This mod is nearly totally broken on 1.07.2.
To be absolutely sure, I reinstalled the game, deleted all my saves (I can always save edit to get any part I want), and overrode regulation.bin with your modded version to bypass any potential issues with ModEngine. The starting build is replaced, but parts are rarely awarded before Mission 4 and stop completely after that.
If you ever work on it again, I have suggestions:
Add an option to randomize the starting build. I'm not sure if this is balanced, but the dev can't possibly put in the man-hours to test this, so let us do it.
Randomly rotate a selection of parts in the shop instead of awarding them randomly. This solves the issue of pure-randomness killing a run at no fault of the player. Without purchasing, COAM is meaningless and there is no incentive to avoid damage and conserve ammo.
Make perma-death optional. The missions are built around dying and retrying. It's optimistic to expect a 0% death rate, especially if there is a chance to be shafted by the part rotation. Increase repair and ammo costs so the player can still soft fail a run if they die too often and can't afford the optimal parts for the current mission selection. -
after loading my modded save the game crashes when i try to go to assembly. it was working fine yesterday until i closed it and tried to load the old save
This mod is sick, it's a shame it's also deeply frustrating.
I made it all the way to wall climber without seeing a single gun drop. Not one generator, not one booster, not one FCS.
I'd really like to see some sort of increase to drop count, so you're not stuck with the worst mech in the history of armored robots. It's unplayable in some missions and if you don't get good parts quickly you're SOL. A run can be made or broken by getting a Haldman/Zimmerman/Songbird with a Mingtang generator or a VP20c.
I get the whole thing is 'start from nothing' but given how horrible the starting AC Is, there needs to be a way to *Get* more than nothing.
Otherwise interesting, not something I"d keep playing but neat.-
Agreed. There should definitely be way more parts rewarded.
My guess is that there shouldn't be more parts given, nor better ones, but maybe tweaking the randomness to add variety in what you get, for example decreasing your chances to get legs if you already got one pair in a previous mission.
Not garanteeing anything, but simply improving the odds, because I also experienced wallclimber without weapons.
It can be at time a bit frustrating to get 4 head parts in a row (yeah it happened to me^^).
Now I haven't succeeded at wallclimber, but I guess the difficulty would keep decreasing as you advance in the story, which is another (opposite) issue; someone able to beat chapter 1 with the wreck AC would probably later on with better gear just walz throught the game.
I love this mod!
It feels completely unfair and unforgiving, in a good way; because when you fight a battle, you really feel you are risking your skin.
Plus you really get investing in your AC, with all its issues, it feels like your first car. -
I am following the install guide to the letter and it doesn't seem to be working, any ideas what might be going wrong?
Edit: needed to put 2 of the "\" symbol in the file path, works now -
been tryna play this but i cant get the install to stick, placed the 2 other mods as DLLs, wont read em, nothing is working as it should... could you put a config_armoredcore6.toml file set as with all the necessary mods in the "mod" folder?
Cool mod but I beat the tester AC and it reset my progress as if I lost but gave me a rolled item. I'm very confused.
Is it still worked on? I think having a roguelike mod for this game is a very good idea!
Thank you! -
Few things I've noticed after a couple of days of playing:
- Collecting Logs unlocks the AllMind parts after the first mission you play, even after a reset (so if you went far in the previous runs you basically get to start with Javelin alpha/beta, and some Mind Alpha parts): used the javelin alpha to speed up the first few mission until I get a weapon, but feels cheesy.
- Restarting missions from the menu (after dying but before the dialogue finishes) lets you retry the mission, but you will be booted back at the beginning of the run after it (but it gives a part for your effort!).
- OS tuning and Arena don't get reset, but I know you're working on this. When the run resets, it will remove your Expansion slot too, so you will have to reset OS tuning to get back access to Assault/Pulse armor etc.
Overall I'm having a lot of fun, but the real PITA of the starter AC is the jailbreak Kikaku, it makes everything SOOO slow x)