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some feedback (3 comments)

  1. goodgoogle
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi buddy, just some feedback about things that I feel could make the mod much more balanced.

    Maybe your magic backgrounds should not be hirable considering how OP they are compared to the regular backgrounds in the game, so maybe your backgrounds should only be a starting characters, each has its own scenario, maybe they can get another character of the same background to join them by an invent later on. Because it is hard to hire regular characters when you can hire the magical ones, and that sadly makes much of the game content redundant, in my opinion

    For the hex scenario, when charmed characters should reset to level one, if they have unique perks they keep them in the perktree but unselected, that helps with the balance and allow the player to choose the perks they want. Also maybe a roaster limit on how many characters of the same charmed background can be in the roaster, I feel two would be good

    for legends version maybe make the charmed characters have the same perk system as in legends, like some static perks and some random perktrees, so each charmed character can be different.

    Sorry for my messy writing, also if this post on the wrong page pls delete after reading.

    Thank you, love the mod it is like a really good dlc
    1. NgGH707
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Thanks for your honest feedback!

      The regular mage are indeed strong, but i don't want to nerf them to oblivion. I have many testing with them but still haven't got a suitable changes for them. With the fully release hexe origin, the rework for necromancer will be next and i can't say there no changes to other mage.

      For the hexe origin, it's still in development and a lots have changed. I'm starting to make serious changes as most features have been implemented, not gonna make some joking charmed simp with overpower perk tree like those previous test build.

      About the limit of variety of charmed simp, i'm slowly give strong mobs more resistance against charm, it won't affect their resolve or their resistance against mental attacks, just only affect 'Captive charmed' and when i said more, i mean there will be more. Strong mobs will be more like a reward for those can figure out a strategy to reliably capture them or it will be a luck roll to make them happy like winning a gacha.

      About perks and perk tree in Legends. It is not easy to make a random perk system for charmed simp especially human and beast. For beasts, they can't use weapon so a dynamic perk tree in legends can be hard to implement, you don't want to see spider with random weapon mastery perk right? Or a bandit with a perk tree that doesn't have perks they known.

      About the level of charmed victim, these is a problem, that is the insanely weird amount of perk a human type enemy can have, some have 15 perks, some have nothing, some have 8 or 9 perks. It would be weird for them to have so much more perk than regular brother. I have discussed this with from people related to Legends to have a better perk system for them. I can't guaranteed anything right now.
    2. goodgoogle
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      sounds great, I like how you're making charming strong enemies hard but satisfying and rewarding, thank you!