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  1. DynamoLynn
    • premium
    • 84 kudos
    The original file was a test file where I dramatically increased the damage of the Hammer to see if it was the correct file and if it actually had an impact in the game. I did not mean to upload that file.

    The new file is now with the correct attack value set to 134, actually doubling the Hammer's base damage. Apologies for the inconvenience and the confusion in the comments. 
  2. KongKing3752
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Would you consider creating a conditional mod that removes the Very Heavy weapon penalties from the hammer? Like if you have 20 body or the Like a feather perk, the movement penalties are completely removed? I'm trying to figure it out lol but I only have experience with rig mods and clothing mods
    1. DynamoLynn
      • premium
      • 84 kudos
      You mean for Sasquatch's Hammer or only the regular Hammer? There is probably a line I can find in the files that has a flag for the Heavy Weapon penalty, and I can probably turn it off. 
    2. KongKing3752
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Yeah, that's what I'm looking for. Just anything that would turn off that weapon flag
    3. DynamoLynn
      • premium
      • 84 kudos
      I'll look into it.
    4. robomax
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Did you ever have any luck with this?
  3. LukeTheNuke123
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    dude i need to see that gobo style preset you got there XD
  4. Vwarf
    • premium
    • 68 kudos
    Thx for the update. I was wondering why my Sasquatch hammer was doing 5k damage XD. 
  5. dain13
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    This mod increases the damage of the Sasquatch hammer to 4000+
    1. DynamoLynn
      • premium
      • 84 kudos
      Yes it increases its base damage at level 60 and Tier 5++ to about 900 base damage. Please read the description. 
    2. dain13
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      yes, I read it, it increased the damage from ~300 on my 4+ hammer, to 4k+, that's a little more than double :)
    3. BlLLthecat
      • supporter
      • 69 kudos
      I noticed the same kind of exponential damage increase with a regular hammer.
      I was gonna try lowering the 900 and experiment to see what lower number works to get it down to closer to double.
      But then I played with it like that (with 4k plus damage) and it's fun to be able to blow up a car with one swing lol. 

      Anyway, this works well! And so simple a mod with only the one file. Well done.

      Thank you!
    4. DynamoLynn
      • premium
      • 84 kudos
      You're welcome but, you mentioned regular hammers and then said "900" which is the base damage of Sasquatch's Hammer, not regular Hammers, with my mod, so I'm a little confused. 

      I obviously tested my mod with the doubled damage Hammers and the damage did seem to be simply doubled, not more (not counting critical hits obviously). Then again as I said, yes, you can lower the value yourself. 
    5. Eatersoul7
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Opening the file on the mod the value assigned 900.

      This is what the file contains:

      Items.Hammer_Damage_Stats_inline0.value: 900
    6. DynamoLynn
      • premium
      • 84 kudos
      Holy. Okay I get what's going on now LMAO.

      I set the value to 900 at some point to make sure at 100% that the mod was working (by seeing if I was dealing insane damage). This is my screw up, I uploaded the file with that value still set to 900...

      I'm uploading a new version with it actually set to 134. My apologies everyone. 
  6. Harkmagic
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I feel like the buff that the hammer needs is for the Like A Feather perk to actually work on hammers. That way it doesn't need so dramatic an increase in damage.
    1. DynamoLynn
      • premium
      • 84 kudos
      That wouldn't change much for the weapon even if it did work. Baseball bats would still be completely outclassing Hammers.
    2. Harkmagic
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Well how about I put it this way. I don't care if you game hammers x10,000 the damage I still wouldn't use them because of the movement speed debuff, and I'm far from alone. That movement speed debuff just makes them unfun to play with period.
    3. DynamoLynn
      • premium
      • 84 kudos
      O... Okay..? Then why are you even here? 
  7. dain13
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Doubling the damage is too much, the stamina cost increases by 30%, increasing the damage by 30% would be fair, or make some options please.
    1. DynamoLynn
      • premium
      • 84 kudos
      I personally don't think it's too much as it doesn't account only for the stamina cost. It's Stamina cost + Heavy weapon penalty (with no perks that alleviate it) + much slower swing time.

      If you think it's too much then you can tweak the value in the file. It is currently at 134, 67 being the base damage of the Sledge Hammer. You can reduce the value in between those two numbers to fit what you would prefer.