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Complete set of equipment. Themed around necrotic paladin/necromancer, using mainly melee and cantrips. Natural obtention and progression.

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The Deathsong set can be obtained, item per item, at various locations.

Each item can be upgraded. Their evolution should make them relevant at every stage of the game without being too OP. 

The set is quite powerful, and intended to be used at higher/modded difficulty.

To improve them into their stronger variants, you will need a crafting station. The set comes with its own:

Prism of Negative Energies

Improving station for Deathsong Set items

Every item upgrade requires and consumes the item.

Obtention : Arcane Tower Undercroft (Underdark)
UUID: 4cb2332c-fdae-4034-98a1-230e85792bfc

General crafting materials include:
  •  Soul Coins
  •  Infernal Iron
  •  Gold Ingots
  •  Death Coins

Death Coins are new, and obtained throughout the game on certain bosses.
Unusual crafting materials include:
  • Some base game items
  •  A Mithral Ore
  •  An elixir of Bloodlust
  •  A Dead Pixie
Mods to consider for more materials:
Souls Coins

Infernal Iron

Mithril Ore

All by MaskedRPGFan

Ancient Thay Amulet

Necromantic Aspiration: Add your Best Modifier to the damage of your Necrotic cantrips

Obtention: Thayan Cellar (Blighted Village)

UUID: 277275e9-0c15-444a-a568-2d60ae61c714

Crucible of the Tormented

Necromantic Aspiration: Add your Best Modifier to the damage of you Necrotic cantrips
Life Essence Harvest: When killing a hostile creature, absorb its energy and gain Life Essence equal to half their level. You deal 1 more Necrotic damage per Life Essence you have.

Upgraded with: 
The Ever-Seeing Eye +
Amulet of Lost Voices
UUID: f128a6b7-1016-49c2-806a-e0c9261057f0

The Eerie Eye

Necromantic Aspiration: Add your Best Modifier to the damage of you Necrotic cantrips
Life Essence HarvestWhen killing a hostile creature, absorb its energy and gain Life Essence equal to half their level. You deal 1 more Necrotic damage per Life Essence you have.
Deathgaze (spell): Deal 50~100 Necrotic damage to a single target.Once per long rest. Stuns user 2 turns.

Upgraded with: 
The Spectator Eyes + Dead Pixie
UUID: 5d8cf085-d664-4538-8ef0-03e2092d040e

Rusty Blacksword

Unholy: This weapon deals additional Necrotic damage equal to 1d4. The wielder also take 1d4 Necrotic damage.

Withers’ Tomb
UUID: b29c3f4f-7d7e-40b9-a4ea-ce765809f187


Unholy: This weapon deals additional Necrotic damage equal to 1d4 + 1. The wielder also take 1d4 + 1 Necrotic damage.
Lifedrinker: Regain 25% of the damage done by your attacks, if they deal Necrotic damage.
Enchantment: +1

Upgraded with:
Soul Coin + Elixir of Bloodlust
UUID: d33ad79f-3f20-48a0-a9ca-273580d08663

Culling Ebonblade

UnholyThis weapon deals additional Necrotic damage equal to 1d4 + 2. The wielder also take 1d4 + 2 Necrotic damage. 
LifedrinkerRegain 25% of the damage done by your attacks, if they deal Necrotic damage.
Heed the Cull: When you crit or kill with the sword, nearby ennemies are cursed for 3 turns. Cursed enemies take 1d8 Necrotic damage from your attacks and spells.
Enchantment: +2

Upgraded with:
Infernal Iron +
Ch'r'ai W'wargaz’s Death Coin
UUID: 4b597ea5-c5b2-43d8-af4b-fc4f42834881


UnholyThis weapon deals additional Necrotic damage equal to 1d4 + 3. The wielder also take 1d4 + 3 Necrotic damage. 
LifedrinkerRegain 25% of the damage done by your attacks, if they deal Necrotic damage.
Heed the Cull: When you crit or kill with the sword, nearby ennemies are cursed for 3 turnsCursed enemies take 1d8 Necrotic damage from your attacks and spells.
Hymne Funeste (spell): Aura of difficult terrain or slowed (condition not resistant to fear, affects self).
Enchantment: +3

Upgraded with
 Phalar Aluve +
 Ketheric Thorm’s Death Coin
UUID: 4d783457-401f-4b78-b5b5-f301d8518906


UnholyThis weapon deals additional Necrotic damage equal to 1d4 + 5. The wielder also take 1d4 + 5 Necrotic damage. 
LifedrinkerRegain 25% of the damage done by your attacks, if they deal Necrotic damage.
Heed the Cull: When you crit or kill with the sword, nearby ennemies are cursed for 3 turnsCursed enemies take 1d8 Necrotic damage from your attacks and spells.
Hymne Funeste (spell)Aura of difficult terrain or slowed (condition not resistant to fear, affects self).
Enchantment : +5

Upgraded with
Infernal Iron
 Ansur’s Death Coin
UUID: e4fdd1d3-5ef2-4ddd-889c-18b171d6774b

Ketheric’s Circlet

High Spellcasting: Spell DC +1

Ketheric Thorm
UUID: bdc20411-9262-4ad3-b1f4-4ada9c4ee1a2

Deathwalker’s Circlet

High Spellcasting: Spell DC +1
Will of the Everliving: You can't be Frightened, and cannot be afflicted with other emotion-altering conditions.

Upgraded with:
Soul Coin +
Act 2 Boss Death Coin
UUID: ad51295b-7cdc-46ee-a5d4-ef52f5363ef0

Everlord’s Crown

High Spellcasting: Spell DC +1
Will of the Everliving: You can't be Frightened, and cannot be afflicted with other emotion-altering conditions.
Undying Resolve: Cantrips targeting foes and allies can target an additional creature, and one more every 8 levels. The same target can be chosen multiple times. 

Upgraded with
Infernal Iron +
 Act 3 Boss Death Coin
UUID: d1f336ce-016c-47d7-93db-50f4cdcddcbc

Ketheric’s Cape

Breathlessly: Advantage on Dexterity saving throws.

Malus Thorm
UUID: be405bb0-e8fe-4d2a-82b1-7e5cab2f64c7

Deathwalker’s Cape

Breathlessly: Advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Otherworldy Prestance: Saving Throws +1

Upgraded with:
Gold Ingot +
 Act 2 Boss Death Coin
UUID: 00cc9a85-0255-4e07-ae21-774f7e51a0d8

Reapers’s Shroud

Breathlessly: Advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Otherworldy Prestance: Saving Throws +1
Obscure VeilWhen below 30% hit points, getting damaged causes a cloud of darkness to surround you for 2 turns. When this happens, you are able to see normaly through darkness. Once per long rest.

Upgraded with
Soul Coin +
 Act 3 Boss Death Coin

UUID: 1952a301-65d1-49d4-a94d-35933118513c

Ketheric’s Boots

LongstriderIncrease a creature's Movement Speed by 3 m / 10 ft.

Gerringothe Thorm
UUID: 1b83d0d9-a89d-4122-a7fd-2cdc3b0186bf

Deathwalker’s Boots

LongstriderIncrease a creature's Movement Speed by 3 m / 10 ft.
Rigor MortisWhen activated, you can't be moved against your will by any spell or action, but have Disadvantage on Dexterity Saving throws.

Upgraded with:
Soul Coin +
Act 2 Boss Death Coin
UUID: e5b5175c-846a-4a5b-80f2-29fd29181ca4

Damnation’s Stride

LongstriderIncrease a creature's Movement Speed by 3 m / 10 ft.
Rigor MortisWhen activated, you can't be moved against your will by any spell or action, but have Disadvantage on Dexterity Saving throws.
Inexorable Walk: Movement Speed can't be reduced by Difficult Terrain, spells or magical effects. Can't be Paralysed or Restrained.

Upgraded with
Infernal Iron +
 Act 3 Boss Death Coin

UUID: fc457490-8800-4c23-b322-72050790db34

Ketheric’s Gauntlets

Cold Iron Grip: Attack roll +1

Obtention: Thisobald Thorm
UUID: ae0cfbf3-b174-4ace-aaf4-11731a8e07b3

Deathwalker’s Gauntlets

Cold Iron Grip: Attack roll +1
Might of Undeath: Add you Strength Modifier as Necrotic bonus damage to your weapon attacks

Upgraded with:
Soul Coin +
Act 2 Boss Death Coin
UUID: f4862285-e23c-4d5e-8bd8-1c1dea9deecd

Undeath’s Grasp

Cold Iron Grip: Attack roll +1
Might of Undeath: Add you Strength Modifier as Necrotic bonus damage to your weapon attacks
Relentless Fate: Missing a target reduces their AC by 1 per turn for 3 turns (stackable).

Upgraded with
Infernal Iron +
 Act 3 Boss Death Coin

UUID: 9db7cdb8-3f23-4dbd-9492-24b0df26f2ef

Ketheric’s Armor

Magical PlateAll incoming damage is reduced by 1.

Ketheric Thorm
UUID: 53b3e771-5835-4703-8845-28169b836b8c

Deathwalkers’ Armor

Magical PlateAll incoming damage is reduced by 2.
Inured to UndeathYou have steeped yourself so completely in death that you are Resistant to Necrotic damage, and moreover your hit point maximum cannot be reduced.

Upgraded with:
Soul Coin +
Act 2 Boss Death Coin
UUID: 24e66506-e35c-4a62-b11a-4045ed9dfa2d

Dead One’s Embrace

Magical PlateAll incoming damage is reduced by 3.
Inured to UndeathYou have steeped yourself so completely in death that you are Resistant to Necrotic damage, and moreover your hit point maximum cannot be reduced.
Dreadful Presence (spell): Reduces foes' attack rolls, damage rolls and saving throws by 1d4 in 6m around you.

Upgraded with:
Infernal Iron +
 Act 3 Boss Death Coin

UUID: acfb4e86-f0a5-448e-8d69-39942eb1bee5

Ketheric’s Shield
Shield Bash

Magical PlateAll incoming damage is reduced by 1.

Obtention: Ketheric Thorm
UUID: 6cb88e48-70ce-4304-b3b6-db52d1880bec

Deathwalker’s Shield
Shield Bash
Magical PlateAll incoming damage is reduced by 2.
Admant: Attackers can’t land critical strikes on the wearer.

Upgraded with:
Soul Coin +
Act 2 Boss Death Coin
UUID: 40a37932-f44e-4116-b674-b5efc3a9b277

Impossible Conquest

Magical PlateAll incoming damage is reduced by 3.
Adamant: Attackers can’t land critical strikes on the wearer.
Unwavering: Reduce damage of attackers on hits on the wearer.
Retaliation from Beyond the Grave: Attacks dealing damage to you cause a burst of Necrotic energy around you. This can cause them to become Mad, Frightened or Confused if they fail saving throws. Once per turn. Reaction.

Upgraded with
 Mithral Ore +
 Act 3 Boss Death Coin

UUID: 381dbcc0-119b-44e0-80eb-fd74e940a256

Nere’s Ring

Vindictive Attention: While concentrating,you can’t roll below 2 on damage rolls.
Obtention: True Soul Nere
UUID: bde3e58b-642b-44b8-8d87-d7f0e9250666

Ring of Sharp Focus

Vindictive AttentionWhile concentrating,you can’t roll below 3 on damage rolls.
Sharp Eye: While concentrating, add a 1d4-1 (scales with cantrips) to your attack rolls and can’t roll a 1

Upgraded with:
Gold Ingot +
Act 2 Boss Death Coin
UUID: 9128c71c-91cb-4f52-9579-a1efd237d31b

Wondrous Flow

Vindictive AttentionWhile concentrating,you can’t roll below 4 on damage rolls.
Sharp Eye: While concentrating, add a 1d4 (scales with cantrips) to your attack rolls and can’t roll a 1
Manifestation of Intent: While concentrating, your cantrips deal half your level as bonus damage. If you miss with them, you deal that much damage as Necrotic anyway.

Upgraded with:
Soul Coin +
Act 3 Boss Death Coin
UUID: abf24cde-4850-41a0-bf1f-394cbba3f9d0

Balthazar’s Ring

Unholy Thralls: Nearby undead allies deal 1d4+Level/2 Necrotic damage, and half that on miss.

UUID: cf4e2faf-5993-424d-845b-6961e3a56fa0

Ring of the Undead Horde

Unholy ThrallsNearby undead allies deal 1d4+Level/2 Necrotic damage, and half that on miss.
Enduring Thralls: Nearby undead allies gain half the square of their level as hit points.

Upgraded with:
Gold Ingot +
Act 2 Boss Death Coin
UUID: fda7f300-5ce7-46d3-982a-2181027c9c13

Servile Tide

Unholy ThrallsNearby undead allies deal 1d4+Level/2 Necrotic damage, and half that on miss.
Enduring Thralls: Nearby undead allies gain half the square oftheir level as hit points.
Zealous Thralls: Nearby undead allies are Hastened (no Lethargic).

Upgraded with:
Soul Coin +
Act 3 Boss Death Coin
UUID: 5ed5400f-486f-4951-9854-bb12edf0c372

Stick of Many Bones

Strength in Numbers: Nearby undead allied summons get +1 DR.
For the Horde (spell): Sacrifice an undead summon to give 20% of its max HP to all your other summons.
Enchantment: +1

Obention: Staff of Crones +
 Soul Coin +
 Soul Coin

Staff of the Baleful Harbinger

Strength in Numbers: Nearby undead allied summons get +2 DR.
For the Horde (spell): Sacrifice an undead summon to give 30% of its max HP to all your other summons.
Deadly Orders (spell): Mark a target, undead allied summons have advantage against it, and it has disadvantage on saving throws against them. If a summon kills the target, it becomes your Undead Champion.
Undead Champion: Size is increased, hit points rise by by 50%, Strength is increased by 3 and the entity takes 3 less damage from all sources.
Its physical attacks deal an additional [1] damage, and it has Advantage on Strength Checks and Saving Throws.
Undead Ward: Nearby allied undead are Resistant physical damage.
Enchantment: +2

Upgraded with: Circle of Bones + 
 Soul Coin

Scepter of the Deathsworn Legion

Strength in Numbers: Nearby undead allied summons get +2 DR.
For the Horde (spell): Sacrifice an undead summon to give 40% of its max HP to all your other summons.
Deadly Orders (spell): Mark a target, undead allied summons have advantage against it, and it has disadvantage on saving throws against them. If a summon kills the target, it becomes your Undead Champion.
Undead Champion: Size is increased, hit points rise by by 50%, Strength is increased by 3 and the entity takes 3 less damage from all sources.
Its physical attacks deal an additional 1d4 damage (scaling with level), and it has Advantage on Strength Checks and Saving Throws.
When the Undead Champion kills something or dies, its master summons a Skeletal Involucre (if they are in range and have line of sight).
Undead Ward: Nearby allied undead are Resistant physical damage.
Overlord: Allied undead minions get a bonus to their ability scores equal to your ability modifiers.
Enchantment: +3

Upgraded with: Staff of Spellpower + 
 Soul Coin

Grim Argument

Glaive, Versatile, Reach, Finess, can't dual wield, 1d8/2d6 Slashing damage (counts as 2 items for the set)
Silences the target on hit.
Lethal Weapon: Ignores resistance to Slashing.
Grim War Magic: After a weapon attack, you can cast a cantrip for free. After casting a cantrip, you can use a weapon attack for free.
Enchantment: +1

Obtention: Vision of the Absolute +
 Mithral Ore + sussur tree bark


Silences the target on hit.
Lethal Weapon: Ignores resistance to Slashing. 
When attacking with this weapon or a spell, you roll your attack and damage dice twice and use the highest result.
The number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking is reduced by 1. 

Grim War Magic: After a weapon attack, you can cast a cantrip for free. After casting a cantrip, you can use a weapon attack for free.
Whirlwind (weapon action): Two-handed only, circular attack.
Life Reaper: On a two-handed hit, possibly remove a chunk of the target's health. When this happens, the target becomes Vulnerable to Necrotic damage until the end of your next turn.This can work once per turn per target.
Necrodrake Infusion (spell): Imbue the scythe with necrotic energy. It gains an enchant level and deals 1d4 additional damage. You get the same damage bonus on your spells.
Enchantment: +2

Upgraded with: Drakethroat Glaive + 
Infernal Iron

The Tearror

Silences the target on hit.
Lethal Weapon: Ignores resistance to Slashing. 
When attacking with this weapon or a spell, you roll your attack and damage dice twice and use the highest result.
The number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking is reduced by 1. 

Grim War Magic: After a weapon attack, you can cast a cantrip for free. After casting a cantrip, you can use a weapon attack for free.
Whirlwind (weapon action): Two-handed only, circular attack.
Life Reaper: On a two-handed hit, possibly remove a chunk of the target's health. When this happens, the target becomes Vulnerable to Necrotic damage until the end of your next turn.This can work once per turn per target.
Necrodrake Infusion (spell): Imbue the scythe with necrotic energy. It gains an enchant level and deals 1d4 additional damage. You get the same damage bonus on your spells.
Tear the Weave (weapon action): Perform a vertical slash in an area in front of you and interrupt the targets' Concentration.
Dracolich's Dread (spell): This entity deals Necrotic damage with its spells equal to its Proficiency Bonus and applies Grey Flame on hit.
While attuned to the Dracolich's Dread, it can cast Circle of Death and Destructive Wave.
Grey Flame: Deals 1d4 Fire, Cold, Necrotic and Radiant damage.
Enchantment: +3

Upgraded with: Markoheshkir + 
 Soul Coin

Set Bonuses

Equipping several items grants bonuses. They are based on the number and rarity of items as follows:

  • 3 Rare items: 1 level 1 Shadow Spell slot
  • 3 Very Rare items: 2 level 1 Shadow Spell slots OR 1 level 2 Shadow Spell slot
  • 3 Legendary items: 3 level 1 Shadow Spell slots OR 1 level 3 Shadow Spell slots or 2 level 2 Shadow Spell slots
These are unlocked/chosen by using a spell given by the set bonus.

  • 6 Rare items: +1d8 necrotic damage on non necrotic resistant targets
  • 6 Very Rare items: Ignore necrotic resistance and trigger previous effect if enemy is resistant (but not immune)
  • 6 Legendary items: Ignore necrotic immunity and trigger previous effect on any enemy

  • 9 Rare items: resistance to a chosen damage type
  • 9 Very Rare items: 75% resistance to a chosen damage type
  • 9 Legendary items: immunity to a chosen damage type
These are unlocked/chosen by using a spell given by the set bonus.

The Greatsword counts for 2 items.
Items of a certain rarity also count towards the lower rarities too.
So for example
  • having 3 Very Rare items and 3 Rare items will grant the Very Rare version of 3 items set bonus and the Rare version of the 6 items set bonus.
  • having 3 Rare, 3 Very Rare, 3 Legendary will grant Legendary set 3, Very Rare set 6 and Rare set 9 bonuses.

Death Coins are found on thesebosses (bold ones have a unique coin):
Act 1 Boss :
    Ch'r'ai W'wargaz 

UUID: 9b6cc5e5-d173-4ed3-9a5d-371aff6cef71
Act 2 Bosses :
UUID: 25051057-7571-4ae4-abb8-8a159f5a9bda
    Gerringothe Thorm
    Malus Thorm
    Thisobald Thorm
    Ch'r'ai Tska'an
    Kressa Bonedaughter
  •  Balthazar
    Ketheric Thorm
UUID: 314629d6-6e4f-4466-84dd-d181a374fb5f
Act 3 Bosses :
UUID: 4810a365-61e8-4184-9959-aeba02cea290
    Viconia DeVir
    Cazador Szarr
    Mystic Carrion
    Steel Watcher Titan
UUID: 76f0cc44-075e-48de-95ea-0f10c2c521c5

Use BG3MM.
Requires a new game for items to appear.

Should be safely removable from a save.

Should be compatible with most mods.

Armor is compatible with Armor Overhaul by VitruvianGuar, in case you're using it.I can add the properties for other of their mods upon request. 

Paramonov for some icons, for items and effects.