Any chance you could make a version thats half way between original and your mod damage values? Everything else feels great, I just want a bit of a fight instead of 1shotting everything on very hard.
I don't understand why tf they nerfed everything so much in 2.0, basically "fixing" the bullet sponge but lowering the numbers and keeping the sponge effect. Really appreciate these mods, it shouldn't take 5 clips to take down one dude even with heavy subdermal good shot kills V, why not baddies?
I particularly like the appearance of 'ambition'. I added a silencer to him using mod, but he doesn't fit any silencer design. Are you willing to help me add the ability of a silencer to him?
Really appreciate these mods, it shouldn't take 5 clips to take down one dude even with heavy subdermal good shot kills V, why not baddies?