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Activity logs
This page was last updated on 15 February 2025, 2:00PM
- Changelogs
Version 3.0.0-beta.84
- Fixed can't start battle with champion skelly dog.
- Fixed can't interact with suicide event.
- Fixed fight with witch hunter may stuck in loading forever.
- Fixed `Dream Eater` perk doesn't restore HP after using `Nightmare` skill on a valid target.
Version 3.0.0-beta.83
- Fixed Swamp Unhold's regeneration doesn't working and may even result in frozen game state.
- Fixed can not captive charm White Direwolves.
- Fixed witch hunter party spawnlist doesn't work properly, likely result in frozen world map if any settlement is trying to spawn a patrolling witch hunter party.
Version 3.0.0-beta.82
- Fixed beast players can't die properly.
- Fixed Gruesome Feast active skill doesn't do anything.
- Fixed frozen game on the turn of character has Sleep status effect.
- Fixed regular nacho starts rabbling Luft's quotes
- Fixed Luft is being quiet while using skills that should trigger him to say something.
Version 3.0.0-beta.81
- Compatible with legends version 19.0.0 or newer.
- Please start a new campaign as previous gamesaves are not compatible.
- Fixed the save corruption persists in build 3.0.0-beta.80
Version 3.0.0-beta.76
- Fixed 'Poisoned' effect from serpent still lasts for more than 1 turn.
- Fixed 'Thick Fur' perk only gives 70 points to natural armor (should be 75).
- Fixed 'Lithe' perk doesn't offer any effect to beast type characters (may not work with PTR's 'Lithe' perk).
- Fixed certain named armor attachments keep changing their stats after loading a gamesave.
- Fixed Named bone plating armor attachment doesn't work properly, may grant the wearer unlimited invincibility.
- Fixed Named Nachzehrer Trophy has abnormally high bonus.
- Fixed the combination of 'Quartermaster' perk and 'Love Is All I Need' perk result in negative food consumption.
- Fixed Demon alp character has regular alp perk tree.
- Fixed the head gear sprites aren't properly positioned to fit on Bear characters.
- Fixed sometimes Unholds don't get the 'Throw Rock' after lifting up a rock.
- Tweaks the champion chance for beasts.
- Named "Light Padding Replacement" should have at least 10 durability.
- 'Poison Mastery' perk allows 'Redback Poisoned' effect to deal 20% more damage instead of doubling the starting damage.
- Bear character no longer has 'Grapple' perk.
- Update the perk description of 'Lithe' perk so player doesn't confuse of how it works on beast characters.
- No more rock throwing enemy unholds. (it's a dumb idea).
- Adds Named Schrat Shield to be the unique famed item drop from champion Schrats.
- Champion Alps have base Melee Defense reduced from 25 down to 20.
- Champion Direwolves have base Melee Skill reduced from 75 down to 70.
- Champion Hyenas have base Melee Skill reduced from 75 down to 70 also no longer have 'Fearsome' perk.
- Champion Nachzehrers have base Melee Skill reduced by 10, base Melee Defense reduced by 10, Max Attack Damage increased by 5, but no longer have 'Devastating Strikes' perk.
- Champion Skin Ghouls no longer have 'Devastating Strikes' perk.
- Champion Frost Unholds are no longer always equipped with full plate armor set (does not affect tamed version from barbarians).
- Champion Höllenhunds only have 400 base Hitpoints down from 500.
- Champion Redback Spiders now either have 'Puncturing Bite' or 'Dodge' perk, never both of them.
- Champion Webknechts have base Melee Skill reduced by 5, base Melee Defense reduced by 5, base Hitpoints reduced by 10 (from 110 down to 100).
- Champion Serpents have base Melee Skill reduced from 85 down to 75, base Melee Defense reduced from 25 down to 20.
Version 3.0.0-beta.75
- Fixed Flying Skulls may cause CTD to occur and the explosion doesn't deal any damage.
- Fixed 'Poison Mastery' perk doesn't make 'Poisoned' effect to last longer.
- Fixed certain perk icons seem to always be grayed out regardless of whether you have learned it or not.
- Updates the tooltip of 'Webknecht Venom' racial skill to show the correct poison damage and duration.
- Updates the description of 'Forever a Simp' perk so it's less likely to be misunderstood.
- Reduces the default conversion percentage of resolve to damage of 'Nightmare' skill to 5% down from 15%.
- The damage calculation of 'Nightmare' skill becomes slightly more susceptible against defender's resolve.
- Spider players no longer gain free bonus armor penetration.
Version 3.0.0-beta.74
- Highly recommend to check the changelog of build 73 if you haven't read it yet
- Fixed Webknechts may have invulnerability.
Version 3.0.0-beta.73
- Fixed charmed beast characters keep getting talent points in ranged skill.
- Fixed starting characters of Hexe origin may not have unique name but instead have the name of their enemy type.
- Fixed inconsistency damage between unhold unarmed attacks.
- Fixed the description of 'Liberty" perk is incorrect.
- Fixed 'Sundering Strikes' perk gives less than 20% Effectiveness vs. Armor.
- 'Chain Lightning' skill has a correct tooltip, and its attack is always hit but cost more fatigue to use.
- Small changes to the perk tree of 'Elder Hexe' background.
- If a 'Elder Hexe' background rolls for 'Dommy Mommy' perk group, then it gains an additional 10 more HP and slightly better melee skill.
- 'Elder Hexe' background can never roll into 'Nyctophobia' trait.
- Added a new perk - 'Harden Carapace' - for the 'Arachnid' perk group, it gives spiders better protection, easily make 'Battle Forged' feel envy.
- Added a new perk group - 'Simp' - comprised of 4 perks, this perk group is available to all charmed characters.
- 'Love Is All I Need' perk: you guys want a way to negate the food consumption downside of certain inhuman characters, with a price of a perk point (you can refund it with the right conditions) and gaining 50% less XP. I say it's a fair trade.
- 'Protect My Queen' perk: now there is a reason to have someone always close by your hexe to gain a bonus to Melee skill/defense, Ranged skill/defense and Resolve (scale with your simp level)
- 'Undying Love' perk: there is a cost for everything. If you scare of being betrayed by your charmed character, then with the cost of a perk point that is totally possible.
- 'Forever A Simp' perk: people want to have a controllable way to increase the simp level. This perk is my answer to that.
- Reversed the cooldown of 'Simps Fight' event back to before getting the increased cooldown.
- Reversed the changes to remove the nerf attack damage of unhold.
- Reduces the base natural armor of redback players to 120 down from 160.
- 'Poison Mastery' perk also gives bonus +10% damage against undead.
- Unhold players get better unarmed perks.
- Added a new version of 'Grapple' skill for unhold player. It can:
- Applies to 'Grappled' effect to target has immunity to knock back.
- Grabs a target doesn't have immunity to knock back, and then flailing that target around dealing damage.
- Uproots a tree and use it as a weapon.
- Lifts a rock so as to throw it as someone.
- Enemy Unholds can start a battle with a huge rock on their hands (to throw at you of course).
- Champion Frost Unholds always have full body armor (even if they aren't tamed by barbarians) and have the "rock" too (they are quite good at throwing rock).
- Champion Redback Spiders have 'Push The Advantage' perk.
- Hyena players, Direwolf players (doesn't include White Direwolves), Webknecht players contribute less to company strength.
- Adds a new fixed start to Hexe origin. This one will always let you start with a charmed hedge knight. Check the article on Nexus Mods to see how to access it.
Version 3.0.0-beta.72
- Fixed can't charm spiders.
- Fixed a bug regarding to 'Gruesome Feast' skill.
- Fixed the "Increases armour effectiveness by xx%" effect of 'Meat-Tearing Bite', 'Strong Canine Jaw' and 'Gorge' perks doesn't apply properly.
- Significantly reduces the chance for Direwolves, Hyenas and Serpents to get the bonus perks before day 50.
- Increased the base damage of 'Unhold Hand-to-Hand' skill.
- Removed the knock back from 'Unhold Hand-to-Hand' skill and replaced it with inflicting stagger.
- Change certain named armor attachments (Stollwurm/Lindwurm scales, Unhold cloak, and Serpent skin) into cloak layer (4th layer) instead.
Version 3.0.0-beta.71
- Fixed 'Poisoned' effect inflicted from 'Venom Gland' perk can be stacked when it shouldn't.
- 'Poison Mastery' perk no longer increases the damage inflicted from 'Poisoned' status effect but instead make target affected by 'Poisoned' status effect to spend more fatigue to perform actions (moving, spending to use skill, etc).
- 'Poison Mastery' perk gives additional damage against target affected by 'Poisoned' status effect.
- Adds a new mod setting to determine whether a simp can even betray you in the future or not.
Version 3.0.0-beta.70
- Fixed 'Swallow Whole' skill causes game crash or freeze occasionally.
- Fixed "can't create a new Hexe origin campaign with the easter egg seed".
- 'Weave Web Mastery' perk no longer removes the cooldown of 'Weave Web' skill but instead lowering the cooldown to 1 turn.
Version 3.0.0-beta.69
- Fixed Witch hunters ambush from hexe origin ritual event isn't properly triggered, result in freezing event screen.
Version 3.0.0-beta.68
- Fixed 'Exchange named weapon' event can't be initiated, results in freezing the game when the game tries to start that event.
- 'Exchange named weapon' event also displays the type of items to exchange.
Version 3.0.0-beta.67
- Fixed frozen nacho ai
- Fixed unable to use 'Swallow Whole' skill
Version 3.0.0-beta.66
- Emergency bug fix
Version 3.0.0-beta.65
- Fixed permanently charming a human enemy has a very high chance to corrupt your save and prevents you from accessing the inventory screen.
- Fixed champion beasts drop named armor attachment for unlayered armor
Version 3.0.0-beta.64
- Fixed game freezes at map generation when you get spider eggs as starters.
- Fixed a bug causes enemies that normally can be charmed without any perk become "Can't be charmed".
- Fixed Spiderlings spawned by Spider Eggs can't register their attacks.
Version 3.0.0-beta.63
- Fixed the issue regarding 'Captive Charm' doesn't do anything
- Fixed a few smaller bugs
- You can charm new enemies: Royal Guards, Elite Footmen, Caravan Polearms
Version 3.0.0-beta.62
- Enemy Nacho can't use 'Gruesome Feast' after swallowing someone.
- 'Afterimage' isn't properly applied after teleported.
- 'Spit Acidic Blood' doesn't deal dammage.
- 'Weave Web Mastery' perk sometimes doesn't apply the chance penalty to break free from web.
- Issues regarding to 'Swallow Whole' skill after the "swallower" being killed. (why all the degenerate stuffs have shitty bugs like this?)
- Player 'Schrat' has invincibility.
- Alps don't teleport in situation they should be able to.
- Lindwurm's tail and Stollwurm's tail have separated charm counter from their body.
- Lindwurm's tail and Stollwurm's tail can still continue to attack player even after being Captive Charmed.
- Named Light Padding Replacement give less fatigue reduction than regular one.
- After reloading a save, Hexe backgrounds don't seem to hold weapon while they already equipped with a weapon.
- Removed all unlayered armor supports.
- Added a mod setting to determine the chance to encounter the recruit hexe event.
- Small adjustments to the ambush difficulty of hexe ritual event.
- Player 'Unhold' no longer receives the -10 penalty attack damage.
- Enemy champion 'Hyena' gains 2 additional AP (total 16 AP), can attack up to 4 times per turn.
- Enemy champion 'Webknecht' gains an additional AP (total 12 AP), can easily attack twice per turn now.
- Enemy champion 'Winselmutter' has 12 AP.
- Tweak the ai of event 'Witch Hunter' enemies and also their spawnlist.
- 'Ghost Possession' duration is increased by 1 turn, so from 3 turns (in total) up to 4 turns (in total).
- Ordinary damage is less effective to banish 'Ghost Possession' from affected allies. Stun and Blessed water are still effective ways to banish it.
- 'Nightmare' damage is completely overhauled, it shouldn't be OP as before.
- Reduces the damage mult penalty of 'Serpent Bite' skill when attacking a target from 2 tiles or more away from -20% down to -15%.
- 'Mask On' perk no longer scales its effect based on vision penalty but instead based on the number of learnt perks in Dommy Mommy perk group. Also the bonus resolve is reduced from 5% down to 3% for each valid learnt perk.
- The conversion rate from Initiative to Melee Skill of 'Whip Lash' perk is increased from 15% up to 20%.
- The bonus Attack Damage to 'Whip' skill from 'Whip Lash' perk is increased from 12% up to 15%.
- 'Let us Play Bondage' perk only grants 7% bonus chance to charm down from 10%, armor penetration to 'Whip' skill is increased to 33% up from 15%, bonus hit chance to 'Disarm' skill is increased to 12% up from 10%.
- 'Dominant Demeanor' perk give less bonus points to 'Whipped' effect, from +5 down to +3.
- 'Mounted Charge' perk no longer gives an active skill but instead being a passive effect that greatly improving the 'Mounted Charge' effect.
Version 3.0.0-beta.61
- Emergency fix
Version 3.0.0-beta.60
- Fixed a few bugs related to famed staves.
- Rebalanced the charm difficulty of all enemies.
- Enemy 'Inquisitor' has its perk pool changed.
- Enemy 'Witch Hunter' only from witch hunter parties has 2 different variants: ranged and polearm.
- Towns can spawn Witch Hunter parties to patrol road or to chase down a hexen party (player may be included)
Version 3.0.0-beta.58
- Fixed a few more issues related to 'Captive Charm' active skill.
- Fixed having a Nacho or Skin Ghoul can cause the combat finished screen to not show up, thus, freeze the game completely.
- Fixed enemy champion Orc Berserkers have 'Nudist' perk even though their head or body slots are not emptied.
- Witch Hunter parties from towns (or events) now have better equipment.
Version 3.0.0-beta.57
- Emergency fix for 'Captive Charm' active skill
Version 3.0.0-beta.56
- Fixed 'Nacho' and 'Skin Ghoul' players do not shrink in size even though they haven't eaten any corpse or enemy in last battle.
- Fixed 'Scavenger' perk does not show up in the perk tree of 'Nacho' and 'Skin Ghoul' players.
- Changed the calculation of to successfully charm an enemy with 'Captive Charm' active skill.
- Most mounts don't give free 'Pathfinder' perk.
- Mod setting of this mod now can be saved by BBparser to keep the settings consistent throughout all runs.
Version 3.0.0-beta.55
- Fixed Champion' status still makes certain enemy easier to charm.
- Fixed a few sprite issues with goblins and orcs.
- Fixed a few small issues.
- Gave 'Inquisitor' enemy more perks. They are scarier now, especially when pairing with PTR mod.
- Added a new perk group exclusively for 'Elder Hexe' background that consists a total of new 7 perks. Most of them related to whip.
- 'Elder Hexe' background now can either have a perk tree with magic missile and ranged perks or have a perk tree with whip perks.
Version 3.0.0-beta.54
- Emergency fix for "can't charm nacho" issue
Version 3.0.0-beta.53
- Fixed a bug makes all charmed beast characters to ignore their excluded talents list.
- Fixed named 'Silk Padding' armor upgrade gives less fatigue reduction than its normal version.
- Fixed 'Frenzy' effect doesn't inflict 'Dazed' effect when it wears off.
- Fixed newly permanently charmed Nacho to always be at tier 3 instead of the tier when charmed.
- Fixed newly permanently charmed 'Skin Ghoul' has Nacho sprites.
- Fixed 'Champion' status makes permanently charm much more easier.
- 'Frenzy' effect no longer gives immunity to stun and daze.
- New loots from Champion 'Nacho', 'Skin Ghoul' and 'Alp'.
- Charmed 'Bear' character can never have 'Frenzy' perk in its perk tree.
- Champion 'Höllenhund' has its base hitpoints increased to 500 up from 400, attack damage to hitpoints increases by 15%, and no longer has 'Nimble' perk.
- Charm from 'Hexen Coven Leader' ignores 'Loyal' trait's protection.
- Reversed all the nerfs to enemy 'Alp'.
- Rebalanced a few charmed characters (mostly humans)
Version 3.0.0-beta.52
- Fixed Schrat player can be invincible when taking lethal hit
- Fixed named Direwolf Pelt Mantle has lower stats than regular pelt
- Fixed Ritual event may not resolve properly when you failed the last ritual
- Fixed Temporarily Charm the last enemy in the arena may cause you to lose that fight
- 'Hex of Misfortune' effect now reduces 12% of total hit chance, down from 15%
- 'Hex of Weakening' effect now reduces 40% of attack damage, up from 33%
- 'Mounted Charge' effect now also increases melee skill. Bonuses to damage and armor penetration are increased by 20-50%
Version 3.0.0-beta.51
- Fixed 'Horrific Scream' and 'Realm of burning flames' active skills don't have fatigue cost.
- Fixed 'Chain Lightning' active skill doesn't chain and may even cause game crash.
- Fixed 'Nightmare' active skill deals abnormally high damage.
- Fixed a bug related to 'Shielding' rune.
- Fixed Saplings spawned from charmed schrat are controlled by player even though that schrat doesn't have the suitable perk to enable that.
- Fixed more bug related to Beast of Beasts origin.
- Improved certain perks of kraken.
- Added autopilot mode to kraken player so player can decide whether the tentacles are controlled by player or not.
Version 3.0.0-beta.50
- Fixed a game crash caused by an option from 'Luft the Skin Ghoul Mascot' intro event
- Fixed frozen loading screen when starting a battle with a kraken character
- Fixed Luft perks can't be learned
- Fixed 'Night Vision' rune doesn't work properly
- Fixed In rare cases, temporarily charmed enemies still persist after battle ends, this may make player fight them again
Version 3.0.0-beta.49
- Fixed a bug happens when starting hexe origin with goblin shaman
- Fixed a bug related to 'Simp no more' status effect
- Fixed Shielding rune can crash the game in battle
- Fixed 'Simps Fight' event may not work properly
- Nerfed 'Frenzy' effect
- Small buff to charmed Direwolf and Hyena
- Increased the scaling difficulty and cooldown of 'Ambushed by Witch Hunters' event
- Added a new mod settings option to decide if your charmed characters will lose 1 simp level when you failed to perform the hexe origin ritual event
- You will never get the unlucky roll if you failed the last hexe origin ritual event
Version 3.0.0-beta.48
- Fixed demon alp player has ~999 initiative.
- Fixed many issues related to Beast of Beasts origin.
- Fixed a mod conflict with "Plan Your Perks" mod.
- Fixed 'Lucky' rune drops unobtainable items.
- Added a mod settings option to opt out the kraken vs kraken when starting a 'Beast of Beasts' campaign.
- The easter egg special start has returned.
Version 3.0.0-beta.47
- Fixed hexe origin ritual event may give simp level to a wrong character.
- Fixed simp level is capped at 5.
- Fixed blessed water doesn't dispel possession.
- Fixed starting beast/goblin/orc players don't have a name but instead have their generic enemy type name.
- Charming trait now also gives bonus chance to charm.
- Nightmare active skill now only gains 10% resolve as bonus damage down from 15%.
- Added a new special hexe origin start if you use a seed starts with "DEM".
Version 3.0.0-beta.46
- Emergency fix for an issue related to build 45
Version 3.0.0-beta.45
- Fixed charmed Barbarian Beastmaster becomes a cultist and doesn't have 'Crack the Whip' active skill
- Fixed a typo in the code causes some of beast perk groups to be considered as favored enemy perk groups
- Fixed a typo causes the tooltips of 'Simp' status to show incorrect number
- Fixed can still use 'Captive Charm' after failing the weekly hexe origin ritual
- Fixed mounted goblin/egg doesn't show its tooltips properly
- Fixed game crash when killing a 'Simp No More' character
- Fixed game still thinks a dead 'Simp No More' character still alive
- Improved the "redemption" bonuses by succeeding the weekly hexe origin ritual event after failing the last week ritual.
Version 3.0.0-beta.44
- Fixed goblin fight that has shaman stuck in map generation
- Fixed 'Charm' active skill sometimes has a 1 turn cooldown at the start of battle
- Another attempt to fix the CTD when charming an enemy
Version 3.0.0-beta.43
- Fixed a minor bug related to player bear
- Fixed Guts can become a woman while Fernese can become a man In a special hexe origin start
- Another attempt to fixed a CTD when trying to charm an enemy
- Minor buffs for Direwolf (not including White Direwolf) and Hyena player.
Version 3.0.0-beta.42
- Fixed a bug related to captive charmed skill when using it on the last enemy.
- Fixed game crash sometimes when attempting to permanently charm an enemy.
- Fixed seeds that starts with "BER" will cause you to stuck in map generation.
- Small balance changes to the bonuses from simp level.
- Changes to the dynamic perk tree of recruitable hexe background.
Version 3.0.0-beta.41
- Stable beta build
Version 2.0.0
- Change name in to "NgGH's Magic Origin"
- Completely overhauled existing orgins
- Merged hexe origin to the main file
- Author's activity
February 2025
15 Feb 2025, 2:00PM | Action by: NgGH707
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 3.0.0-beta.84'
15 Feb 2025, 1:59PM | Action by: NgGH707
File added
'mod_nggh_magic_concept [version 3.0.0-beta.84]'
12 Feb 2025, 2:11PM | Action by: NgGH707
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 3.0.0-beta.83'
12 Feb 2025, 2:10PM | Action by: NgGH707
File added
'mod_nggh_magic_concept [version 3.0.0-beta.83]'
09 Feb 2025, 12:59PM | Action by: NgGH707
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 3.0.0-beta.82'
09 Feb 2025, 12:59PM | Action by: NgGH707
File added
'mod_nggh_magic_concept [version 3.0.0-beta.82]'
08 Feb 2025, 1:59PM | Action by: NgGH707
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 3.0.0-beta.81'
08 Feb 2025, 1:57PM | Action by: NgGH707
File added
'mod_nggh_magic_concept [version 3.0.0-beta.81]'
December 2024
15 Dec 2024, 3:03AM | Action by: NgGH707
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
January 2024
23 Jan 2024, 6:06AM | Action by: NgGH707
Attribute change
'File \'mod_magic_trio_1.3_test_build_1.6.2_Vanilla\' category changed to Miscellaneous.'
11 Jan 2024, 3:01PM | Action by: NgGH707
Attribute change
'File \'mod_magic_trio_origin_1.2.8_Vanilla_BB\' category changed to Miscellaneous.'
11 Jan 2024, 3:00PM | Action by: NgGH707
Attribute change
'File \'mod_magic_trio_origin_1.2.7_Vanilla_BB\' category changed to Miscellaneous.'
11 Jan 2024, 3:00PM | Action by: NgGH707
Attribute change
'File \'mod_magic_trio_origin_1.2.6_Vanilla_BB\' category changed to Miscellaneous.'
11 Jan 2024, 3:00PM | Action by: NgGH707
Attribute change
'File \'mod_magic_trio_origin_1.2.5 (Vanilla BB only)\' category changed to Miscellaneous.'
11 Jan 2024, 3:00PM | Action by: NgGH707
Attribute change
'File \'mod_magic_trio_origin_1.2.4 (Vanilla BB only)\' category changed to Miscellaneous.'
11 Jan 2024, 3:00PM | Action by: NgGH707
Attribute change
'File \'mod_magic_trio_origin_1.2.3 (Vanilla BB only)\' category changed to Miscellaneous.'
11 Jan 2024, 3:00PM | Action by: NgGH707
Attribute change
'File \'mod_magic_trio_origin_1.2.2 (Vanilla BB only)\' category changed to Miscellaneous.'
11 Jan 2024, 2:59PM | Action by: NgGH707
Attribute change
'File \'mod_magic_trio_origin_1.2.10_Vanilla_BB\' category changed to Miscellaneous.'
11 Jan 2024, 2:59PM | Action by: NgGH707
Attribute change
'File \'mod_magic_trio_origin_1.1.6\' category changed to Miscellaneous.'
11 Jan 2024, 2:59PM | Action by: NgGH707
Attribute change
'File \'mod_magic_trio_1.3_test_build_1.6.2_Vanilla\' category changed to Miscellaneous.'
- Mod page activity
February 2025
23 Feb 2025, 1:37PM | Action by: Blackcha0s
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
20 Feb 2025, 8:11PM | Action by: Sllotar
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
16 Feb 2025, 1:12PM | Action by: fgyjfted
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
January 2025
29 Jan 2025, 8:57PM | Action by: coolchad67
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
29 Jan 2025, 8:22PM | Action by: ivonmelchiorre
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
28 Jan 2025, 11:05AM | Action by: Dogbardo
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
26 Jan 2025, 10:19PM | Action by: Teknarov
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
24 Jan 2025, 12:35AM | Action by: coolchad67
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
23 Jan 2025, 12:28PM | Action by: moritury
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
22 Jan 2025, 3:50AM | Action by: AlexFG45
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
22 Jan 2025, 3:50AM | Action by: AlexFG45
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
21 Jan 2025, 11:45AM | Action by: Zikram
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
16 Jan 2025, 9:10PM | Action by: Ftlwar
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
09 Jan 2025, 5:44AM | Action by: Skyrider2002
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
07 Jan 2025, 6:25PM | Action by: SorenSunfenrer
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
03 Jan 2025, 8:58AM | Action by: Wommel12
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
December 2024
30 Dec 2024, 4:59AM | Action by: WazupMuffinMan
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
26 Dec 2024, 9:52AM | Action by: Omniban
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
22 Dec 2024, 10:11PM | Action by: kreidark
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'
21 Dec 2024, 6:27PM | Action by: LevalSil
'NgGH\'s Magic Concept'