About this mod
Lets you type chat commands that gives you XP for the specified skill you typed, heal all your limbs to full health and fills your hunger and thirst. One chat command gives you all the crafting recipes and lets you craft it all for free.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
The following chat commands are:
!heal - Heals all your limbs to full health, updated to also reduce any radiation the player has (not sickness)
!eat - Provides 100 hunger fill and 100 thirst fill, which will then also provide the copacetic buff.
!give <skill> <amount> - Provides the amount of XP specified to the chosen skill. if you want 50 XP added to the skill of cooking, you would type "!give cooking 50".
!money - Gives you money, "!money 5" will give you 5 dollars.
!rest - Resets your fatigue.
!infsam - Toggles infinite stamina, type again to disable.
!invin - Toggles invincibility, as far as I know, you don't take damage in this, type again to disable.
!freecraft - Toggles free crafting, grants the player all the recipes and lets you craft any of them.
If you would like to see any command added, please let me know and I'll try my best!
Updated to hopefully have it properly hook into the functions without needing to reload all the mods and not needing the debugging console to be enabled.
You will need to have UE4SS installed in order for this to work because this is a lua script made using it. (https://github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS).
1. Download the mod folder and drag it into the UE4SS Mods folder.
2. Go to the mods.txt file inside the UE4SS Mods folder and add this line "UniChatCommands : 1" (If you want to disable it, set it to 0)