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About this mod

Allows you to align objects to a grid.

Permissions and credits
This mod is experimental and It has not been well tested.

BUG: Mod versions (0.2.x) will not work if internal UE4SS "Keybinds" mod is loaded before my mod. Workaround: edit mods.txt and set Keybinds to 0:
; Built-in keybinds, do not move up!
Keybinds : 0

UE4SS v3 (requirement)
Download UE4SS: UE4SS_v3.0.1-*-*.zip
- Steam: unzip the UE4SS archive into (GameInstallDir)\Astro\Binaries\Win64\
More information: https://docs.ue4ss.com/dev/installation-guide.html (Official Installation Guide)

Once UE4SS is extracted, edit mods.txt file. The file is in the Astro\Binaries\Win64\ue4ss\Mods\ directory.
Replace the line:
Keybinds : 1
Keybinds : 0

You can have conflicts between Keybinds mod and my mod. This modification in mods.txt will disable Keybinds mod. This mod can be useful for modders, but you don't need it.

- Steam: unzip the mod archive into (GameInstallDir)\Astro\Binaries\Win64\ue4ss\Mods\
How to find the game install directory in Steam? Right click on the game > Manage > Browse local files.
You can copy options.example.lua to options.lua otherwise it will be automatically copied on first run.

Example of an installation on the Steam version of the game. The file list is not exhaustive.
├── Astro.exe
└── Astro\
  └── Binaries\
    └── Win64\
      ├── Astro-Win64-Shipping.exe
      ├── dwmapi.dll
      └── ue4ss\
        ├── UE4SS.log
        ├── UE4SS-settings.ini
        └── Mods\
          ├── mods.txt
          └── SnapToGridMod\
            ├── .luarc.json
            ├── enabled.txt
            ├── options.example.lua
            ├── options.lua
            ├── params.example.lua
            ├── params.lua
            └── Scripts\
              └── main.lua

This mod is experimental. Make a backup of your game save before using the mod.

Usage and configuration
Tutorial 1/3

Tutorial 2/3
There is a bug with UE4SS, the shortcut NUM_0 does not work. NUM_ZERO is mapped to NUM_NINE. So, instead of pressing 0 (on the numpad), press 9 (on the numpad).

Tutorial 3/3
In update 0.3.0 you can align objects in a "circular" way.

There are two configuration Lua files: options.lua and params.lua. These files will be automatically created on first run.
Example: https://imgsh.net/i/0f6ca34ae8
List: angle, rloc, loc, arc, offset, rot, go, info, set_new_location, set_new_rotation.

Mod simulation
Simulation: https://www.geogebra.org/classic/qw4km5wr
Astroneer coordinate axes https://www.geogebra.org/classic/z6rxucsq

You must create a flat terrain with one of these mods:
- Terrain Tool
- Tangent mod (this version is outdated!). Download the latest version on the Astroeneer Modding Discord server. Join the server: https://discord.com/servers/astroneer-modding-774729322674126858 and download the Tangent_Mod-*.CT file in this channel.

Known issues
- The game can crash at launch. This is probably an issue with UE4SS, I can't fix it.
- The game can freeze/crash/hang when you use the mod. Please make a backup before using it.
- When you press F4 multiple time to snap an object, the object must stay on the same point on the grid. But sometime it move on another point. This is a bug.

You can see the logs in UE4SS.log or in the UE4SS GUI Console.
You can enable the UE4SS GUI Console in UE4SS-settings.ini in the [Debug] section.

Mod license: MIT.
Mod image created by AI (ChatGPT).