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  1. OhGeezScoob
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Are there plans to update this to 1.0.4?
    1. PhantomPurpose
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      • 5 kudos
      This should already work for 1.0.4 as long as you created a new save. I know it at least works for sandbox waves, but I haven't tested dungeons yet
    2. Palpatlne
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      No, They need to be changed via stance data or brains. You would need to remake the whole mod
  2. NianorSkywolf
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Was pretty excited by the idea of this mod, but the execution just feels bad. Firstly, the animations wind up feeling janky to fight against when the enemies are using anything other than a sword, so a lot of the heavies feel quite toothless because they grip maces up by the head and wind up with almost no reach. Secondly, the idea of making the enemies harder by just making them have more health and take less damage just feels annoying to fight against. It feels like you're doing something wrong just because of how many hits it takes to bring one down... until you stab one all the way through the brain with a spear and watch them just keep coming and the real problem becomes clear. 
    Thirdly, the heavies are entirely male, overriding or ignoring the game's usual gender control options - I'm not sure if this is deliberate or accidental sexism, but either way it doesn't feel great, and anything that takes choice away from the player is less than ideal.
    Tl;dr, you mostly wind up fighting enemies who can't do much to hurt you due to animation jank and who take ludicrous amounts of damage to kill, and if I wanted bullet sponges I'd play a Bethesda game on max difficulty. The idea is interesting, but the execution is lacking enough to kill my enjoyment.
    1. PhantomPurpose
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      • 5 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback, I will working on a patch to fix some of these issues. Enemies holding the items near the head of the weapon is not something I can change (but I will be removing some of the ones with short range) The male only enemies was just me only making this for male enemies, but I will also be working on adding female enemies.
    2. NianorSkywolf
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      • 0 kudos
      I appreciate the fast reply. Better weapon selection, less tanky enemies, and support for both genders would definitely go a long way to helping the mod live up to its potential. I'll try it again once it's a bit more developed.
    3. OhGeezScoob
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah I agree with the above. However, it is a shame you had to remove the unique weapons like spears and maces. Do you think there is hope that you can implement them back with more natural animations?
    4. PhantomPurpose
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      If I had the unity packages for them, yes, otherwise I would need to make new weapons myself
    5. helloman128653
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i agree with all of this besides....this being sexist?? that's actually hysterical
    6. Pinkreligon
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      for real and btw they arent ENTRIELY male there are some female nps that spawn? like slide 5 is a female and ive had this mod for a while there are women in this
  3. mrfelony
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    • 7 kudos
  4. koguni
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    I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like this, but in crystal hunt, about 5-10 new enemies came out to attack me in one room. Аnd in general there were more of them than regular enemies in the dungeon. 
    Is that supposed to be the case? I thought the point of the mod was single minibosses. Can the number of new enemies be adjusted at all?
    1. PhantomPurpose
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      This is in the base game. In some outpost rooms there will be a short wave of enemies if you are caught
  5. Woobtheroundmeal
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    hi, just wanted to comment on the “unblockable” part of this mod. What about it specifically is ublockable? Another thing, I have managed to parry many greatswords with a longsword, and even disarmed them by either stabbing their hands while they strike, or dragging the flat of my blade down theirs and cutting off their hands, i wish it were more challenging somehow, though in fairness, I’m not sure in what way. Thank you for your time, I do thoroughly enjoy this mod :)
    1. PhantomPurpose
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      I'm not sure how to remove the ability to dismember or disarm via stabbing. Only some of the attacks are unblockable, but they can still be blocked/parryed if you're using hyperfocus
  6. VenomTongue1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I am a bit confused on how the attacks can be unblockable. can somebody please explain. 
    1. PhantomPurpose
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      If you hold your weapon up to block or parry, the enemy's weapon will just go push it down and hit you. If you've ever used the marauder miniboss mod then it's like that. Lmk if you still have questions
  7. OhGeezScoob
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this compatible with Enhanced Enemies and Better AI? I'm assuming this is not compatible with Two handed NPCs support.
    1. PhantomPurpose
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Two handed NPC support is required for this mod and it doesn't mess up anything the mod. Enhanced enemies is also compatible, but I'm not sure about better AI
    2. OhGeezScoob
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Whoops sorry forgot to check the required. Thanks for the quick reply!