About this mod
The mod slightly increased damage for almost every weapon to reduce the sluggish gunplay in early game, and as well as making underpowered guns more competitive while retaining a more vanilla like experience.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Weapon Tweaks and Balance at Cyberpunk 2077 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)
The major difference between this mod and Zako's is that I reverted all the nerfs done to the magazine capacity, fire rate, damage, and etc.
Faster ROF for most semi-auto weapons.
Universal DPS increase for pretty much all weapons (some tech/smart weapons are left untouched because they are already very strong, but charging time and projectile speed buff are retained from the original mod)
Smart weapons have increased range
Shotguns have more pellets and range
Tech weapons charge time reduced
Major changes:
Increased damage for Igla/Sovreign, Pozhar and all its unique variants, DR-5 and its variants, Rook, Zhuo/Ba Xing Chong, Dian and its unique variant, Kolac, Burya and its unique variants, m179/Widow Maker, Carnage and its variants, The Headsman, Kenshin, and its variants, and many more.
Ticon/Rasetsu have their charge time further reduced.
Even more damage for Osprey
Malorian deals even more damage now
Not compatible with any mods that change weapons stats (Hammer and Mantis Blade as well since this mod touches their damage stats, but the rest melee weapons should be fine)
If you intended to use this mod with Pre-2.0 Moron Labe pre-2.0 Moron Labe fire rate at Cyberpunk 2077 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com), be sure to delete "TweakDB:SetFlat("Items.Base_Ajax_Moron_Technical_Stats_inline1.value", 0.115) --0.133" from the lua file.
Borg Malorian Restored at Cyberpunk 2077 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) Only use the main file
Assured Ashura at Cyberpunk 2077 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) Fully compatible
Not compatible with mods that edit tech weapons charge time since it already does that.
Should be compatible with mods that tweak smart weapons lock-on time as long as they don't touch damage/fire rate.
These are the mods that I use, if you found any new incompatibility, please let me know.
It is recommended to play at least on Hard difficulty with this mod
Increase Monowire's damage (I haven't figured how to edit it)
NPC weapons
Credit: Zako1989 for the original mod