About this mod
A mod that aims to make battles more glorious, strategic, tactical and forgiving. Great for beginners and for those who want to face a tactical challenge.
- Permissions and credits
Core Logic:
- All Standard Units have 2000 HP.
- Max Health Recovery: 100%.
- Health Recovery Rate: 0.5%
- Wolf Clan & Animals Health Recovery Rate: 1%
- Heroes Health Recovery Rate: 2%
- Stamina Recovery Rate: 5%
- Stamina When Running: 5
- Units train in 5 seconds x Unit Tier.
Obs. Tier 1 trains in 3 seconds.
- Peasants spawn time: 10 (minimum), 10 (maximum).
- Peasants gather 7/7 while horses gather 28/28 resources.
- Population: 20/30/40 -> 30/40/50
- Town Center yin/yang growth bonus: 0%.
- Yin/Yang Bonus Damage: 0%
- WatchTowern minimum range: 0
- Raider and Musketeer tiers and training paths are switched.
- Caltrops and Mines disappear after 5 minutes.
- Fire Damage is no longer "true damage".
- Battle Gears training time: 3 seconds.
- Battle Gears for Lotus Ascension training time (=> Warlock): 15 seconds.
- Poison: 1.5% of standard unit hp over 5 seconds: 30.
- Fire deals 1% of building HP damage per second.
Obs.: No population growth per hut.
Obs.: Campaign Special Units (e.g. Zombie_2, Spirit Warrior_2) have 50% hp.
Unit types:
- Melee: Standard
- Mixed: x1.5 DMG, x1.5 Armors, has the same damage for melee and ranged.
- Ranged: x2 DMG, x2 Armors, x0.5 Melee DMG
- Healers: x1.75 Armors, Standard DMG (Serpent); x0.5 DMG, x1.5 Stamina (Dragon); x1 Melee DMG, x3 Missile DMG (Lotus).
- Druidess: x1.5 Armor, has poison damage for ranged weapon, x1.5 poison damage.
Obs. Zymeth, M.Warlock, Raider and Chackram Maiden are considered Mixed.
Obs. Each unit has 2 strong (x0.75) armors, 2 normal armors (x1), 2 weak (x1.25) armors.
Obs. Hp is increased by x value of which current_normal_armor_value is changed, so that unit description is accurate.
Obs. Normal armor must always be 1, for a correct display of unit weaknesses/strengths.
Obs. x = 1/current_normal_armor_value
Unit tiers:
- Tier 0: 15 DMG, 5 Armor (E.g. Peasants)
- Tier 1: 20 DMG, 2.5 Armor (E.g. Swordsman, Wolf, Zombie, Golem, Hordeling, Raider)
- Tier 2: 30 DMG, 1 Armor (E.g. D.Warrior, Spirit Wolf, Spirit Warrior, Trained Horses, Healers, Spiders, Shambler, Musketeer, Pack Master)
- Tier 3: 40 DMG, 0.5 Armor (E.g. Samurai, Ninja, Monk, Druidess)
- Tier 4: 50 DMG, 0.25 Armor (E.g. M. Necromancer, Werewolf, Heroes, WOTW units)
Obs. Kabuki is Melee type; his secondary weapon deals 0 damage but damages stamina for 35 per hit.
Obs. EndGame Heroes have x2 missile/melee damage; Kenji Serpent has x2 Ranged Damage, while Kenji Dragon has x2 Melee Damage.
Obs. Longtooth Slave has 1/2 missile damage.
Obs. Units that shoot really fast multiple projectiles have damage divided by number of projectiles shot in a volley.
Obs. Nightvol has x4 damage.
Obs. Nightvol when attacked in melee spawns up to 4 Hordelings.
Unit classes:
- Tank: 50% DMG, 200% HP
>> Wildeye, Staff Adept, Infested One, Nightvol, Necromancer
- Healer 50% HP, 150% stamina regeneration
>> Geisha
- Poisoner: 50% DMG, 200% Poison Damage
>> DiseasedOne, Channeler
- Balanced: 100% DMG, 100% HP
>> Everyone Else
- Brawler: 135% DMG, 75% HP
>> Guardian, Budo, Longtooth, Monk, Enforcer, Swordsman, Brawler, Pack Master
- Demolisher: 150% DMG, 66% HP
>> Teppo, Overseer, Warlock, Mauler, Digger, Sledger
- Assassin: 200% DMG, 50% HP
>> Kabuki, Arah, Gaihla, Taro, Utara, Blade Acolyte, Leaf Disciple, Ninja, Kenji, FanGeisha
- Destroyer: 300% DMG, 33% HP
>> Garrin, Koril, Vetkin, Reaper, Ronin, Spirit Wolf, Hurler, Cannoneer
- Berserker 400% DMG, 25% HP
>> Otomo, WitchDemon, Shambler, Ballistaman, Berserker, Zombie, Grayback
- Werewolf 500% DMG, 20% HP
>> Werewolf
Unit costs:
Heroes: 3 Points.
Ninjas/Monks/Brothers: 1 Point.
Price: Tier*25+(Tier-1)*25
Price Tier 1: 15 (-10 cost because of how weak it is).
Obs. Necromancer costs 0 Points.
Obs. Monks, Ninjas, Heroes don't cost water/rice.
Obs. WOTW units are tier 4 and have x2 training cost for quick training perk.
Obs. Healers and Druidess have x2 training cost for quick training perk.
Obs. Pack Masters are tier 2, so they have x2 training cost for quick training perk.
Obs. WOTW female units: Cost = Standard Cost - Cost of previous unit (Geisha/Druidess).
Walking Speed:
Descending: 150%
Ascending: 50%
Standard: 100%
Water/Forest/Snow: 70%
Obs. Wolf units and heroes as well as flying units are immune to forest and snow speed handicaps.
Obs. Flying units are immune to water speed handicap.
Unit A.I.
Encroachment Range: 60
Fight of Flight Range: 45
AI Attack Range: 30
Call For Help Range: 15
- New HP
- New Prices
- New Build Times
- New Fire Point Damage.
- Modified Starting Towns
- Modified Starting Armies for Large Population
- cost: 2 points + highest tier of affected unit.
(Minimum Tier is considered to be: 1)
- Attack Techniques: +50% damage.
- Health Techniques: +50% hit points.
- Armor Techniques: +50% armor.
- Range Techniques: +25% range.
- Stamina Techniques: -50% stamina consumption.
- Clan Techniques (E.g. Meditation): +100% effect.
- Movement Techniques: +25% movement speed.
- Training Cost and Training Speed Techniques: +50%
- Projectile Evasion Techniques: x3 Evasion.
- Area of Effect Techniques: +25%
- Additional BG uses Techniques: standard additional uses.
I invite you to play with me on Steam: 318502593 (my friend code).
Steam Group: Join!
Warning: The mod works only with the Steam Version!
Go in your Battle Realms folder, backup Battle Realms.xlsx and paste the modded one.
Step By Step Guide:
1. Go in Steam\steamapps\common\Battle Realms
2. Copy "Battle Realms.xlsx" and paste it in a new folder named "Original Game".
3. Paste "Battle Realms.xlsx" from the mod into Steam\steamapps\common\Battle Realms
Note: If you are asked to replace the old file, confirm.
1. Go in Steam\steamapps\common\Battle Realms
2. Copy "Battle Realms.xlsx" from the "Original Game" folder and paste it in Steam\steamapps\common\Battle Realms
Note: If you are asked to replace the old file, confirm.