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  1. RedxYeti
    • premium
    • 398 kudos
    If you're having issues installing, I recommend joining the discord. Please do not post bug reports in the discord.

    Borderlands Modding Discord

  2. Naruhinexis
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    whenever i try and use it it just gives me a huge error list stating im missing a bunch of files and it wont even load the game
    1. archaicdemon
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      good luck trying to get an answer, im in the same boat. broke the game for me even after two fresh installs. 
  3. UndyingPlace814
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I don't know if anyone'd be able to help but I'm trying to install this alongside "Permanent FOV fix plus sprint rotation fix" and using the "W_Startup_INT.upk" from that mod black screens my game as soon as the Fyrestone loading screen ends when creating a new character. Using the one on this mod's page makes the FOV fix not work. Was hoping anyone know how to might be able to help make them work together.
    1. RedWolfTheGamer
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i'm having the same issue, screen is black after the loading screen when you select your character
      i tried using premade new characters and that results in a crash instead:

      General protection fault! 
      History: GetPluginCount0 Address = Ox13d5ca8 (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common \Borderlands\Binaries\Borderlands.exe] Address = Ox257c8132 (filename not found) Glmage::GlmageQ Address = 0x59dc81 (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common \Borderlands\Binaries\Borderlands.exe] RtlUpcaseUnicodeCharQ Address = Ox77df0c7f (filename not found) [in C: \WINDOWS \SYSTEM32 \ntdll.dll] RtIRandom0 Address = OxT7ddf1e9 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS \SYSTEM32 \ntdll.dll] RtlAllocateHeapQ Address = OxT7df62af (filename not found) [in C: \WINDOWS \SYSTEM32 \ntdll.dll] RtlAllocateHeap0 Address = Ox77df5e0e (filename not found) [in C: \WINDOWS \SYSTEM32 \ntdll.dll] GThread::OnExit0 Address = 0x8bb977 (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common \Borderlands\Binaries\Borderlands.exe] 

      (used ocr might be some typos)

      using my characters that are above level 20 work fine
  4. Gygoe
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I'm unsure why, but this mod deletes some of my weapons that I have earned like the Ajax Ogre or the Undertaker, to name a couple examples. I have tested with an without this mod and its fine without. Any idea why?
  5. JumpinGopher
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I get a UE3ShaderCompileWorker.exe error with this installed. Fresh game install so I have no idea whats going on.
    1. RedxYeti
      • premium
      • 398 kudos
      Try downloading the shader compiler in the optional files and follow the instructions in the file description. should fix your issue.
    2. JumpinGopher
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      That seems to have fixed it. I also tried the 0.9 version and that release works for me, something in 0.91 doesn't like my system. In any case thanks for getting a fix out for me.
    3. RedxYeti
      • premium
      • 398 kudos
      it maybe due to the main menu actually. we had to use a different method to get it up and running.

      thats the only difference between the two.