You can add more slots with cyberware-EX custom config file, it's in miscellaneous files section of said mod. It's named "CyberwareEx-Config-ExpansionMode" and "CyberwareEx-Config-OverrideMode"
didn't seem to do anything. is it supposed to be paired with the main file or replace it? I've already used the mod with overdrive, do I need to use a restart command or install the restart config? there's no instructions on the mod page either? I'm not very familiar to configs either, is that something I need to manually tweak, like in the script's or cyber engine tweaks?
Works fine here with CyberwareEx extended - you need to add the config file to Cyberpunk2077/r6/scripts/CyberwareEx, like so:
The config can be edited with any text editor (used VSCode) and the parts names are documented on the CyberwareEx description page. Upon starting the game, the config will be taken into account and you should see your changes reflected in the cyberware menu, no other action necessary.
this is what I've got. I think I know what I need to do in principle, but I don't code. All I've done is some script changes for the Witcher 3 and SkyrimAE but with a tutorial. Lets say I want 6 mod slots (total not additional) for the frontal cortex, nervous, and integumentary systems, and 4 for the cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems, hands, legs, and arms systems, while keeping the mods 3 operating systems and 1 face slot excluding the mask slot from phantom liberty. How would I go about doing that?
read the pinned post on cyberware - ex you'll get what you need. its not that difficulty, just copy and paste. also the expansion mode is bugged (a lot of issue, such as causing cyberware to unequipped sometimes), use override mode.
This bug happens in the base game, as well, btw. I have essentially no mods and my total cyberware count changes often. Can we have a version of this that doesn't require Phantom Liberty?
I don't play post 2.0 versions of the game so if this doesn't already work for them(it may, but I have no way of knowing), then you're simply out of luck unless you upgrade.
The mod requirements already specify it. Have you actually tried it to see if it works btw? If the game uses the cyberware capacity meter even without the expansion, then this should fix it all the same.
I can check, sure. Your description says that it fixes a bug in the vanilla game, so I wasn't expecting the PL need.
edit: It works in the base game. Without the mod, swapping weapons causes my cyberware total to drop by 8 for whatever reason. With the mod, the cyberware total remains consistent.
A bit off topic but is there a mod that makes the Cyberware Capacity and Armour UI adjusted so those upgrade slots aren't overlapping one another? Just so everything looks cleaner and whatnot.
if rember cdpr redid cybe war to were we have a limit on how mush v can handle so ppl are saying its a bugg now there are mods that undo cdpr b.s like simple menu
There must be something that triggers this bug, or any of the +200 mods I have installed fixed it lol. I have tried going to a Ripperdoc several times and my cyberware capacity doesnt move. My mods related to Ripperdocs/cyberware management are: Immersive Rippers, RipperDeck and Cyberware Ex. With RipperDeck I have tried equipping and unequipping cyberware both into Hub and "in person", and it always shows the same amount of capacity. Or maybe this bug just doesnt happen for everyone. Good for me, I guess xD
I originally thought it may be a Cyberware-Ex issue but a quick internet search revealed that it's been getting reported for quite some time on the game's official forum & I assume that mod users know better that to report issues with mods there so I assume it's a vanilla bug. I'll never play without mods so I can't test it for myself. This bug was definitely occuring on my end though & it was unrelated to my mod for sure so I went ahead & figured out a fix. Can't say if you're using any mods that impact the ripperdoc menu in the same way. I'd have to review their code. I have both ripperdeck & cyberware-ex & experience the issue without my fix. It may just be a matter of certain mods behaving badly together, but this does seem to fix it if it does start happening.
For example it causes Raven Gemini II - Full Body Conversion Cyberware - Complete mod to not work
The config can be edited with any text editor (used VSCode) and the parts names are documented on the CyberwareEx description page.
Upon starting the game, the config will be taken into account and you should see your changes reflected in the cyberware
menu, no other action necessary.
Lets say I want 6 mod slots (total not additional) for the frontal cortex, nervous, and integumentary systems, and 4 for the cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems, hands, legs, and arms systems, while keeping the mods 3 operating systems and 1 face slot excluding the mask slot from phantom liberty. How would I go about doing that?
module CyberwareEx.Customizationimport CyberwareEx.*public class UserConfig extends DefaultConfig { public static func SlotExpansions() -> array<ExpansionArea> = [ ExpansionArea.Create(gamedataEquipmentArea.SystemReplacementCW, [ ExpansionSlot.Create(gamedataNewPerkType.Tech_Central_Milestone_3, 3), ExpansionSlot.Create(gamedataNewPerkType.Tech_Master_Perk_3, 1) ]), ExpansionArea.Create(gamedataEquipmentArea.FrontalCortexCW, [ ExpansionSlot.Create(gamedataNewPerkType.Intelligence_Central_Milestone_3, 1), ExpansionSlot.Create(gamedataNewPerkType.Intelligence_Central_Milestone_3, 2) ]), ExpansionArea.Create(gamedataEquipmentArea.CardiovascularSystemCW, [ ExpansionSlot.Create(gamedataNewPerkType.Body_Central_Perk_1_4, 1) ]), ExpansionArea.Create(gamedataEquipmentArea.NervousSystemCW, [ ExpansionSlot.Create(gamedataNewPerkType.Tech_Central_Milestone_3, 2) ]), ExpansionArea.Create(gamedataEquipmentArea.IntegumentarySystemCW, [ ExpansionSlot.Create(gamedataNewPerkType.Tech_Central_Milestone_3, 1), ExpansionSlot.Create(gamedataNewPerkType.Tech_Central_Perk_3_3, 1) ]), ExpansionArea.Create(gamedataEquipmentArea.ArmsCW, [ ExpansionSlot.Create(gamedataNewPerkType.Tech_Central_Perk_3_2, 1) ]), ExpansionArea.Create(gamedataEquipmentArea.HandsCW, [ ExpansionSlot.Create(gamedataNewPerkType.Tech_Central_Perk_3_2, 1) ]), ExpansionArea.Create(gamedataEquipmentArea.LegsCW, [ ExpansionSlot.Create(gamedataNewPerkType.Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_3, 1) ]) ]; public static func CombinedAbilityMode() -> Bool = false}
edit: It works in the base game. Without the mod, swapping weapons causes my cyberware total to drop by 8 for whatever reason. With the mod, the cyberware total remains consistent.