About this mod
This mod adds engine and drivetrain configs to Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 for the Chieftain Cyclon
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Configs for Chieftain Cyclon
This mod adds engine and drivetrain configs to Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 for the Chieftain Cyclon
Config1 - Disc, Adds a Rear Disc Brake conversion to the vanilla engine and drivetrain
Name - renames Chieftain Cyclon to Pontiac Tempest Safari Wagon
You MUST have the USA Classics 60's DLC to use these configs
Order Level 12 onward
Navigate to ...Steam\steamapps\common\Car Mechanic Simulator 2021\cms2018_Data\StreamingAssets\Cars\ChieftainCyclon
Paste the required config files here. (Remember to rename these configs, using an appropriate number, in accordance with your config files' numerical order.)
Navigate to ...Steam\steamapps\common\Car Mechanic Simulator 2021\cms018_Data\StreamingAssets\Cars\ChieftainCyclon
Delete the config's no longer require, from the folder
Version History:
V1.0 - Initial Release
Credits: Red Hot Games & Playway for Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
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