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  1. Grimpreacher
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    For those who need more confirmation on various mod compatibility.

    This mod is a Script Extension that occurs at the start of combat, applying a random number of affixes (0-3, with rarer cases for slightly more) to enemies as they are identified. These affixes include Passives, Statuses, and even rarer cases of Abilities or specifically Targeted abilities. As such, this mod does not touch or alter the base game and should be fine with any of the Death March, Stronger Bosses, Combat Extender, and basic difficulty increasing mods which seek to add stat values etc. or change enemy behavior. Just be aware of how these kinds of mods combine when it comes to balance and always be mindful of how certain interactions may play out. 

    • Safe Addition: 'Absolute Wrath' can be safely added to your game at any point, even on an existing save.
    • Safe Removal: You can safely remove 'Absolute Wrath' anytime either before initiating combat or shortly after completing it.
    • Avoid Removal in Combat: To prevent any issues, please do not remove 'Absolute Wrath' while in the midst of combat.
    • Current Version Compatibility: Fully compatible up to Patch 7.

    *For More Info: An article has been made to provide more clarity and transparency to anyone who wishes to understand the particulars of some of the deeper interactions and chances occurring within this mod. Transparency is something I feel personally strong about and will continue to provide updates as part of these ongoing processes continue. Now go, play, and we hope you have fun. Endorse us if you’re feeling generous, and thanks for the feedback, so please continue to do so, it only helps us to improve upon the mod! 
  2. ThancredLux
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    this guy is way overtuned, very unbalanced, this game is not dark souls.

    you can do varely any damage to this guy.

    unbalanced garbage
    1. Grimpreacher
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      We’ll break down what we’re seeing here based on the screenshot. As far as what Absolute Wrath is adding, the Shambling Mound has Nightmare Form and Valkrana’s Resistance.

      Nightmare Form makes it immune to non-magical damage and grants an extra attack, which can add some pressure, but by this stage in the game, most parties have access to magic weapons or spells to work around it. Valkrana’s Resistance applies some semblance of adaptive resistance, but considering the Shambling Mound already has significant innate resistances (including some immunities) in the base game, this doesn’t change much in practice.

      From what we can see, the fight looks well underway—the boss is already halfway down, and most of your party is still active. If there’s something else at play that wasn’t captured here, it doesn’t seem to be reflected in the image.
  3. OneElfArmy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks u for creating and updating this mod, cause I cant imagine my playthroughs without Absolute's Wrath anymore. And special thanks for the new features for the undeads. Fights with Valkrana's skelebros will be more interesting and thrilling <3
    1. Grimpreacher
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Thank you for the kind words and support! It’s awesome to hear Absolute Wrath has become such a key part of your playthroughs. I’m glad you’re enjoying the new undead features—it’s always fun hearing how they enhance the experience, especially with Valkrana’s skeletal chaos! <3 Happy adventuring!
  4. dartev
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    Ive been using this mod for ages now and its pretty amazing. Thank you for the obviously tons of work you put into it.

    I was wondering if you could maybe implement a fix for the ongoing issue with Trials of Tav (and the reloaded version that is), that after 2.0.5 it does not give enemies inside a ToT battle Absolute Wrath affixes anymore.
    I compared the most recent version with a version that is still working for me, and then simply replaced the code to test it.
    Unfortunately I know nothing very little about lua, but apparently something in that changed piece of code is preventing your mod to work with ToT.

    Just as a side node, spawning mobs inside the camp with the ToT debug function still gives them Absolute affixes. Its just inside the regular battles where it stops working.

    I understand if you choose to not attempt to fix this issue since it is regarding another mod, however I believe it would be such a shame since these two mods work so well together and looking through the comments in both mods, there seems to be quite a few people that feel the same way.

    Either way, thank you for reading this and even more for being active here!

    -------- from 2.0.9, doesnt work anymore inside ToT --------

    -- Function to check if a target is the host character or a companion, or their summons
    local function IsCompanionOrHostSummon(targetUUID)
    -- Check if the target is the host character
    if targetUUID == GetHostCharacter() then
      -- return true
    -- Check if the target is a companion
    if IsCompanion(targetUUID) then
      -- return true
    -- Check if the target is a summon and get its owner
    local ownerUUID = Osi.CharacterGetOwner(targetUUID)
    -- Check if the owner is a companion or the host character
    if ownerUUID and (IsCompanion(ownerUUID) or ownerUUID == GetHostCharacter()) then
     -- return true
    return false

    -- Event Listener for Entering Combat
    Ext.Osiris.RegisterListener("EnteredCombat", 2, "after", function(target, combatguid)
        if not combatInitiated or currentCombatID ~= combatguid then
            -- Reset combat-related variables for a new combat instance
            currentCombatID = combatguid
            combatInitiated = true
            friendlyTargets = {}
            enemyTargets = {}
            selectedArchetypesInCombat = {}
            if not delayRunning then -- Check if delay function is not already running
                delayRunning = true -- Set the flag to indicate delay function is running
                -- Delay the entire processing of the combat for 5 seconds (30 ticks)
                SP_DelayCallTicks(30, function()
                    -- Process all identified targets after the delay
                    for target, _ in pairs(enemyTargets) do
                        -- Check if target is excluded from affixes
                        local isCompanionOrHostSummon = IsCompanionOrHostSummon(target)
                        if not isCompanionOrHostSummon then
                            -- Level adjustment logic
                            local adjustedLevel = AdjustTargetLevelForAffixes(target)
                            -- Affix application logic using the adjusted level
                            local numAffixes, allowedTiersSet = GetAffixDataForLevel(adjustedLevel, target) -- Use adjustedLevel
                            if numAffixes and allowedTiersSet then
                                SelectAndApplyAffixes(target, numAffixes, allowedTiersSet)
                    delayRunning = false -- Reset the flag after processing
        -- Check if target is a character and not an irrelevant object
        if IsCharacter(target) == 1 then
            local isEnemy = Osi.IsEnemy(GetHostCharacter(), target) == 1
            local isCompanionOrHostSummon = IsCompanionOrHostSummon(target)
            if isCompanionOrHostSummon or not isEnemy then
                friendlyTargets[target] = true
            elseif isEnemy then
                enemyTargets[target] = true
        -- Irrelevant targets are silently ignored

    ------------------ older, working version ------------------

    -- Event Listener for Entering Combat
    Ext.Osiris.RegisterListener("EnteredCombat", 2, "after", function(target, combatguid)
        if not combatInitiated or currentCombatID ~= combatguid then
            -- Reset the combat-related variables for a new combat instance
            currentCombatID = combatguid
            combatInitiated = true
            friendlyTargets = {}
            enemyTargets = {}
            selectedArchetypesInCombat = {}
            if not delayRunning then -- Check if delay function is not already running
                delayRunning = true -- Set the flag to indicate delay function is running
                -- Delay the entire processing of the initial combat for 1 second (30 ticks)
                SP_DelayCallTicks(30, function()
                    -- Process all identified targets after the delay
                    for target, _ in pairs(enemyTargets) do
                        -- Level adjustment logic
                        local adjustedLevel = AdjustTargetLevelForAffixes(target)
                        -- Affix application logic using the adjusted level
                        local numAffixes, allowedTiersSet = GetAffixDataForLevel(adjustedLevel, target) -- Use adjustedLevel
                        if numAffixes and allowedTiersSet then
                            SelectAndApplyAffixes(target, numAffixes, allowedTiersSet)
                    for target, _ in pairs(friendlyTargets) do
                    delayRunning = false -- Reset the flag after processing
            -- Check if target is a character and not an irrelevant object
            if IsCharacter(target) == 1 then
                local isEnemy = Osi.IsEnemy(GetHostCharacter(), target) == 1
                local isCompanion = IsCompanion(target)
                if isCompanion or not isEnemy then
                    friendlyTargets[target] = true
                elseif isEnemy then
                    enemyTargets[target] = true
                    -- Apply delay and processing for each new target
                    SP_DelayCallTicks(30, function()
                        if IsEnemy(GetHostCharacter(), target) == 1 and not IsCompanion(target) then
                            -- Level adjustment logic
                            local adjustedLevel = AdjustTargetLevelForAffixes(target)
                            -- Affix application logic using the adjusted level
                            local numAffixes, allowedTiersSet = GetAffixDataForLevel(adjustedLevel, target) -- Use adjustedLevel
                            if numAffixes and allowedTiersSet then
                                SelectAndApplyAffixes(target, numAffixes, allowedTiersSet)
        -- Irrelevant targets are silently ignored

    1. Grimpreacher
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Appreciate the thoughtful message and for sticking with the mod—it means a lot! We’re happy to share that our latest update should address the compatibility issue with Trials of Tav.

      Thanks as well for providing those details and testing—it’s always helpful to get that kind of feedback. Let us know if anything else comes up, and thanks again for your support!
    2. joerumble
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      What order should we put these two.. Absolute before Trials?
    3. WadeLev
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you! The latest version is fully functional with Trials of Tav (Reloaded version).

      I´m having a blast with my brother doing roguelike runs with both mods, they´re just the best mod combination if you just want to jump into the action with endless possibilities.

      We´re also playing with the in-game mod Tactician Enhanced becasue we like to suffer lol
    4. Grimpreacher
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Hey, joerumble! The order should work fine either way, but it wouldn’t hurt to double-check Trials of Tav’s page to see if they recommend anything specific. Hope you enjoy the combo!

      And WadeLev, thanks for sharing! It’s great to hear you and your brother are enjoying the mods together. Sounds like you’ve got a fun (and challenging) setup! Let us know if anything comes up, and here's to a continued exciting adventure!
  5. StrifeMannagen
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Heyo, first off - best mod for BG3. Hands down.

    About Cryptborn Plague. I am constantly running in to an endless loop of NPCs caught up in combat spreading the plague afterwards, often regardless of long rests and story progression. I've seen it happen in Emerald Grove, Grymforge, Last Light, Moonrise, Rivington, and all over Lower City in multiple playthroughs. It's certainly a cool combat debuff, but it becomes a nightmare when I'm trying to loot, manage my inventory, or have important conversations and the NPCs are just shitting themselves on repeat and not doing anything about it. I'm assuming this is not intended behavior as it's not functionally an issue, but rather the non-stop notifications and sound effects are maddening.
    1. Grimpreacher
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Hey there, thanks for the high praise! About the Cryptborn Plague, this debuff will continue to linger if affected characters remain grouped together in its vicinity. A simple fix is to give your affected allies some space, letting the plague naturally dissipate. Alternatively, any disease-cleansing action can also nip it in the bud—catching it during its incubation phase can even prevent the outbreak from starting! Thanks for diving deep with the mod. If these suggestions don’t clear up the issue or you encounter any other quirks, please let us know. We’re here to help ensure your gameplay experience is as smooth as possible!
    2. StrifeMannagen
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Yeah, don't get me wrong, I can tell it's not bugged or anything like that. It's more of a QoL thing, really. It requires, at minimum if I'm right, Lesser Restoration to get rid of. In one off situations that's fine, but there's a lot of potential for it to get out of hand. For example: spreading to multiple NPCs at once and not having access to multiple healing effects after a fight, taking and physically moving the NPC with a high strength character only for them to walk back to where they were at before the plague wears off and risking them getting mad at you for it, or being forced into a post-combat conversation with exploding fart sounds in the background the whole time.

      Certainly a minor issue, but after spending 20 minutes trying to 'clean' Last Light after the ambush without catching a jail sentence I figured I'd say something. Still a cool affix regardless and Absolute Wrath is basically a requirement for me. :D

      Or... wait... was this the entire point of the affix? I missed the joke didn't I? Well shit.
    3. onetoomany11
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I am getting this notification Immune to Cryptborne Plague: Incubating, on two of my Dashwood the Warlock summons but there is no debuff on them that I can see. Is it supposed to show up as a debuff or are we only supposed to notice it via floating text every round?

      I also just noticed that Lesser Restoration does not work on them. 
    4. actualsailorcat
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      It just means that character is immune to disease.
    5. Grimpreacher
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Thanks for the question, and thank you, SailorCat, for stepping in! Their response seems spot on—it looks like those notifications are simply indicating the character’s immunity to disease. Let us know if anything else comes up, and I hope you enjoy the mod!
    6. Zordrac
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Just FYI:
      I'm undead (Path of Undeath mod) and the message "Immune to Cryptborne Plague: Incubating" just did not stop from spamming every round, although my other party members where no longer infected until I took a long rest. Lay on hands was not possible (due to being undead) and not even the Potion of Vitality helped (well I was not infected obviously...). So it's only a little annoying and probablly not worth fixing.
    7. kasg444
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm really excited about using this mod and I really want this mod in my playthrough going forward. But I'm not sure if the mod is working for me or not. I installed it before the Z'rell fight (outside of Moonrise) and I don't see any changes to her or the enemies with her. Am I missing something or is that intentional?

      Thank you!
    8. Grimpreacher
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Let me give you a quick rundown of how to tell if it’s working:

      • Conditional Effects (Statuses): These show up as icons under an enemy’s health bar or in the “Conditions” section of their inspection window. For example, a status like “Heroism” might appear.
      • Absolute Passive(s): This is a notification we added to let you know a passive affix has been applied. You’ll find details in the target’s “Notable Features” section.
      • Affix Notifications: At the start of combat, any affixes applied to enemies will appear in the combat log, either directly as their status or whether they’ve gained an Absolute Passive.
      • Absolutists: These elite enemies have unique bonuses and always gain a themed set of 3–4 affixes.
      Not every enemy is guaranteed to gain affixes, as the system assigns them randomly based on tailored logic, but as you progress, you should see these features come into play. If you're still unsure, feel free to ask for more help!
  6. vasilis2505
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    for some reason playing with this mod haseid (inside monastery has a lot or traits ( more than 10) and turns take too long
    1. Grimpreacher
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Thanks for reaching out! It’s a bit unclear what’s meant by "haseid," but if you’re referring to a specific enemy inside the monastery having many traits, it’s worth noting that enemies can have a mix of base-game abilities and traits alongside affixes added by Absolute Wrath.

      Our mod ensures that enemies gain between 0-3 affixes, with rare exceptions for Absolutists, which are designed to have a bit more. If you’re noticing a significantly higher number of traits, it could be a combination of the enemy’s innate abilities and affixes or potentially an interaction with other mods.

      If you’re able to check the enemy’s notable features and conditions, that could help distinguish what’s coming from the base game versus our mod. Feel free to share more details, and we can take a closer look!
  7. GracePlayz77
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi does this mod add encounters? Thanks!
    1. Grimpreacher
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Hi there! This mod doesn’t add entirely new scripted encounters, but it does introduce unique dynamics to existing fights through the random affixes enemies can gain, which can change how battles play out. There’s also a small chance for extra or unique mobs to spawn, so while it’s not technically adding encounters, it might feel like it in some cases. Hope that clears things up!
  8. chizfreak
    • premium
    • 57 kudos
    Can I disable this mod mid-playthrough (not in combat) without issues?
    1. Zenapop
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes, you can, It has it stated just above the forum posts.

      "Safe Removal: You can safely remove 'Absolute Wrath' anytime either before initiating combat or shortly after completing it"
    2. chizfreak
      • premium
      • 57 kudos
      Oops, sorry I didn't see that one lol. Thanks for the answer.
  9. ysm19xx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hello are  Valkrana's Skeleton Crew supposed to show up with absolutionist passive?  they arent for me , i also have combat extender thanks!
    1. Grimpreacher
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Hey there! Yes, Valkrana's Skeleton Crew can show up with the Absolutist passive, but it’s not guaranteed. Absolute Wrath rolls for affixes based on several variables like the type of mob, level, and chance at the start of combat, so it’s possible for them to roll without it.

      If you’re not seeing the passive at all, it’s worth double-checking that everything (including Combat Extender and your Script Extender) is fully up to date. Let me know if the issue persists, and I’ll see what I can do to help!
    2. ysm19xx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hmm ill keep testing and bring an update. thanks for the reply! the way i was currently testing was just attacking the grove merchant and 1 skeleton will always spawn but it never gets passive, the merchant will always get passive maybe 9 of 10 times. also the skeletons do get buffs from other mods like echoes of power
      Load order is :
      more enemies in basic fights
      extra encounters and minibosses
      echoes of power
      combat extender and exetender AI
      stronger bosses
      skele crew feat
      skele xp
      Undead encounters
      skeletal challange
      (spellbook near very top of LO)
  10. erpmine
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Quick question, does this mod boost NPC health by a random amount, and does it do that out of combat as well?

    I'm trying to calculate the health increase for some enemies to custom balance difficulty, but I use Tactician Enhanced and Combat Extender as well. I had set TE to increase health by 0%, as well as CE to use a 0.0 static boost to health.

    But when I checked the HP for my test subject Sovereign Spaw (Vanilla Tactician HP is supposed to be 145), his health (non-hostile and out of combat) was between 147 and 149 HP (it varied between reloads).

    Just trying to narrow down if it was this mod that's the cause of the small percentage boost, or if it's something else.
    1. Grimpreacher
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Thanks for reaching out! To clarify, Absolute Wrath only applies health boosts in a couple of specific ways:

      • Catch-Up Scaling: If a target is 2 or more levels below the host player’s level, they’ll receive a background health increase based on their proficiency bonus plus their level multiplied by 2.
      • Absolutist Enemies: If an enemy is chosen to become an “Absolutist,” they’ll receive a scaling health increase as part of their elite status.
      Outside of those, certain affixes can provide additional health bonuses, but these are typically more obvious since they’ll show up as named statuses or passives. That said, all of these changes are applied dynamically at the start of combat—not out of combat—so what you’re seeing might be related to something else in your setup. Hope this helps narrow things down, and let me know if you have more questions!
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    Is there a mod like this for allies? not companions just regular allies.
    1. Grimpreacher
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      I’m not aware of any mods like this specifically for regular allies, but the modding community is pretty expansive, so there might be something out there. It could be worth checking around, good luck, and happy modding!