LockedStickyUpdate: As of, there's now an automated prompt in-game to regenerate the enemy and item tables.
You only need to delete the User/AppData/Local/LarianStudios/Baldur'sGate3/ScriptExtender/TrialsofTav folder if you want to clear persistent unlocks, like NewGame+.
In order to prevent multiple game-breaking bugs, monsters are immune to damage until they join combat. This does potentially impact use of Glyph of Warding as a trap, but spells that last multiple turns (Wall of Fire, Moonbeam, etc.) will still do their tick damage when it reaches the monster's turn, so it does not negate the value of battlefield preparation. For the most part, it just prevents double-dipping (and game-breaking bugs).
I based Jon's and Bodhi's appearances on their depictions in Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy, so please don't ask me why they look different than they did in BG2. The book was written by Bioware alumni, so I'm going with it.
Save and load after purchasing Aylin, Emperor, or Owlbear. The game doesn't seem to see their purchase lists to know they should be respawned until after you load a save with them purchased.
Version of ATTSpells is required for the update.
Also: Patch 7 is required for ATTSpells, which is a required dependency for this mod.
All balancing is done with the assumption of a game that doesn't have difficulty mods. If you want hard encounters to be paced more, use Bias: Balanced (recommended) or even Bias: Low Tier. If you want new monsters to come out at a slower rate in general, turn off Challenge Mode.
Rules Modifier Lexicon:
Challenge Mode:- Increases Encounter Budget, so more enemies spawn per encounter
- Decreases thresholds between monster tiers, so higher-tier monsters appear earlier in a run
- Increase rate of monster stat scaling by about 1.3x (before the tier-based modifier is applied)
- Bias Balanced: The "normal" enemy selection function, where a good spread of high and low tier monsters is selected. I generally recommend this.
- Bias High Tier: The function that heavily weights the selection algorithm to spawn the highest-tier monsters possible at that point in the run, resulting in much fewer but more powerful monsters. This can easily result in very swingy encounters where the player either immediately dominates or is immediately destroyed.
- Bias Low Tier: The function that heavily weights the selection algorithm to spawn low-tier monsters. Results in high round-counts, as low-tier monsters consume very little of the encounter budget and there is a limit to how many monsters can be included in a single round.
- Increases Encounter Budget, so more enemies spawn per encounter
LockedStickySomething that wasn't obvious to me before: If you're using lots of summons, it's extremely easy to eat the entire 20 second timeout on AI turns just by provoking their Legendary Actions with Opportunity Attacks.
This is a massive problem for essentially every Legendary creature that gets worse and worse as a run progresses. If anyone knows of a way to extend the failsafe timer, please let me know, because Larian's default is not compatible with Trials.
What's weird is that this is not a problem of my creation. This could be happening in the base game as early as the Gith Inquisitor.
I just had an unfortunate idea.
Unfortunate in the sense that it's extremely difficult to implement but theoretically possible, and that I suddenly want to do it. I'm fairly confident I could put a "Dungeon Master mode" into Trials multiplayer, where one player directly controls the monsters and the other players are the adventuring party as usual.
I'm not exactly sure what the use case would be. Maybe a group of optimizing players would want to fight really strategic monsters, or maybe they'd just enjoy getting to mess around with monster abilities, but I can imagine it being fun. -
Hi! I've had a great time playing your version of the mod after playing the first one when it was new. I play with challenge mode on and high tier bias, and though I was barely able to flee with one party member alive the first time I encountered him, the lvl 27 superboss wasn't as intimidating as I anticipated. I'm a decent player and I could handle him fairly easily on the second attempt with a level 14 party. Have you thought about adding in another superboss that would be a real challenge even for level 20 parties?
Additionally, when I got to around level 17 and 190 roguescore, almost every encounter's only real threat was Zariel, Mephistopheles, The Ravager or a combination of the three. Which felt repetitive.
I offer this criticism with absolutely no ideas about how to improve the mod, you've done a great job so far and your dedication to keep updating it seems genuine, so I'm grateful for your hard work, and am placing my faith in you to improve it further, godspeed. -
This is awesome, thank you for making it.
hey, I haven't tried this mod yet but I did try the og one, I just have a question about this mod. I know it's probably a dumb question and most likely because it's too big or it just messes with the game too much to me on there, but why is this not on the official mod manager in bg3? I'm just wondering is all :]
What does
Error while dispatching user function call: [string "CombatMod/CombatMod/ModActive/Client/GUI/Comp..."]:274: IMGUI object no longer exists
stack traceback:
[C++ Code]: in metamethod '__newindex'
CombatMod/CombatMod/ModActive/Client/GUI/Components.lua:274: in upvalue 'changePage'
CombatMod/CombatMod/ModActive/Client/GUI/Components.lua:309: in function <CombatMod/CombatMod/ModActive/Client/GUI/Components.lua:302>
[C++ Code]: in ?
Error while dispatching user function call: [string "CombatMod/CombatMod/ModActive/Client/GUI/Comp..."]:274: IMGUI object no longer exists
stack traceback:
[C++ Code]: in metamethod '__newindex'
CombatMod/CombatMod/ModActive/Client/GUI/Components.lua:274: in upvalue 'changePage'
CombatMod/CombatMod/ModActive/Client/GUI/Components.lua:309: in function <CombatMod/CombatMod/ModActive/Client/GUI/Components.lua:302>
[C++ Code]: in ?
Error while dispatching user function call: [string "CombatMod/CombatMod/ModActive/Client/GUI/Comp..."]:274: IMGUI object no longer exists
stack traceback:
[C++ Code]: in metamethod '__newindex'
CombatMod/CombatMod/ModActive/Client/GUI/Components.lua:274: in upvalue 'changePage'
CombatMod/CombatMod/ModActive/Client/GUI/Components.lua:293: in function <CombatMod/CombatMod/ModActive/Client/GUI/Components.lua:286>
[C++ Code]: in ?
mean? What's the fix for it?-
Damn, I didn't expect a response that quickly.
I don't know what I did; I just started a new run and after hiring my guys I pressed the start button under scenarios. This happened during my last run as well, though it resolved itself after a few save/load cycles. For a little more context, the radio buttons to select run bias disappear upon loading.
I just updated both ATTSpells and ToTR and made sure my ToT was below ATTSpells, but nothing changed.
EDIT: I simply started the run before accepting the auto-prompt, which seems to avoid the error message entirely.
Playing this mod makes me wish some of the enemies you made were in the base game. As amazing as BG3 is, they recycle too many enemies and encounters start feeling the same. Anyway great mod!
I launch the arena at any level. The enemies are immune to all types of damage. Why is that? Help Please !
Hey, im back again and ive been playing the mod. I would like to suggest a couple things that would benefit people who play with content adding mods. before I start with any suggestions here is my settings and additional mods that influence gameplay.
Challenge mode is on
scaling is set to 35 (original is 30)
2x XP gain (original is 3x)
honor mode
Playing with
Ancient mega pack (adds a TON of extra equitable items)
1. The ability to exchange a set amount of items in exchange for another. let me go into detail a bit incase this is worded poorly
issue: In most of my runs I end up with an stupid amount of uncommon/rares and very few are usable for me.
fix?: The ability to exchange 5 uncommon's for 1 rare. Or A feature to exchange 5 uncommon's for 2 uncommon's. what this does is pretty much rerolls items.
2. A way to stop the mod ui from constantly popping up after a battle.
3. Picking up materials after a battle.
Not sure if I'm crazy or not but most of the time, food/ potion supplies are not auto picked up after a battle.
4. Adding dates to the change log would be helpful
also, does resting make the game easier for a while, i swear that I'm noticing after I long rest everything gets way easier for a while.
Thank you for your time. -
Hello again!
Today I encountered something really funny—the Cow Level from Diablo. It happened on the map with Sarevok's Throne Room. In total, over 20 bulls(only them) spawned for us in just 3-4 turns. Is this an Easter egg, or was this just pure coincidence?-
We even thought that after killing the last bull, all the blood from its corpse would gather in one place and an uber-boss would appear :D
@Celerev how low are we talking? :O
My friend and I saw it on one of our first runs in this mod back in December and we were so confused haha. Awesome little easter egg
https://pasteboard.co/xMXspbyK8FiT.png -
I find those "thematic encounters" interesting. Maybe a level with only goblins, or a aberration invasion, maybe even a dragonstorm. Its cool when something different like this happen to keep us in our toes.
Small question - Does the Dream Guardian enemy inherit the custom appearance that you give them during character creation?
I was curious if there is data for what level, more or less, the player's party should be at each roguescore threshold?
Also, at what roguescore approximately can the "Final Boss" begin to spawn?-
I see I see. I've been looking into using higher EXP multipliers (because I like to see the higher levels and don't have that much time to play anymore) with Challenge mode active, but I've definitely been feeling a touch overleveled. Do the encounters take into consideration your level and roguescore, or only roguescore? I shudder to think of how some of the more difficult encounters I've had would have gone with a much weaker party...
Next time I play, I'll play a Regular mode run with the regular config values. Any particular requests for helpful data? Should I not do new game+ (double roguescore and exp as well as some starting levels), should I or should I not buy the +1000 exps, etc.
I didn't know about the Experience being evenly shared like that. I always go for the classic 4-man party, but now you've got me curious to try a smaller party too... -
I saw this a bit too lats, so I cannot tell you exactly what RogueScore I had when I reached Level 5. My earliest save is a bit afterwards (maybe one or two combats in).
Early Level 5: 40
Level 10: 84
Level 15: 150
I am running Regular low-tier with a duo with Version
Edit: That save may actually be right after I leveled up to 5 because I noticed excess XP shows after the leveling screen, and I have a habit of saving before and after level ups.
Edit 2: If it helps, I was RogueScore 198 when I just hit Level 20.