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  1. MagicFlee
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for this mod.
    Do you have a version that also cleans vanilla gloves?
  2. SteelLiox
    • member
    • 1 kudos
     Mod doesn't work with something. Causes errorless crash.  this is after the most recent cdpr hotfix that some have dubbed 2.12A
  3. Slappyrad
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Great mod, absolutely necessary for my collection. It makes so much sense to have clean versions of clothes and this mod works perfectly and the results are spectacular. Great description, easy install, boom worked right away.

    While I could potentially see the reasoning for CDPR to have dirty work pants and stuff for V, it defies logic that they made dirty suits in the base game (thankfully they knocked that off with PL). 

    I've needed just base clean jeans for a hot minute, not the high-waist, torn, stylized etc jeans. Just jeans. This mod gave me that. 

    Thank you :)
  4. Rykerr
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    This is great, thank you, too many cool clothes ruined by dirt or weird logos. Any chance you could do a similar thing with the edgerunner jackets and remove gang logos/text from them? I'd love to see a version of 'old edgerunner' without the lame 6th Street stuff on the back. 
    1. Noxequi
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      I actually did stuff like that for myself already, I just didn't find the time to pack and upload those yet.
    2. Rykerr
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Ah, awesome. Looking forward to the upload in that case!
    3. Noxequi
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Some jackets (especially male variants) have a logo component separate from the material setup I changed. I'm working to remove them. Did you have any particular jackets in mind for cleaning? I already added a few.
  5. theking7242
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The descriptions for the AIO files seem to be mixed up
    1. Noxequi
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Oh goodie it's just a "typo". Thanks. I've corrected it.
    2. lsutofvamp
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hey can u confirm that these virus comments are just false positives
    3. Noxequi
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Yep. And it's just ONE comment. These are just some JSON files afterall, converted to mlsetup (multilayer setup) files with WolvenKit. Don't even have any images in there. Plus you can see how small the size of the files is (less than 100KB).

      Also, the "suspicious" flag was on my other (Slender Male Body) mod on one of the files, though RedMod and Archive versions had the exact same ".archive" file in them. Nexus was confused for some reason, but it was solved quickly after.
  6. Andrezork
    • member
    • 28 kudos
    Hi, thank you for this mod. The old file "AIO Archive PLUS version" is now unavailable, so i can assume that all clothes and shoes are inside of the "Clean Clothes - AIO Archive version"?
    1. Noxequi
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Yes. Since I added the optional files, where people can pick and choose what they want, I will no longer make "plus" versions.
  7. Wiedzmak12346
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    suspicous files detected in other mods and this dude blocks all comments 
    1. Noxequi
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Not a "dude". Thanks for notifying me.

      If you're talking about my "Slender Male Body" mod, the comments are blocked there because of haters that just keep creating new accounts so they can s#*!-talk people. Since Nexus does not limit access to new accounts, I've blocked all commenting there for now.

      As for suspicious file detection, it's not my fault Nexus is lacking in things, like proper virus detection.
      If you look on this mod too, you will notice the Archive versions cannot even be opened for preview, while the RedMod ones can. Nexus's antivirus thinks it's an archive within an archive and gets confused.
      Read their docs on Nested archives and Unrecognised archive format. It might explain a bit.

      Edit: The FALSE suspicious flag has now been fixed.
  8. Kantorock
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    Comment: I will be tracking this for now, as I am currently rebuilding my mod-list, and have yet to arrive at the "Clothing" section of its install process.

    Question: I would assume that this conflicts with mods that retexture and/ or modify jeans in any way, such Preem Jeans by Derix, correct?
    1. Noxequi
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Try it and let us know. 🙃 Probably yes.
    2. Kantorock
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      Considering I've been doing community mod showcase streams of late, where I help people out with their mod questions, I might throw my own request into the mix, and see if there is any conflict.
  9. vexgass
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    added on tracking. i can see the potential and i can see a lot of work. gl with that!

    Clean Cars is another mod that i wish gets update for new dlc cars
  10. ceano
    • premium
    • 140 kudos
    Nice, can you do the same for the rest of the clothes that is dirty?

    Keep up the good job!
    1. Noxequi
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      If I'm gonna equip my V with some garments or shoes and notice they're dirty, yes. There are over 1800 clothes and shoes in the game, so I'm not sure how many of those make up "the rest" (that are dirty). But if you have any favorites I could clean those and rename this mod to "laundromat". 😂
    2. ceano
      • premium
      • 140 kudos
      OK sounds good
      Can't say any specifik clothes at this point sins i'm still waiting for some mods to gett there updates before i start playing the game again after several of months of shelf time, but as soon as i do and see any dirty clothes (i know there is some more pants and shirts) i will let you know.
    3. Noxequi
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      While you wait, patch 2.1 will come out and then you'll wait some more... 😏
      JK JK 
      But it is one of the reasons I don't make mods with dependencies. I had the same problem: waiting.