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About this mod

A waifu skin request from the anime "K-on". Requested from the r/acecombat Discord.

Permissions and credits

In the latest patch, some base textures were fixed by PA. However, those textures were added in as DLC assets thus overriding normal assets and skin mods. To fix the issue, just add "_P" at the end of the file name.
For example: "F-22 Rosa (Strider).pak" should be renamed to "F-22 Rosa (Strider)_P.pak"
So far the two aircraft which were affecter are the F-22 and the Typhoon. If any skin mod you have does not work, try this fix and do inform us in the comments down below. Skin modders are updating descriptions in their download sites.

A waifu skin request from the anime "K-on". Requested from the r/acecombat Discord.

How to Install:
1. Locate your SteamLibrary folder, and navigate to the "ACE COMBAT 7" folder (it should be under \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ACE COMBAT 7).
3. Proceed further into Game > Content > Paks
4. Create a folder titled "~mods" (without quotation marks)
5. Unpack the mod and paste the mod into this new "~mods" folder.
6. Startup AC7 and enjoy the skin.