Hey there, I remember using your mod in the past but I wonder - is it working fine with recent updates/dlcs? I've seen quite a few mods being messed up due to the changes in GU16 and I would like to avoid it as much as possible. I assume it should be fine but still, anyone tested in recently? :)
what a lovely city you built! I found out the 1.9 building mods you post is not working properly, is it out of date or not? btw, I really love the way you build your city, do you mind share your saved games with me? wanna get some inspiration.
So true! The slanting of the palace and its modules is an eyesore. You can imagine the palace workers having to be careful to wear the kind of footwear that grips tight. So as not to slide on its polished marble floors, whooshing through corridor to corridor from the high end all the way down to the low end then come crashing out of a window. Corridor doors to be kept shut at all times!
Water fountains look just as daft, the water defying gravity and not all gushing out and rolling down hill like a mini tsunami.
At what stage did the devs, when making Crown Falls, not think to themselves stop going up and up now, we're at mid point so let's level out and create some decent flatland for those water fountains and smooth beautification areas. Oh, that's right, they didn't. Just up and up till the uninhabitable mountains at the back.
Or could you send me the mod file?
As an FYI, you can always grab the URL and see if Internet Archive has a backup of their page.
btw, I really love the way you build your city, do you mind share your saved games with me? wanna get some inspiration.
Water fountains look just as daft, the water defying gravity and not all gushing out and rolling down hill like a mini tsunami.
At what stage did the devs, when making Crown Falls, not think to themselves stop going up and up now, we're at mid point so let's level out and create some decent flatland for those water fountains and smooth beautification areas. Oh, that's right, they didn't. Just up and up till the uninhabitable mountains at the back.
...Even though she never comes back to Crown Falls lol