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Faol Tyrfing0 Captain Waffles hmlendea misteralter Cappuccino James Hori Semigall andrefortes _Arzakon_ idm Lowborn Seiji CK2RPG

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About this mod

Some submods for Elder Kings last version. Only for testing

Permissions and credits
Some submods for Elder Kings last version. Possible bugs.
The author has updated the original mod for compatibility with Elder Kings 0.3
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ek-more-cultural-names last this ek-more-cultural-names  adapted for last version Elder Kings
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eksubVampires last  this  Vampire bloodlines adapted for last version Elder Kings
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Dragon Cult Expanded - Elder Kings SVN last this  Dragon Cult Expanded - Elder Kings SVN adapted for last version Elder Kings
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Ayleid Anew last this  Ayleid Anew  adapted for last version Elder Kings
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TLOT last this  Atmora: The Land of Truth  adapted for last version Elder Kings
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Ayleid_Anew patch_DCE_TLOT this patch for compatibility Ayleid Anew, Dragon Cult Expanded - Elder Kings SVN and Atmora: The Land of Truth
Falmer Update_last this  Touching the Sky - Falmer Expansion adapted for last version Elder Kings
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FU_AA_patch this  patch for compatibility Ayleid Anew, Touching the Sky - Falmer Expansion and Dragon Cult Expanded - Elder Kings SVN
EKMissingCoAs - EKMissingCoAs added mod file
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EKVarietiesofFaith last  this  Varieties of Faith adapted for last version Elder Kings
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EKSVN_GreatWorks last this  Great Works adapted for last version Elder Kings
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DagothUrPortraitFix this  fix for incorrect portrait Dagoth Ur.
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Adaptation not ended. Many feathures not work, only faces.
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Adapted Languages and Linguistics [CK2RPG] for Elder Kings. Bugged. Need fixes
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culf_jyggalag is added offmap power for Jyggalag and Cult of Jyggalag is heresy Cult of Sheogorath now

Known bugs
Volkihar Adult   can not become an Volkihar Elder. Event been trying replace Volkihar Adult   Whetfang Elder but fail and
repeat.(???) I am not sure fixed this bug  or not fixed. Need tests

Incorrect set Serena's age
Incorrect set  immortal age Vokihar's family
The dead Harkon request the province of Volkihar
impossible change patron on Clavicus Vile for  vampire order clan with patron Molag Bal
bugs localization  Atmora: The Land of Truth 
bugs localization  EKVarietiesofFaith
bugs with learn two specialization Atmora guilds.
incorrect set language traits on  Languages and Linguistics [CK2RPG]
Invasion Jyggalag not work correct. Dragonborn do not spawn and  leaders do not Oblivion Gate and they just  to go to Herald

Future Plans

Fix Languages and Linguistics [CK2RPG]
Add more holy sites Bretonic and Imperial for EKVarietiesofFaith