Main files
As requested Dribbles from Act 3 Circus gives a ton of XP(40000)
The patroling Intellect Devourer in the Tutorial Nautiloid awards 6500 XP which brings you to level 5.
Everything else is normal. No other XP modifier so this is just a quick boost to level 5 as requested. -
The patroling Intellect Devourer in the Tutorial Nautiloid awards 6500 XP which brings you to level 5.
Everything else awards 4 times more XP than normal as requested -
As requested, the Intellect Devourer in the Tutorial Ship awards enough experience to reach maximum level for testing purposes. I made it award 6 million XP so you can reach max level even if you use mods that add tons of levels.
As per request you get 2 times more XP from NPC's and activities up to level 5 then you start getting normal XP.
You gain 1.5 times more XP from all sources
You gain 10 times more XP from all sources
As per request you get 100 times more XP from all sources
You gain 1000 times more XP from all sources. Made for those that wanted to get to 12 during the tutorial.
This gets you to 13 in the tutorial if you do everything or to 12 if you skip everything and just kill the necessary imps and dogs. -
As per request you gain 12 times more XP from all sources
You gain 2 times more XP from all sources
You gain 20 times more XP from all sources
As requested, you gain 3 times more XP from all sources
As requested x4 until level 6 and x1.5 rest of the game
You gain 4 times more XP from all sources
As requested, you gain 6 times more XP from all sources
You gain 8 times more XP from all sources
As requested, killing the intellect devourer will grant you level 5 then you get x6.5 more XP from all sources
As per request 4 times more XP gained until level 6 then normal XP gain