LockedStickyTo those asking for new features, I won't add any. I'll keep the mod updated when it needs to be, and fix stuff here and there but that's it.
i miss this mod :(
Make u12 scripting please
Please, i beg you to make this U12.3. PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when is it gonna be U12??????????????????????
hope this gets updated soon
whats a wep pack because i miss this mod sooo much omg
weapon pack go to his profile and download the pirate one
so you get the pirate one then open the zip folder and place the mod file in the star platinum fists mod file and you change the name of the pirate file to the name SP&TW FISTS? doesnt really make any sense try and word it better please im not trying to hate but its a bit confusing.
step by step pls
Did not work for me but i may just be stupid.
same here pal
i might just be stupid but its not working can you explain it again
for everybody not getting it you basically have to go to manifest.jason and copy the and put it in the other game versions folder. (other steps are unnecessary like the one where you have to change the name of it too)
i have no clue how modding works, but if it works when you change the manifest.jason's game version, would other mods also become usable in newer versions without the author updating them?
for weapons like this i think yeah but, spells with like scripts and stuff wont cause they need to update the scripts in it to go with the new U11 code
the fist and the audio is there but theres no fist sadly. its just a uselss mod and it needs to be updated i wanna use it so bad lol
how can i change the ora sound?
pls update if u have time for it
is there a way to change the sound when you are pressing the trigger down?
im tryna find out the same thing
yes considering you change the new mp3 file you are adding to the name the original mp3 file had so it matches the data script. i would love josukes DORA DORA DORA DORA but unfortunatly the creator isnt going to be updating anymore because he cant be bothered so configure with the game fiel and the u11 sdk and hope you can update the mod. good luck pal.