaster - probability to loot moldy bread and sham sandwich
- ? Cupboards - probability to loot acid, steroids and more
- ? Book Cases and Piles - probability to loot more books and schematics
- ? Wine Barrels - probability to loot more drink types
- ? Zombie Bosses - probability to loot more types
- ? Zombie Loot - probability to loot more types
- ? Medical Loot - probability to loot new medical supply types
- ? Drinks Loot - probability to loot new drink types
- ? Cold Goods Loot - probability to loot raw meat types
- ? Trash Pile - will respawn after 10 days
- ? Bird Nest - will respawn after 10 days
- ? Cars and Vehicles - will respawn after 5 days
- ? Small Stones - will respawn after 10 days
- ? Boulders - will respawn after 10 days
- ? Trees - will respawn after 30 days
- ? Grass - will respawn after 30 days
- ? Wood Spike Trap
- ? Metal Spike Trap
- ? Wood Trap
- ? Metal Trap
- ? Lantern
- ? Burning Barrel
- ? Wine Barrel
- ? Plants (Press E to pick instead of smashing)
- ? Gore Block Animal Trap
Read more on game features, details and mod credits via the in-game readme doc, or the mod website!