About this mod
Poisons and status effects are now more dangerous.
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"This is what I've always wanted Ive. Anarchy and sushi!" --Harley Quinn
Poisons and status effects are now more dangerous. This currently includes common effects and consumables (e.g., Bleeding and healing potions). Future updates will include less common ones (e.g., Mental Fatigue and arrows of slaying); change over- and underpowered effects; standardize explosives; and give arrows, coatings, and grenades higher and/or scaling DCs.
Please note that I mod for myself first. I don't do multiple versions or patches for other mods, but I'm happy to offer advice if you want to make and publish your own version. Past versions are available under Files.
Full Description
- Bleeding, Burning, and Electrocuted cause 1d8 damage per turn.
- Gaping Wounds causes 1d4 Piercing damage on turn/on hit.
Poisons have higher DCs, 10 turn durations, and no Inoculated effects.(Changed in Update 1.8)Brewed-Up Bellyglummer causes Nauseous and 1d12 Poison damage.(Changed in Update 1.8)
Update 1.1
- Arrow of Arcane Interference causes Silenced for 2 turns.
- Arrow of Ilmater causes 2d4 bonus Necrotic damage and Bone Chilled for 2 turns.
- Arrow of Lightning creates an Electrified Water surface.
- Difficult Terrain causes a 0 multiplier to base jump distance.
- Electrocuted ticks once per turn as intended.
Update 1.2
- Heat causes your attacks to do an additional 1d4 Fire damage.
- Heat Convergence is removed.
Update 1.3
- Healing potions heal up to 50% more at low levels but apply their effects over 3 turns.
- Healing potions don't remove Burning.
Update 1.4
- Wild Magic effects have better damage scaling.
Update 1.5
- Brittle and Frozen cause Vulnerability to Bludgeoning, Force, and Thunder.
- Burning + Chilled (in that order) causes Brittle [1].
- Chilled + Wet (in any order) causes Frozen.
- Chilled doesn't cause Vulnerability to Cold. Instead, it causes Cold damage over time.
- Chilling Counter (Cold Snap) is a reaction.
- Cone of Cold, Explosive Icicle, and Winter's Breath cause Slowed.
- Create Water is considered harmful.
- Electrocuted additionally causes the effects of Shocked.
- Encrusted with Frost stacks faster on Wet targets. It doesn't have a save.
- Otiluke's Freezing Sphere causes Frozen. On a save, it causes Encrusted with Frost.
- Ray of Frost halves Movement Speed.
- Wet doesn't cause Vulnerability to Cold or Lightning.
Instead, Wet + Cold causes Slowed, and Wet + Lightning causes Electrocuted.(Changed in Update 1.8)
Update 1.6
- Contagion causes one Constitution Saving Throw on application.
- Stages I, II, and III cause Disadvantage on Ability Checks, Attack Rolls, and Saving Throws, respectively. Stage IV causes a unique debuff.
- Blinding Sickness affects Wisdom Saving Throws and causes Migraine [2].
- Filth Fever affects Strength Saving Throws and causes Wasting [3].
- Flesh Rot affects Charisma Saving Throws and causes Necrosis [4].
- Mindfire affects Intelligence Saving Throws and causes Delirium [5].
- Seizure affects Dexterity Saving Throws and causes Ataxia [6].
- Slimy Doom affects Constitution Saving Throws and causes Hemorrhage [7].
Update 1.7
- Flesh to Stone and Flesh to Gold cause one Constitution Saving Throw on application.
- Petrifying Sting (Gilded Imp) causes 6d6 Poison damage and Flesh to Gold: Stage 1.
Update 1.8
- Arcane Acuity stacks up to 3 in increments of 1. It lasts until long rest.
- Armour of Agathys grants resistance to Physical damage instead of temporary HP and causes Slowed instead of Cold damage when hit.
- Arrow of Many Targets does half damage to up to four targets.
- Elixir of Bloodlust grants Advantage on Attack Rolls for 2 turns when you kill a creature.
- Elixir of Hill Giant Strength and Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength grant 17 Strength and 21 Strength, respectively. Equipment that sets Ability Scores to fixed values is similarly adjusted.
- Exhausted is a stacking debuff that causes a -2 penalty to all stats. It's applied when you're Downed or when a Haste effect wear off, and it's removed by Rest or a Restoration effect.
- Infectious Greed (Helsik) grants 3d6 bonus Piercing damage.
- Lethargic is removed.
- Poisons have scaling DCs, stacking effects, and long rest durations. Toxins cause Poisoned (except Simple Toxin), and Brewed-Up Bellyglummer causes Nauseous and 1d12 Acid damage. Succeeding on a Saving Throw removes one stack and grants one stack of Inoculated, which makes additional saves against that poison easier.
- Wet + Cold causes Slowed, and Wet + Lightning causes Shocked.
Other Mods
For a list of my other mods, check out Better Kitchen Sink.
- Burning and Chilled are hard coded to cancel out, so this requires a workaround.
- Migraine causes Blindness, prevents spell casting, and limits the target's sight range to 3 m.
- Wasting causes Vulnerability to Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning damage.
- Necrosis causes Necrotic damage over time and prevents healing.
- Delirium causes Confusion and Vulnerability to Psychic damage.
- Ataxia causes Slowed and may cause the target to fall Prone during combat.
- Hemorrhage causes Slashing damage over time and when moving.