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  1. hadumba
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Great mod. But there is a bug when you attack from stealth you can use all of your charges in a single turn (you can attack the enemy as often as you have charges), I don't know if this bug is related to the mod or the original game.
  2. MyUsername456799
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm very interested in this mod. it's exactly what I've been looking for! :) Does it still work with patch 5? 
  3. AudeCarlos
    • supporter
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    I got an idea
    Like this:since Level 5,we can choose “use an action to attack twice”(common extra attack) or “use a bonus action and a warcharge to attack once"(can't use action to attack in this turn,but still can do other things,like "cast a spell")
    After all,as a cleric there're many spells worth casting.And "warcharge is just used to gain extra attack"is very ... wasteful
    By this way,l think we can make a balance between attacks and spells,and it's more flexible and distinctive

    { its a thought just came to my mind _(:з」∠)_ }
  4. Stephanh89
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I second that request to add warpriest charges on short rest
  5. dracolucis
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Heya, thank you so much for making this mod. I was looking for something like this and wham! your mod comes along.

    Edit: Mod conflict. Apologies. If anybody wonders, make sure to load this AFTER the overpowered mod. /selfbonk

    So disregard this, just keep the thanks <3
    1. Stephanh89
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      accidental post
  6. RainStarfall
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    I hope it's not too much to ask to just have a version were the war priest charges come back on a short rest an that's it? thanks regardless :)
  7. Dismoralica
    • supporter
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    I think this mod makes the subclass too strong, if you are interested in the opinion - then I would remove the regular second attack, and instead leave the progression of war charges vanilla. 3 attacks in row it is too much, really
    1. miossid
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      • 1 kudos
    2. deleted65865806
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Agreed. This isn't just a "rebalance" or "slight improvement" to War Domain Clerics, this is a full on subclass replacement and very over powered compared to literally anything else in the entire game. But hey, to each their own, just know using this subclass mod will remove 90% of any challenge from the game essentially turning it into a interactable novel with pictures and video and audio.
    3. zero3042
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I kinda want to keep the 3 attacks thing because it's the only unique use of War Charges I could come up with, otherwise War Domain just feels like a shitty Paladin with a limited use of extra attack.

      I'm considering making it a long rest recharge again to make using it less of a nobrainer, but I'm not sure how much more balanced it would make the class.
    4. miossid
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      The thing is War Cleric has a lot of spells to cast, while Paladin hasn't. If War Clerics can attack three times in a row AND have all those spells available to cast (even if not in the same turn), that makes them far superior than a Paladin.
    5. zero3042
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      • 2 kudos
      I don't think you are being fair here, Paladins get a free d8 of divine damage on every attack at lvl 11, they have Divine Smite which is 2d8 of extra damage on a melee attack for a measly level 1 spell slot and it gets better when upcasted.

      I don't see a single cleric spell that is even half as good as divine smite when it comes to helping you deal melee damage, not to mention all the other things Paladins have going for them.

      Now my goal isn't to make War Domain stronger or at the same level as a Paladin but I think saying that a limited number of triple attacks is superior to a Paladin's damage just isn't true.
    6. miossid
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Fair, but I'd still would love it if you could make a second version of this mod without the extra attack in level 5, if you have the time
    7. 1293718242
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I think war charges on short rest fixes the subclass. In an ideal world, I'd delay the short rest replenishment until level 5, as War clerics would be out-pumping paladins and fighters until they got their second attack (as a full caster) with a short-rest resource. A paladin popping all smites on non-crits would barely catch up in a single fight and then they'd have nothing left for the day; same with a battle-master fighter using their die for pure damage. Making the charges scale the way you did effectively accomplishes this. Removing the bonus action cost was probably a bit much and makes cleric-dipping too attractive, but that's just my opinion.

      Later on, the fighting style is a nice addition. I'd personally do this at level 5. Clerics don't really need more late-game martial features, they have full spellcasting, which they should probably sacrifice if they really want paladin-tier melee damage.

      Now someone just needs to have a go at fixing Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight...
    8. zero3042
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      • 2 kudos
      Oh the short rest at 5 is a brilliant idea, I was a bit worried about how powerful a lvl 1 dip into war domain is with my changes but this would severely neuter that option.

      I will keep Charges as a free action though, I think having your attack cost an extra action and also having a limit due to charges is one limitation too many.

      EDIT - Sadly the short rest at level 5 thing is a huge headache to add, so instead I will opt to move the War Priest mechanic to level 2 in order to curb dipping abuse at least to some degree.
    9. Daemakon
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      Bard has an ability that gives them points which initially reset on Long Rest but eventually switches to reset on a Short Rest. Maybe look to that on how to pull it off?
    10. zero3042
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Yes! I have found that out when making my bard mod.

      I will eventually go back to this mod and make changes based on my newly acquired knowledge, no idea when that will happen though.
  8. LocoPepino
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    • 0 kudos
    Hey Zero, question does the first version include the extra attack on 5 while also giving War Charges on Short rest?. Personally I think considering cleric by Larians post being the least play class in all of BG3 it needs the little extra Oomph!

    why not release an additional mod to make War Clerics have the oomph, like keep the additional attack at lvl 5, at lvl 2 gets Divine Smite and War Charge’s left as is, based on wisdom for charge but recharge on Short Rest.

    a little over powered? Perhaps but it truly gives that Holy Warrior Priest feeling, I love cleric but hate how they never get Divine Smite or extra attack and losing lvl 6 spells to Multiclass sucks. Perhaps if it’s not to much work make an additional mod with these suggestions? Then it could be up to the player to decide. Really make War Cleric a strong Martial/Utility Domain. We don’t get improved Divine Smite nor Auras but get regular Divine smite but can be upcasted if we choose too. This way we get full Cleric lvl and spell progression just more melee oriented.

    It honestly be perfect,
    - Divine Smite at lvl 2
    - Extra attack at lvl 5
    - War Charges recharge on Short Rest.

    I wish I knew how to mod 😔.
    1. zero3042
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Hey Zero, question does the first version include the extra attack on 5 while also giving War Charges on Short rest?. Personally I think considering cleric by Larians post being the least play class in all of BG3 it needs the little extra Oomph!
      The only version of the mod that still has extra attack at level 5 is the initial 1.0 release.

      As for your other suggestions like adding Smite, honestly I was thinking about it at one point.
      Might happen in the future but I am currently busy with another mod and also just want to play the game right now.

      So for now it is highly unlikely I will make any new changes to this mod.
    2. LocoPepino
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Awesome! Will be amazing if the day ever comes!, Clerics deserve Divine Smite, fingers crossed.
  9. CrimsonKing1990
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Would this conflict with the Cleric Subclass mod?

    Edit: it seems to not give the extra attack and makes it so the war charges can be spammed in 1 turn
  10. PRISMEeos
    • premium
    • 41 kudos
    Amazing. War domain felt quite... underwhelming to say the least. I love Clerics so much but I feel like some domains are basically unpolished. THANK YOU so much!
    I was wondering if you would be interested in making a small fix for Knowledge domain so it would get Read Thoughts at level 6 as a Channel Divinity like they should according to PHB? It feels like one of the most useful abilities was just dumped for some reason...