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  1. BigBozat
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    Gale is now properly endowed according to my own head canon, using this -plus- Yoseph's Enweaved Feat (and some other things)...
  2. Zabkel
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    this is gonna be a weird question, but considering the Spellfire Blast has some relation to the night piercer cantrip, at least based on whats written in the Spell_projectile.txt, would this be extra powerful for shadowheart? the only reason I ask, as I can't find anything written in it, is because whenever Shart uses it for me, across multiple different files, with equal stats and exact same equipment as any other character, she gets double damage while using the Spellfire Blast spell! i very seriously doubt this has anything to do with your mod, and is in actuality some strange side effect of my other mods, but I am just asking as a way to eliminate all possibilities, either way, Love the mod! Thank you for your work!
    1. KiderionLykon
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      the beam animation is taken from there as it's exactly what I needed. It's very similar to other vanilla spells but I decided to ask the author if I could use that to make it more distinctive (and I also changed the prepare spell animation to make it the same as all the other spellfire ones).

      That being said, Shadowheart is either a Selune or a Shar cleric. Spellfire is something related to Mystra, so it's not really fitting for it to be related to Shadowheart in any particular way.

      Instead, I made the Chosen of Mystra half of the mod specifically for Gale.
  3. daynemcnasty
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is anyone else having an issue with Spellfire Blast not doing appropriate damage?
    When using any level of Spellfire blast, the damage breakdown looks like this:

    Ex: Spellfire Blast III (19 int, +4 Spellcasting Ability Modifier)
    Successful hit for  0 Force damage (Damage roll: 0+Spellcasting Ability Modifier = 4)
    4 Force damage (Damage roll: 0+Spellcasting Ability Modifier = 4)
    0 Fire damage (Damage roll: 0)
    Successful hit for  0 Force damage (Damage roll: 0+Spellcasting Ability Modifier = 4)
    4 Force damage (Damage roll: 0+Spellcasting Ability Modifier = 4)
    0 Fire damage (Damage roll: 0)
    Successful hit for  0 Force damage (Damage roll: 0+Spellcasting Ability Modifier = 4)
    4 Force damage (Damage roll: 0+Spellcasting Ability Modifier = 4)
    0 Fire damage (Damage roll: 0)
    Target took no damage.

    I looked in the Spell_Projectile data file and the damage string looks like this:
    data "SpellSuccess" "DealDamage(LevelMapValue(1d4)+SpellCastingAbilityModifier,Force,Magical);DealDamage(LevelMapValue(1d4),Fire,Magical)"
    I'm assuming each successful hit is supposed to roll 1d4+Spellcasting Ability Modifier Force damage and 1d4 Fire damage according to the code.
    1. Zabkel
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Yeah I asked a question that had a similar problem, at the time I thought it was just shadowheart getting wierd extra damage, but after playing some more its pretty clear that the damage calculates inconsistently. Still  haven't found any kind of fix for it, but I like the mod enough to use it anyways, so oh well.
    2. WardenJ
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I agree the blast damage is not calculating correctly, though the Spell Smite damage seems to be. That the smite takes both an action and a bonus action is a bit steep though.
    3. daynemcnasty
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      @Zabkel, @WardenJ Sorry for the late response, been busy with other mods. :)

      I applied a fix for it.
      data "SpellSuccess" "DealDamage(LevelMapValue(1d4)+SpellCastingAbilityModifier,Force,Magical);DealDamage(LevelMapValue(1d4),Fire,Magical)"

      changed to

      data "SpellSuccess" "DealDamage(LevelMapValue(D6Cantrip)+SpellCastingAbilityModifier,Force,Magical);DealDamage(LevelMapValue(D6Cantrip),Fire,Magical)"

      It increases the damage by 1-2 and it works like it should! I don't think there are any LevelMapValues for a basic 1d4, was probably a general oversight by the developer, but the D6Cantrip LevelMapValues work like a charm.
    4. WardenJ
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks man!
      I must admit to not having any clue how to make the changes you note or even begin to edit a .pak file. :/

      Any chance you could briefly explain what to use and how to do it?
    5. daynemcnasty
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Sure thing friend.
      Head over to BG3 Multitool, download the

      Extract to your favorite location, then open up the .exe in the folder.
      Once you do, head over to BG3MM and right click Spellfire > Open in file explorer.
      Drag the Spellfire.pak into the blue square of the Multitool to unpack it.
      At the top of the multitool, you'll see Shortcuts > Unpacked Mods. Click.
      Open Spellfire > Public > Spellfire > Stats > Generated > Data > Edit Spell_Projectile with your notepad
      CTRL+F "Projectile_Spellfire_Blast"
      Look down.
      Under data "SpellSuccess"You'll see 
      Change to

      Also edit the 
      data "TooltipDamageList"
      You'll see 
      Change to 
      This will make the tooltip reflect the damage.

      Save your work. Go back to the original unpacked folder. Drag the entire folder into the Multitool blue square.
      It will pack the folder into a .zip. Open the .zip, extract to desktop, move into BG3MM. Save load order, export load order, COMPLETE.
    6. WardenJ
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Many thanks man! Methinks I've done it correclty, so now to try it out! :D
    7. KiderionLykon
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      oh thanks, I'll update the mod :)
    8. KiderionLykon
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      fixed in 1.4.0, thanks again.
  4. goltdfische
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    unbalanced, Cheat
    1. thenasty
      • premium
      • 36 kudos
      I mean, to be fair, this person didn't say it was bad or they disliked the modder. They just said 2 words, indicating it was unbalanced and probably a cheat mod. You made it personal.

      Honestly, I appreciate this kind of feedback. A lot mods break the balance of the game and a lot of additions to DnD are considered more powerful than the "vanilla" stuff but, at the same time, there is some distinction between DnD modules designed to be, "somewhat balanced" and modules which are just straight up broken and feel like cheating.

      Obviously we want to expand the number of spells and obviously this is cheating but we still want it to be within the realm of balanced and not feel like cheating (even if it is ). We are essentially the DM of our own single player experience, and so we need to understand that a little bit or smudging the rules or extra help is not going to ruin the game, but anything too powerful absolutely will.

      Healing specifically is hard to balance, because health is the mechanic which forces non-spellcasters to need to rest, and if health is too easy to restore, it really breaks the game because you can have these super long days that just go on and on.

      Long story short, your comment was completely uncalled for. This feedback is useful and we appreciate it. It helps to educate other modders about whether or not they think a spell is going to break their game balance before they commit to adding it to the load order.

      Now you run along and stop trying to pick fights in comment sections.
    2. KiderionLykon
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      oh boy, you should check the original 3e version.

      Anyway, I find these feats to be less powerful compared to what you can achieve with a well built spellcaster, while they make non-mage classes somewhat competitive. In 5e there is a huge disparity between makes and fighters (less so in BG3 because of the abundance of magic weapons and the fact that it stops at level 12).

      It's probably intended more for a level 20 campaign.
  5. key04
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Weird bug that the Spellfire charge doesn’t appear on my UI for some reason…
    1. KiderionLykon
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      do you have ImpUI installed?
  6. keirakvlt
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Oh I love this as someone who had a character become a chosen of mystra in one campaign. Can't wait to test it out. 
  7. arthurh3535
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Oh? No ability to drain magic items for a charge? Maybe per 100 GP per base cost of an item? Can't let just Gale know the pain of destroying magic for power.
  8. Arctic12345
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I would change chosen of mystra spells to be more usable, right know cantrip is one time per rest, I would also increase the usages of the other spells or let you use spell slots with them.
    1. KiderionLykon
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      That's a decision that was made kind of in lore, since Mystra doesn't want you to use those abilities often.
      The trait should also give unlimited lv 1 slots, but that seemed a little bit too OP.

      Also the feat is extremely strong, with immunity to all poisons, sleep and resistance to all magic types.
  9. Siritalis
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Tracking this for later use. Sounds pretty cool, especially for an Arcana Cleric of Mystra I have
  10. Guesto3o
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It uploaded! yay!
    1. KiderionLykon
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      Now you have to wait again for the update :D
    2. Guesto3o
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      this is an attack against me specifically lol
      also shouldn't the silver fire be radiant damage instead of force?
    3. KiderionLykon
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      it's pure or raw magic, the closest thing is force. It's not supposed to do double damage against fiends or be resisted by anything
    4. Guesto3o
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ah makes sense. I just assumed Mystra stuff would be radiant but I didn't think about resistances.
    5. KiderionLykon
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      Magic coming from Mystra is a bit different. While Gods are usually tied to a speficic element or give Clerics/Paladins the ability to do Radiant/Necrotic magic, Mystra IS magic she IS the Weave. Her gifts are usually raw magic energy.