How is the last one called?
My hero, can you modify the einherjar to look like the one in this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX8OKQZ1aOc&t=526s many people are looking
(translated text, forgive me for mistakes) -
could you try making the rings smaller and more compact?
Seems like it requires Dawn of Ragnarok DLC? because when i try to acticvate any option of this mod in forger i get this error:
Patch error
Forge file "dlc_148/DataPC_ACK_DLC_Svartalfheim.forge" was not found.
w Forger.Patch.LoadFileEntries(String basepath)
w Forger.Patch.Apply(String basepath, Dictionary`2 CreatedFileIDs, Dictionary`2 GlobalTargets)
w Forger.Form1.togglePatch(Patch patch, Boolean apply)
We need more mods with the overall idea as this, thank you good sir.
Very nice
This looks great and is working fine for me, but I'm unsure how to get the blue sleeves. Mine are still grey.
Does this work with ubisoft+? doesn't recognize the plus .exer only the normal one, not sure if I'm doing something wrong.