Just wanted to say, this is working on patch 7 (HF27). Tysm, because the constant purple Eye of Sauron floating above characters' heads was really distracting.
I have already installed the mod following the instruction and also activeated it. But the sign is still there in the game. How could I make them disappear?
You probably have a mod conflict. But if you already tried putting it in the end of the list, and it still shows, then I don't know. My only guess is, those VFX are using a different "Status" ( my mod overrides "SEE_INVISIBILITY" ).
Is it a vanilla spell or modded?
EDIT: Also, try putting it in the end of the list, than load the "Goblin Camp" save and check the VFX for "Scrying Eye", it should be invisible, but active for revealed characters ( Like on the screenshot ).
Can you remove the Floaty Text Damage Numbers that flood spam the screen whenever anyone hits something? No one seems able, willing to tackle it but whoever does it First is going to be Core mod for BG3 for a very long time...
Probably because it's a core UI stuff. Not many people can edit it. Try asking pavelk, he is more experienced with UI editing. If anyone can do it, it's him.
Thank you so much for doing this and still keeping the revealed option. It would cause so many weird lighting issues and be especially noticeable in cutscenes!!
Would you ever consider a smaller "alternative" VFX to replace the eye? If not, no worries at all. Thank you again for this!
You probably didn't save the Load Order.
But if you already tried putting it in the end of the list, and it still shows, then I don't know.
My only guess is, those VFX are using a different "Status" ( my mod overrides "SEE_INVISIBILITY" ).
Is it a vanilla spell or modded?
Also, try putting it in the end of the list,
than load the "Goblin Camp" save and check the VFX for "Scrying Eye", it should be invisible,
but active for revealed characters ( Like on the screenshot ).
Try asking pavelk, he is more experienced with UI editing. If anyone can do it, it's him.
Would you ever consider a smaller "alternative" VFX to replace the eye? If not, no worries at all. Thank you again for this!