LockedStickyMy custom recolors for the Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X can be found here
My custom recolors for the Brennan Apollo can be found here
LockedSticky28/01/2021 Added Brennan Apollo
Since it's impossible to test all modded Apollo versions in the different game situations, please leave comments on how it works especially in quests where Apollo bikes are also used by Aldecaldos group.
Thank you. -
StickyHello everyone and thank you for your attention to this mod.
Honestly, this is my first experience in modding in this game with CP2077 Tools and 010 Editor and I think it's unnecessary to remind once again about the need to have full-fledged modding tools (thanks to @rfusso for his hard work).
So, it's quite difficult to answer "Yes, it's possible 100%" to your requests.
I can not promise anything and if I find something that can be done I'll try to do that.
Thank you. -
LockedStickyI just started using mods because of cp2077 and well I know nothing on how to get them working apparently because I put the files in the right place and made sure they were compatible before starting it up. pretty sure the CP2077 tools are working on my game because my other mods are running fine but I can't seem to change the skins for the bikes. I'm sure this is a user error type of thing but I was wondering if I could get help on what I'm doing wrong or what Hotkeys I have to use. Or even if I need anything else to get this mod running that I don't have yet. Any help is appreciated with someone like me that's just learning how to use mods.
First thing i love the mod i realyy want to use it ive been trying to find and apollo v3 like whats in pic 3but ive got to ask will it reski89n scorpions bike as well.
I got the mod in the right folder and when I started the game, my bike (Kusanagi) was black and neon pink. Cool so it works. So now how do I change the color? I want to try out black and gold. Or green.
Road black works fine for me.
Not working for me. Archive file is empty. Oh well moving on.
Hey guys can somebody tell me if it is safe to put the archive file in the vortexs archives folder,or should i directly put it in my cyberpunk mod folder,sorry for asking such a simple question but would love to get information from anybody. (edit:I just put it in as a new mod and it works fine amazing mod man.)
Just noticed, if you use these mods to change vanilla bikes the new bikes from 2.1 get random models, including the burnt out one.
Is there anything that can be done for this/ Only I dont want to give up my Mox Kusanagi-
This mod is working on CP77 2.1? I really want to my Mox Kusanagi :(.
Yes, it took me forever to figure out it was this mod causing the issue! I've had this installed for a long time and pretty much forgot about it, enjoying my modded nazare in all my playthroughs and never tried buying new bikes until now. Finally figured out it was this mod causing the new purchasable bikes to come out in random models and colors. Hopefully that can be fixed, I'm playing without the mod for now.
How can I get the brennan apollo adventure?
Forgive my ignorance. I downloaded the mod for one of the Arch Nazare bikes, put it where your instructions say to put it. I already own that bike. When I call it, the look is the old look, not what I downloaded. When I go to the dealer on the net, I see the mod colors on the "buy" page, but the bike I already have is the old one.
What am I doing wrong? -
could have sworn someone used to have a mod that would allow you to change any vehicle through CET and there were like 8 different ones you could change jackies bike too. Now I cant find it anywhere.
I'm a little confused. Thought the "standard" nazare was jackie's bike, and the "sport" nazare was the one i could buy. Am i wrong?