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About this mod

Increases the rewards from depths bosses by x2 or x4.

Permissions and credits
Better Depth Boss Rewards

Increases the rewards from depths bosses by x2 or x4. Only effects the host, co-op partners still get 2 each.
Let's be honest, grinding for MJ is annoying and if you're looking at this mod you're
probably blasting through the bosses anyways. So why not save a little time and cut down on
how many runs you need to do.

Automatic (Recommend)
Download the file with Vortex, install it, sort the load order if needed, and then hit Deploy
Extract the Zip and copy the .pak file into your "~mods" folder,
found in "..\CODE VEIN\CodeVein\Content\Paks\~mods", if that folder doesn't exist just create one yourself

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