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About this mod

A castle inspired by Corvins' Castle in Romania (EU), one of the most beautiful castles of Transylvania, still available to visit today.

Permissions and credits
For my third mod I tried to recreate a version of Corvins' Castle in Romania (EU), one of the most beautiful castles of Transylvania, still available to visit today.
It's not a 100% accurate version, let's say I just get inspired as usual.

The file contains:

- HB (Horde Base)
The basic version of the prefab, with no zombies. It's meant to be placed manually on the world map, so it shouldn't spawn in RWG. Some of the rooms were left empty to let the players set their base as they like. Do you need a castle for a multiplayer base, to have fun with friends on your server? This is for you.

The final version of the mod with zombies, loots and a secret room to find. It can spawn in RWG (Wilderness only). TIER 4 (secret room excluded)

Extract the files contained in the 2 folders, HB and/or POI (the files, not the folders) into the POIs folder of the game datas:
SteamLibrary / steamapps / common / 7 Days to Die / Data / Prefabs / POIs.

Lemmino if something goes wrong with the mod, I tested it and everything looks ok, but I'm still learning so...

Have fun!
Please watch the trailer and support my new YT channel if u like my mods!