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ScorpionTank - Gorefiend

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About this mod

Custom-made, torso armor plating. ArchiveXL. 6 Modules. 88 Items. Both Vs. All Hyst Bodies | Lush | SoLush | Solo | Atlas | Adonis | Gymfiend. Automatic Refit Selection. Gameplay Optimized. Lore-friendly.

Permissions and credits

Together with Gorefiend, we present you the Modular Combat Armor - a custom mashup from Adam Smasher's armor, available for both Vs. This mesh has been ported and kitbashed from the vanilla game.

This mod is part of my Military Clothing Sets and is built around them. Brief overview:

Attention: This mod, as well as the modpage, have been overhauled to Update 3.0. If you're updating from a previous version, see the Changelog and the additional Update Notice at the bottom of the description or in Posts.

Colors & Items:

This mod contains color variants for my new and overhauled 20 Military Sets. It uses my Military Palette Texture Library.

All items were primarily colored to go with my other military mods that have been overhauled to Update 3.0, or are new releases. The camo patterns are monochromatic, and all variants have a distinct accent color.

To find all items from one set in my Zenitex Atelier, use the search bar in the Atelier screen and search for your desired set (e.g., Alpine).

Initially, this mod contained items with identical visual appearances across different sets. To eliminate duplicates, these items have been condensed into singular ones, and now have multiple set names both in their title and tooltip.

The Shoulder Straps had variants with the same visual appearances across certain sets, so it's been condensed from 80 items down to 48.

In total, 88 items are added by mod:
  • 20x Chestplate
  • 20x Frag Collar
  • 24x Shoulder Strap A [L] and [R]
  • 24x Shoulder Strap B [L] and [R]

SmartMesh & Modules:

This mod has no SmartMesh features implemented. 

To equip all items at the same time, you need to use EquipmentEx. You can find all items from this mod in my Zenitex Atelier by searching "Combat Armor".

If you want to equip an item that uses the same slot as the items in this mod, hold F over it in EquipmentEx and change its slot to one of your choice. 

There are 6 modules spread across 4 slots:
  • TorsoAux: Chestplate
  • NecklaceLong: Frag Collar
  • HandPropLeft: Shoulder Strap A and B  [L]
  • HandPropRight: Shoulder Strap A and B [R]

Refits & Garment Support:

This mod has Automatic Refit Selection implemented. ArchiveXL will automatically load the correct refit depending on the body installed.

means a refit was shaped specifically for a body mod, while Compatible means that an existing refit already works with another body mod (e.g., Vanilla Female will always work on EVB). Body mods not listed below will by default load their gender specific Vanilla refit.

This mod is compatible with both Vanilla Female and Vanilla Male. Modded bodies compatible with this mod:
Attention: On new releases, there will be support only for Hyst body mods. You may request other refits in comments and I'll make them when I get the time. I will not do refits for body mods without an AXL tag.

Garment Support:
Garment Support is not implemented as of right now, but it is planned.

Gameplay Features:

Responsive NPCs:
This mod features support for Responsive NPCs. You must have it installed for the faction and reactions tags to work, but you do not need it for the mod itself to work.

The Pants have been tagged with FearReaction. All items that belong to factions have been tagged accordingly. Lazarus is canonically affiliated to Militech, so they've been given Militech tags.

Quality of Life:
The items in this mod do not have FPP Shadow Meshes and they will not be added, due to them causing shadow artifacts in first person when looking down.

Each item has a unique description that contains their faction tag (or lack of) and their set(s) names.

The Frag Collar has been adjusted in First Person Perspective to not block vision while using a weapon or when looking down.

Stat Bonuses:
The pants in this mod offers a small custom stat bonus. Your main stat increases should come from cyberware and leveling as intended by CDPR, therefor the stat bonuses attached to my clothes will always be minor, but still offer a realistic bonus depending on their material structure and body coverage.

All modules have slight stat bonuses on them:
  • +32 Armor - Chestplate
  • +4 Armor - Frag Collar
  • +2 Armor - Shoulder Strap [A] and & [L] and [R]

Attention: As of right now, their stat bonuses only work if you equip them in the vanilla slots.

Requirements & Compatibility:

This mod is compatible with game version 2.12a or higher and does not require the Phantom Liberty DLC. Mod conflicts are impossibleArchiveXL, TweakXL, RED4ext and the Military Palette Texture Library are mandatory.

For layering and equipping all items at once, EquipmentEx (along with Codeware and Redscript) is required. To preview and purchase the items in a lore-friendly way, Zenitex Atelier is highly recommended.

Responsive NPCs is optional, use it only if you want the clothing Reaction and Faction tags to take effect. 

Full requirements:

Download & Installation:

The main mod is available as a single main file. Install and enable it via Vortex by pressing the Mod Manager Download button. For manual installation, click the Manual Download button and extract the contents of the zip file into the Cyberpunk 2077 root folder.

The correct files paths for the main mod archive are as following:
  • archive\pc\mod\scorpion_military_combat_armor.archive
  • archive\pc\mod\scorpion_military_combat_armor.xl
  • r6\tweaks\scorpiontank\scorpion_military_combat_armor.yaml

Obtaining & Usage:

This mod adds standalone clothing items to game via ArchiveXL. The items will not be added automatically to your inventory, instead you need to acquire them in one of the two ways:

  • Use my Zenitex Atelier to preview and purchase the items in a lore-friendly way. Download and install both this mod and the Zenitex Atelier (together with its requirements), go to any computer in-game and access the store.
  • Use the Item Codes available in the Articles tab or inside the text file that came with the mod archive. Copy and Paste these codes inside the console of Cyber Engine Tweaks and the items will be instantly added to your inventory. 

To use the clothes, simply equip them like any other garment available in the base game. EquipmentEx is highly recommended because you will not be able to equip all items at the same with the 6 slots available in the vanilla game.

Permissions & NPVs:

You are prohibited from reuploading the assets in this mod (modified or not), either independently or as part of other mods on Nexus or on other sites. You are allowed to edit this mod for personal use only. For anything else, such as adding a new refit to the mod, contact and discuss with me either on Discord or on Nexus.

For NPV usage, the following applies:
  • You are allowed to use the assets within this mod for private & personal NPV projects.
  • You are allowed to edit or refit the assets within this mod for private & personal NPV projects.

Contact & Support:

If you wish to contact me, you can do so in my DMs on Discord (ScorpionTank) or on Nexus.

I create these mods in my spare time, so any support from you is greatly appreciated. If you enjoy my work and wish to support me, you can do so on my Ko-fi page or on Nexus.

Attention: I also take commissions occasionally (mostly NPVs), but these are to be discussed only in my DMs on Discord.


Very special thanks to Gorefiend for collaborating with me on this mod. A big thanks to those who taught me various aspects of modding: Veegee, Eren, Manavortex, Adshield, Kerensky, and the Merchants of Death.

Further thanks to the following people for taking previews or their involvement in the 3.0 Update of the mod:

Update 3.0 Notice:

This mod has been completely reworked. The changelog covers most significant changes. Due to major changes, the previously released version, now called legacy, is still available for download in the Miscellaneous section and is compatible with version 3.0.

Both versions can exist together without conflicts. Items from the legacy version remain purchasable in the old Tac Threads Atelier, while the updated ones are in the new Zenitex Atelier (both shops are from the same modpage). However, I highly recommend using version 3.0, as the legacy version is no longer supported.

The old mod page is archived in the spoiler below, and all legacy version previews are labeled accordingly. New previews have been added at the start of the image carousel and are labeled "New".

Modular Military Armor - Custom-made, heavy-duty, military-styled torso armor kit worn by Adam Smasher, converted for player use.

A collaborative project, by me and Gorefiend.

This set of items is a custom mashup of various parts from Adam Smasher's mesh. They are exclusively found on this boss, and nowhere else. Now also available to you.

This armor kit is split into multiple, single modules, allowing for good clothing flexibility to avoid or reduce clipping. Note that I have not split the main chestplate into separate parts as it wouldn't make much sense, nor would it look good. 

There are 4 main modules which you can wear at once together with my other military mods. The shoulder straps have 2 different models that take the same slot. This brings the total to 6 different items added by this mod.

Available items:
  • Chestplate
  • Neckcover
  • Shoulder Strap [A] [L]
  • Shoulder Strap [A] [R]
  • Shoulder Strap [L]
  • Shoulder Strap [R]

This mod uses the new body tag feature from ArchiveXL. With this feature implemented, ArchiveXL will choose the correct refit for you, based on the body you have installed. This means only a single universal file is available for download which you can use for all of the available refits listed below.

The armor has been fitted for bodysuits or other tight underclothing. The reasons for it is because I personally prefer tight outfits, and bulky/loose outfits make a lot of poses unusable as a lot of clipping will occur.

Available refits:

  • You have to update your body mod to the latest version for this to work or else the vanilla refit will load.
  • The vanilla refit fits the Solo body as well.
  • The EBB and EBBP refit is the same.
  • The EBBRB/EBBPRB bodies will load the EBB/EBBP refit.
  • The RB body will load the vanilla refit.
  • Body mods other than the ones listed above are currently not supported.
  • Attempting to use this mod for unsupported body types will load the vanilla refits for both genders
  • Mod meant to be used with bodysuits and my other military mods.

This armor kit has been colored in the same color palette as my other military mods. It features the same rough, non-reflective appearance as my armor pads and headgear, although it may look slightly more metallic due to the nature of the mesh.

Available colors:
  • 20 Solid colors with neutral accents
  • 8 Custom variants with colored accents

  • Starting from this mod, 3 of the custom variants are getting permanently replaced.
  • Those 3 being the green camo variants (Woodland, Pinewood, Tropical). Unfortunately, they are very complex internally and are slowing my progress significantly when attempting to match them across my mods.
  • Additionally, they didn't really fit much in the Cyberpunk world as there are no proper forest or green environments for them to make sense.
  • They will be getting replaced across all my mods (eventually), with easier to maintain and more fitting variants.
  • These variants being "Nightops" (Black with blue accent), "Enforcer" (Dark grey with light purple accent) and "Zealot" (White with red accent).
  • As for the items with parts that can have camo patches, they will have different geometric camo patterns.
  • Some of the individual neckcover and strap items actually have the same color (duplicates) across neutrals and custom variants.
  • This is intended and I added them simply for the sake of having a complete set.

EquipmentEx is absolutely mandatory to be able to customize this armor kit properly. This mod adds a total of 168 items.

The items are split to be worn individually across 4 different slots. These slots already exist in the current version of EquipmentEx. If you don't use EquipmentEx, you can still wear the chestplate in the vanilla OuterTorso slot.

The chestplate takes the same slot as my Military Vest, however everything else can be worn in combination with my other military mods.

EquipmentEx slots:
  • TorsoAux: Chestplate x28
  • NecklaceTight: Neckcover x28
  • HandRightProp: Shoulder Strap [A] [R] x28
  • HandRightProp: Shoulder Strap [R] x28
  • HandLeftProp: Shoulder Strap [A] [L] x28
  • HandLeftProp: Shoulder Strap [L] x28

Additional information:
The mod has an additional, small gameplay stat buff. Equipping the chestplate in the vanilla TorsoOuter slot will provide +25 Armor.
EquipmentEx is still mandatory to wear the full set.

For the EBB/EBBP refits, the plates are spaced out a bit more than the vanilla refit so that it can properly cover the chest while still maintaining the overall shape.

While there will be some clipping, the armor does not deform much and it will retain its shape even in more extreme poses.


  • Female V and Male V
  • Additional refits: EBB/EBBP/Gymfiend
  • Automatic refit selection
  • 1 Chestplate, 28 Color options
  • 1 Neckcover, 28 Color options
  • 4 Shoulder Straps, 28 Color options each
  • 168 items in total
  • Wearing the chestplate in the vanilla TorsoOuter slot will grant +25 Armor
  • Meant to be worn with tight bodysuits and clothing
  • Colors made to match my other mods


This is an ArchiveXL based mod that adds standalone items to the game, requiring you to acquire them first as they won't automatically appear in your inventory after installation. Two available methods exist for obtaining these items:

  • Use my Tac Threads Atelier store, which adds an online shop for you to buy my items in an immersive way. Download both the atelier and the mod you want you use, as well as their respective requirements.
  • Use the item codes provided in the zip file or in the Articles tab. Inserting these into the Cyber Engine Tweaks console will instantly add them to your inventory.

Download the single file available:
- Modular Military Armor - Universal: Contains automatic gender and refit selection. Detailed information in Refits section above.

Install via Vortex or manually extract the contents of the zip file into the Cyberpunk root folder so they end up like this:
  • archive\pc\mod\scorpion_military_armor.archive
  • archive\pc\mod\scorpion_military_armor.xl
  • r6\tweaks\scorpiontank\scorpion_military_armor.yaml

Uninstall via Vortex or manually delete the following files:
  • archive\pc\mod\scorpion_military_armor.archive
  • archive\pc\mod\scorpion_military_armor.xl
  • r6\tweaks\scorpiontank\scorpion_military_armor.yaml

  • Works on game versions (2.112.1 | 2.02 | 2.01 | 2.0) with or without the Phantom Liberty DLC.
  • Will not work on 1.63 and lower versions due to technical changes firstly introduced in version 2.0.
  • Will not conflict with, or replace any vanilla or modded items.

  • You are allowed to use and edit this mod only for your private & personal usage, or for your personal NPV.
  • For any edits that you wish to make available for public use (including porting or refits) please contact me first.
  • You are not allowed to reupload this mod or the assets within this mod (edited or not) without my permission.

- Massive thanks to my teachers: Veegee Alvarez, Eren and Manavortex.
- Special thanks to Gorefiend who agreed to collaborate with me on this mod.
- Big thanks to AllKnowingLion for creating the Lush refit.
- Huge thanks to these talented photographers for taking previews of the mod:

If you enjoy my work and wish to support me, consider buying me a coffee! <3

If you want to join a bigger modding community with all my friends, come at Cyberpunk 2077 Garden.

If you had a previous version of the mod installed and are updating to 3.0, please remove the following files first:

  • archive\pc\mod\scorpion_military_armor.archive
  • archive\pc\mod\scorpion_military_armor.xl
  • r6\tweaks\scorpiontank\scorpion_military_armor.yaml


If you're looking to join a larger community, come at Cyberpunk 2077 Garden. For general modding and troubleshooting, join the official Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Community server.

Interested in more casual clothing options instead? Or perhaps poses or even vehicles? Check out the selection from my friends below: