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beanut - nutboy x beaniebby

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About this mod

MASC + FEM V Leather jacket with 6 options designed by Nutboy. Skirt, belt, boots, leg warmers, and tank top for Fem V. Vanilla, Small, Solo 2.0, all Hyst bodies

Permissions and credits
I am extremely happy to share this collab! The very talented Nutboy designed 6 jackets for masc + fem V with three options for leather. Complete outfit for Fem V with a tank, skirt, belt, legwarmers, and boots.

Installation and Use
To install: drag-and-drop folders from download to your Cyberpunk2077 directory.

Requirements: you need the Community Palette Project for the tank, skirt, and leg warmers to work.

A text file of codes are included in the download & in the articles tab, but you can also get them from the Beanut Atelier.

The jacket, leg warmers, and boots have garment support. This is only compatible with other gs-enabled items.

Please check out the accompanying pose pack that goes with this outfit by elf.jpeg !

Item Colors

Automatically adjusting mesh available for: Vanilla, EBB, EBBP, RB (EBBRB + EBBPRB), Angel, and Solo 2.0. I am not interested in refitting for anything else - you are welcome to do it for personal use. Mesh replacer available for Vanilla Small.

Known Issues
Ported mesh - there will be clipping and tearing in extreme poses. There was some minor clipping in the jacket piping and skirt in the preview photos, but I fixed this for release.

The boots have "boot noises" set but sometimes equipment EX doesn't work, just re-equip if they're not making the right noise.

For Masc V players I'm sorry but there's no way to make the codes NOT work on masc V so if you equip anything other than the jacket it will be deformed.

This mod was made with AXL Dynamic Appearances and as such there will be some unexpected behavior. I highly recommend equipping with Equipment EX
to avoid issues with meshes disappearing or taking the wrong appearance in certain circumstances.

ACM (Appearance Creator Mod) and Item Codes
Please see the articles tab!

✅ You are permitted to add any elements onto an NPV/NPC+.
✅ You are welcome to edit any of the clothing meshes (not decals) for refits or recolors, but please do not claim anything as your own, upload elsewhere than Nexus, or share raw files on their own for any reason (except the boots, those are 100% CDPR I just slapped on some gs, go nuts)
🚫 If you do not have an active license to Envato Elements you are NOT PERMITTED under any circumstances to edit the decal .xbms, even for personal use.

Credits, Thanks, and Support

Legwarmer mesh by 3dia, everything else but the boots are mahdienasrolahy. Purchased with a standard use license.

Designs licensed to nut haus by Envato Elements.

Ten bajillion kisses to Nutboy for agreeing to collab with me and being so excited for this project alongside me.

Ten bajillion more kisses to elf.jpeg for taking the vision and making the awesome accompanying pose pack!!

Thank you to uglykidcid for the Solo 2.0 refit ♡

Thank you to the Wolvenkit devs, and psiberx for the AXL/Equipment EX/Tweaks framework. :) Ty Dr Presto for the auto-icon script ily

Thank you so so very much to the beautiful models that took pictures!

Sh00kspeared - theviridianbunny - vantamasque- Maniek - NayaKot - DesertPirate77 - GlitchGarden -  Kharonion - MeltingAngels - Altar - Cheeto - Birabuto - MaidenofMiracles - Evo - ViennaOnTheNet - Taz - elf.jpeg - Muio - Winks - s4nt3ll1 - vvC4ndy - nutboy - Sinned_1 - crazycatlady - Ridarak - cyberangel707 - FoxPurplecyb3rsn4k3 - RevacholRouteZer0 - vylkodav - AlternatevyS.A. - ABYXS - DropTheGate - Random - Sunny - Fidel - 1ohone - Amosows - Kala - Aeryn - roxysworld77 - Axellysse- Emmjay - Kamikaze - Eagul

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Awesome Modders to Support  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧