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Some edits to Astarion's dialogue to make more conversation available.
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The changes are currently mostly focused on good-aligned Tav/Resist Durge and Astarion's spawn and romance paths because that's usually how I play. I may add more later.
I tried not to be too railroad-y with the options but you often will have to select specific lines to continue or end the dialogue. You may occasionally get some repititive dialogue based on your selections. Changes are listed below. I sorted them by acts although some dialogue can be attained at different points.
List of changes
Spoiler: Show
Camp night dialogue 2 (“not a tentacle to be seen”):
-After selecting the “knife” or “poison” responses in the first set of options and he says “Well,I'm getting ahead of myself...” only “Leave.” will end the dialogue.
Bite scene:
-After you push into his mind and pass the check, the option “You ate animals because you were forced to...” will no longer advance the dialogue.
-After he says “No, I needed you to trust me. And you can trust me.” the line “You tried to bite me. How can I trust you?” will no longer continue the conversation.
-If selecting “Let him continue.” and then “Stop! It's too much.” (and passing the check) I swapped out the response “Ah! Of course.”for “Ah! That - that was amazing.” just because I like it better.
Morning after the bite scene:
-After he says “As for my other quirks - well, we can figure those out in time.” the line “What's causing this? The mind flayer's parasite?” will no longer continue the dialogue.
Talking about tasting the other companions (and you let him bite you):
-After he says “Ohh, that sounds very appealing...”/Still, I am intrigued by the possibilities...” the line “Could I convince you to kill someone less useful?”will no longer advance the dialogue.
-After “Although the more I think on it, the hungrier I get...” the phrase “Anything that keeps you away from our necks.” will no longer end the conversation.
About him biting you:
-In the second list of options “Look, I'm not against youfeeding on me...” will now give +1 approval and no longer end the dialogue, however, the line “No, you can't feed on people! Animals only.” will no longer be available after this.
Offering to let him feed on you:
The first time will give +5 approval.
When asking how one becomes a vampire:
-After his explanation, only selecting "So they bite you, you bite them?" will continue the conversation.
When talking about Cazador (if you know he's a vamp):
-After the initial greeting, selecting "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to." will nol onger advance the dialogue.
-After he says "It was only afterwards I realized just how long 'eternity' could be." selecting "You've been a slave ever since?" will no longer advance the dialogue.
-After he says "Of course if I said no, he'd haveme flayed..." selecting "That sounds terrible. I'm so sorry." will no longer advance the dialogue.
Camp night dialogue 3 (“bring the worm under control”):
-After he says “I'm not easily impressed...”, the options “I'm just trying to survive. Like you.” and “You're too close.” will lead to the end of the conversation.
-The line “True. I am pretty impressive.” will no longer advance the conversation.
-The “We hardly know each other...”/”I thought you didn't like me.” branch will only lead to the end of the conversation if you choose“ You're too close.”
-The “Ihave many talents. Perhaps we should get to know one another better...” (edited line) branch will only lead to the end of the conversation if you choose “Just keep your eyes away from my neck.”OR “A waste of time. Leave.”
Discussing Raphael's deal:
-The option “You're trading one master for another - you'll be a slave either way.” will no longer continue the dialogue.
Drank a bear dialogue:
-After he says “He took a little of my blood, I took all of his.” only the phrase “You seem happy. No need to drink humanoid blood, then?” will advance the dialogue.
-After he says “But Cazador fed me rats and bugs...” only “Does it matter? Blood is blood, isn'tit?” will continue the conversation.
-After “Still, that was the past. I'll never have togrovel for him again.” only selecting “You sound very sure.” will continue.
-After he says “Because those with power can dowhatever the hell they want.” only “You'refree now. That's what matters.” will advance the dialogue and the line “We're not powerless. The tadpoles are quite the asset.” will no longer end theconversation.
Camp scene after giving him the Necromancy of Thay:
-If you select “Stay silent.” and after he says “Let.Me. Go! Ah... Hello.” the line “What in the hells was that?” will no longer continue the conversation. Also, the other two options
will continue to the same lines that you get after he says “Forgive me. This book reads you more than you read it.”
-After he says “Now every time I open it...” only the phrase “Is there anything we can do?” will continue the conversation. Also edited the line “Then stop reading it!” to “You should stop reading it!” to better fit the changes, also will no longer give negative approval.
-After he puts he book away, only “What areyou hoping to find in there anyway?” will end the conversation. Also edited the line “Yes, best to focus on what's urgent.” to “Probably best to focus on what'surgent.” to fit better.
The mirror scene:
-The phrase “Just looking. What are you doing?” will no longer advance the conversation.
-After he says “...just tell me I'm beautifuland we can call it a day.” the phrase“ Is that all you want? Shallow praise?” will no longer end the conversation, it will also no longer give approval.
After meeting the gur in the swamp:
If Astarion was in your party:
-In the first set of options, asking “But why was he hunting you? What did you do?” will no longer advance the dialogue.
If he was not in your party:
If selecting “He wanted to capture youand bring you back to Baldur's Gate.” the following phrase “The hunter saidyou were a vampire spawn...” will nolonger advance the dialogue.
All branches:
-After he says “I would've died had Cazador not appeared and saved me.” only thephrase “So why send one after you now? To remind you of that night?” will continue the dialogue.
-After he says “Hecould walk into our camp tonight...“ only the line “All right. What do you suggest?” will continue the dialogue.
Firstromance proposition (before the party):
-Youno longer need to select "I only did it tohelp you get stronger." to get the "Youshouldn't do this just because you feel like you owe me something..."line.
First romance scene:
-Changed the possible line about “tasting” (if you're aware he's a vamp and are playing certain classes) to “'Tasted?'” because the original was way too aggressive. Also this line and it's
non-vamp-aware counterpart will no longer advance the dialogue.
-After he says “That's what you want, isn't it? To lose yourself in me?” the option “I want to have fun - that'sit.” will no longer advance thedialogue.
-After he says “You sleep light. I thought you'd be exhausted after last night.” the line “I could always go again.” will no longer advance the dialogue.
-After asking about his scars and passing the check, the line about them being written in Infernal will no longer advance the dialogue.
-After asking “Can I see?” and he says “And if I can't see it,you certainly can't.” the line “Aren'tyou curious to know what it says?” will no longer lead to the end of the conversation.
Priest of Loviatar:
-If you read the book before talking to Abdirak, selecting “I saw your book. Let me try some of those techniques.” will now give the same approval for Astarion and Shadowheart as the
line “I am curious.”
Second romance proposition:
-After he says “Every part of your perfect body whispers temptation...” the line “Did these really workon Cazador's targets?” will no longer continue the conversation.
-Added the dialogue following the "You don't haveto ask twice." option to the end of the "enticing" branch - "I'm amazed you managed to keepyour mind clear enough to fight..."
-Added Karlach's possible response “I'd love that, Astarion, but you know I can't. I'd burn you alive.” to the end of the “You don't have toask twice.” branch.
After blasting him with the sun lance and bringing him back:
-The phrase "I preferred you as a pile of ash" will give negative approval. Only selecting "Sorry,I'll be more careful next time." will continue theconversation.
Scar reading:
-After he says “What did he do to me?” only the line “What does it matter? You're free of him now.” will advance the dialogue. However, selecting “What does it say?” will make the option“ It's a strange-looking poem.” unavailable.
-After he says “Two centuries carrying this, and I can finally see it.” only the phrase “Disappointed?” will continue the dialogue. NOTE: you may get some repeated dialogue here depending on what options are available.
-If getting this scene after talking to Raphael, after he says “Still, I've made my bed with Raphael. We'll know soon enough.” the line “I suppose we will.” will no longer end the conversation.
Discussing asking Raphael about his scars:
-After he says “I'mafraid that through those runes - somehow - Cazador might still be able to dominate me. “ only “Allright, what do you want to do about it?” will advance the conversation.
-After he says “Our devilish friend –Raphael...” only the phrase “He'll want something in return. Are you sure you can pay his price?” will end the conversation. However, selecting “Sure,makes sense.” will make the lines“ Just don't rope me into this. Anydeals are between you and him.” and “Are you mad? The devil that's afterour souls?” unavailable, conversely, the option “Just don't rope me intothis. Any deals are between you and him.” will make the lines “Sure, makessense.” and “Are you mad? The devil that's after our souls?”unavailable.
“Connection betweeen us” dialogue:
“Naive” branch:
-After his initial greeting, the phrases “Trust me, I'm nothing like you.” and “I thought you hated me.” will no longeradvance the dialogue.
-After he says “Whoever's waiting for us at Moonrise Towers...” the lines “Until we transform into mind flayers, you mean.”and “And how would we do that, exactly?” will no longer continue the conversation.
“Evil” branch:
-After the greeting, the phrases “I do what Ihave to to survive, that's all.” and “I didn't think you liked me at all.” will no longer advance the dialogue.
-After he says “Whoever's waiting for us atMoonrise Towers...” the lines “It sounds like fun until we all turn into mind flayers.” and “And how would we do that,exactly?” will no longer continue the conversation.
Dark Urge scene after refusing to kill Isobel:
NOTE: this will also make similar changes to the dialogues for all companions due to them being linked.
-After he says "Easy now, darling. You've got this. And I've got you." choosing "Growl." will continue the dialogue.
-Then after he says "You are not alone in this..." choosing "I promise Iwill be the person you see in me." will continue.
Morningafter Dark Urge Scene:
-After his initial greeting ("Are you all right now...") only selecting "We're safe for now, as far as I can tell." will advance the dialogue.
Askingabout Raphael's trustworthiness:
-After he says “I'd trust a devil over a vampire any day...” only the phrase “It's your only lead, I suppose.” will continue.
After recruiting Minthara:
-Only “I know what I'm doing.” will end the dialogue.
Romance confession:
Araj version:
-After he says “You could have asked me to do the same.../You stood up for me earlier...“ the phrase “You make your own choices now - for better or worse.” will no longer continue the dialogue.
-After he says "A moment of disgust to force myself through..." only selecting "Forcing you to bite her would've been wrong." (edited line) will continue the dialogue.
Yugir version:
After his initial greeting, the phrases “About your undying love for me?” and “This doesn't sound good.” will no longer advance the dialogue.
-After his "...I want us to be something real." line only selecting "I want something real with you, too. More than anything." (edited line) will continue the conversation. “How dare you! We're done.” will still end the dialogue.
Both versions:
-After telling him you care about him and he replies "Really?" choosing "Open your mind so he sees youcare." OR "You are worth agreat deal to me, no matter what you are going through." will continue and give approval.
Note: When selecting the option "You are worth a great deal to me, no matter what you are going through." the camera angle will not change, for this reason I suggest choosing
“Hug him.” before this, otherwise the camera will stay on your character during his response.
After killing the orthon and asking if he's pleased:
-Only selecting "Where do you think we can find him?" will continue. Also changed the line "It was a pleasure to kill him." to "It was a pleasure to kill the orthon.” to fit better.
Raphael's revelation:
-In the first set of options the phrase “Are you sure you want to know, Astarion? Maybe it's best left in the past.” will no longer advance the conversation.
-After he says “What do you think I should do?”/”Doyou think it's so simple?” the lines “We can't let Cazador complete that ritual. He could unleash terrible horrors.” and “There's a way to become a living vampire...That must mean a lot to you.” will no longer advance the dialogue.
Asking what he intends to do about the ritual:
-After he says "I don't know if he'd perform the ritual there..." only choosing "We should ask around once in the city - maybe someone's heard something." will end the conversation.
Asking about the ritual:
-After he says “What? I've obviously thought about it!” the phrase “And the souls that need to be sacrificed?” will no longer advance the dialogue.
Talking about Cazador after leaving Act II (and you know about the ritual):
-After the "pure shit" line, the phrases "All that matters to me is that you're safe." and "A killer isn't worthy of respect." will no longer continue the dialogue.
-After his "If we track down my old comrades..." line, selecting "As long as you're sure you'll be all right seeing them again, love." or "Don'tget ahead of yourself..." will no longer advance the dialogue.
Worried about Cazador finding out he's back:
-The line "And how will you 'strike' exactly? He won't be alone." will no longer advance the dialogue.
Finding the spawn in Wyrm's Crossing:
If you've discussed stealing the ritual's power:
-After he says "Seven sigils on seven spawn..." the lines "'For Ourselves'? For yourself, you mean." and "Sometimes you scare me more than the elder brain does." will no longer advance the dialogue.
-After he says “And you want what's best for me, surely?”only the phrase “Can we go? We got what we need - the ritual's below the palace.” lead to the end of the conversation.
If you didn't discuss stealing the ritual's power:
-After he says “And if I were to ascend instead of him: freedom from Cazador, once and for all.” the possible line “If it was possible to take Cazador's place, you'd have to sacrifice the other spawn.”will no longer continue the dialogue.
-If you select the possible option “Aren't you part of the sacrifice? Surely you'd be destroyed too?“ only the ensuing phrase “Can we go? We got what we need - the ritual's below the palace.” will lead to the end of the conversation.
-The possible lines “Is that possible? For you to take his place?” and “Unless it's all a lie.” will no longer advance the dialogue.
-If you select “Don't get ahead of yourself - there's a lot we don't know.” only the ensuing option “Come on, time to leave.” will end the conversation.
Vampire ambush in camp:
-After you defeat the spawn and he says "What amess. Well, at least you've met my family now." selecting "I can't believe how you lied to them. You know they'll have to die for the Rite to happen." OR "We should try to save them, before it's too late." will continue the conversation.
-You no longer need to hear the line "You were always weak, brother. We don't follow weak." to get his story about the "darling boy" after defeating the spawn. Also edited the line before this (“Astarion...did you give up on fighting Cazador before?”) to fit better.
-If selecting the "I can't believe how you lied to them. You know they'll have to die for the Rite to happen."and then "You don't have sympathy forothers sharing your plight?" only the line "There are many others like me who will care for you, if you care for them." will continue the conversation and give approval.
-Only the phrase asking about Cazador's bond or “I hope we can get some rest now” will end the dialogue.
After taking the elevator to Cazador's dungeon:
Version 1, BEFORE finding the prisoners:
-Only "Leave." will end the conversation.
Version 2, AFTER finding the prisoners:
-Added in the lines about the dungeon from the other version of this dialogue.
-When talking about the prisoners or the Gur children, after he says “It seems now I do.” the phrase “I'm sure you'll make the right decision.” will continue the dialogue.
-Only "Leave." will end theconversation.
Encountering the caged spawn in the dungeon:
-After the narrator says *Approaching the cells, you're met by hollow-eyed faces..." only the option "Astarion - do you know who these prisoners are?" will advance the dialogue, selecting"Leave." will end the encounter.
-After the check to recognize the scars on the caged spawn, the possible lines about their scars and "Is this how all of your lovers end up?" will no longer advance the conversation.
After meeting Sebastion in the dungeon (and you know about the ritual):
-If you select "You can save them." only the options "This isn't you,Astarion. Not really." OR "Don'tyou feel for them?" OR "Perhaps there isn't a point..." will lead to the end of the dialogue.
-If selecting “This isn't you, Astarion. Not really." the ensuing option “So you will kill them all, just because they remind you of yourself?” will no longer end the dialogue.
-If selecting "In another life, you'd have led me to this crypt..." only the line "To care again is to live again. What now?" will continue the conversation.
Confronting Cazador:
-After the initial greeting, the line “He doesn't owe you anything.” will no longer advance the dialogue.
Immediately after defeating Cazador (spawn route):
-The option "You don't regret giving up all that power?" will no longer advance the conversation.
Last romance scene (spawn route):
-After his initial greeting ("I should probably start getting used to the shadows again...") only choosing "You did the right thing, stopping the Black Mass." will continue the conversation.
-After he says "Maybe never seeing the sun again is just the price of freedom." only the phrase "I'll be with you either way. I hope you know that." will advance.
-After "There's... something I'd like to show you, if that's all right? Something out in the city."select "Of course, lead on." to continue.
-After arriving at the graveyard, only "Hold back for a moment." will continue the dialogue.
-After he says "From that day on I was his. Until today." only "How does it feel to be free?" will continue the conversation.
-After "Now I need to figure out who I am. What Iwant." the "You're not out of the woods yet - we still have the parasites to deal with." line will no longer advance the dialogue.
-After the line "I feel safe with you..." selecting "You won't lose me. Whatever comes next, I've got you." (edited line) will continue.
-After fixing the gravestone, only choosing "Hold back. Give him his moment." will continue.
Followup after defeating Cazador (spawn route):
-After he says "I'm free from him. Forever." selecting "How does it feel to be free?" (edited line) will advance the dialogue. Also removed the lines about
the spawn from the ensuing options to avoid possible repitition.
-If you freed the spawn, the line "Are youvolunteering for the job?" will no longer advance the conversation.
-After "You saved me back there..." only "You saved yourself, I just gave youa push." will continue.
Discussing Halsin's proposition:
-Selecting "It's all right with you? You don't sound fazed..." will no longer advance the conversation.
Before defeating Cazador:
-After he says “It's not because... you know... we haven't...in a while? ”only the lines “He propositioned me out of nowhere - I just want to see where it goes.” OR “I don't want you to feel bad, but I have felt frustrated.” will lead to the end of the dialogue. However, selecting “Gods, I don't want you to think that for a moment.” will make the phrase “Idon't want you to feel bad, but I have felt frustrated.” unavailable.
After defeating Cazador (spawn):
-After he says “I trust you to make choices that are not going to hurt what we have.” only the phrase “I want to see what happens with him.” will lead to the end of the dialogue.
After defeating Lorrakan with Dame Aylin:
-The lines about killing Cazador will no longer end the conversation.
After defeating Orin as Dark Urge and resisting Bhaal (spawn Astarion):
-After his "twee" line, only selecting "Leave." will end the dialogue.
The "episode" after giving yourself over to Haarlep:
-Only the line “It's not so bad. I can put up with it.” will end theconversation.
After being partnered:
-Asking "What are we, to you?" will no longer end the conversation.
Epilogue Party (partnered/spawn):
-The line “It was a hell of a journey, but at least we've ended it together.” is now available after selecting “They seem happy, really.”
-Only the option “Hug him.” will end the conversation.
Will conflict with anything that also edits the following dialogue resources:
Spoiler: Show
It should be safe to install/uninstall mid-game so if there's a mod you'd prefer over this like AstarionRomance Act 2 Overhaul or SpawnAstarion - Epilogue Edits you can just swap out before the relevant dialogues.
Overexplained Interaction Options: Partially compatible, it will work but doesn't reflect the changes made to the edited dialogues and may conflict with edited lines.
Mods used in videos/screenshot
Astralities' Hair Color Overhaul (ASTRL DL White 1)
Astarion's Earrings (Jewel)
GhoulTouch - Necrotic Finesse Weapons
Armor and camp clothes are my own
ChaoticNeuThrall Heads (Solene)
Astralities' Skintone Expansion - Natural Tones (Faint Neutral)
keysuspect's Hair Edits (Drowned Braids)
Astralities' Hair Color Supplement (Pastel Red)
New eye colours (and blindness for all eyes) (Flame Green 4 HUM)
Piercing Improvement – Physics
LoopyLoo's Eye Makeup Tweaks (Makeup 3)
LVNDR's makeup and tattoo colours (Mulled)
Elven Weaponry - Sword Dancer
Camp clothes, circlet, piercings, and tattoos are my own
Customized - Companion Tents