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  1. exploiteddna
    • premium
    • 111 kudos
    so the original purpose of the goddess dress for lizzy? ... if true, thats really interesting.. i always wondered where that came from
  2. FreshPL
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you add an optional download for the mohawk hair as seen in the E3 trailer?
  3. maxandalec2
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Hey man, I got a weird issue with the mod, for some reason all chrome characters in the game including Lizzy Wizzy their faces look like this.

    I dont got any mod that edits Lizzy other than Appearance Mod Menu, so I am not sure what the issue is.
    Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
    1. 599Rider
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      This isn't a custom appearance and doesn't replace any meshes. It is a simple buffer swap with a pre-existing unused appearance and shouldn't have this kind of effect on anything. 
    2. 599Rider
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      However, as a game mechanic the chrome skin is simply a sub-appearance of the (in this case head) mesh. If you have any other mods that do something to that head mesh regardless of the skin tone, that would cause this.
    3. maxandalec2
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Alright appreciate the info man, will figure it out, thank you very much
  4. antaxi
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Great, at this time works like a charm!
  5. paco88
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It doesn't work for me, I don't know if I need patch 1.2 but with my version (1.12) I only see Lizzy incognite
    1. 599Rider
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      EDIT: V1.2 fixes this problem
      If you installed with Vortex, it's probably in the wrong folder. Make sure the .archive is in the archive/pc/patch folder. Also, to see both the coat and no coat versions, you'll need Appearance Menu Mod
    2. paco88
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It is not that, the appearance changes but it is not the same as the mod image.
    3. antaxi
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Same, it doesn't work for me, nothing has changed since last mod (incognito,choker off,naked etc. no more options here)
      my game version 1.2 (files in mod folder)
    4. 599Rider
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      Please try version 1.2, I made a change to prioritize this archive over AMM's Lizzy archive.
    5. paco88
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Now it works THX
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I have installed it manually, but it doesn't work for me. I use AMM and I only see his default appearance, his naked and incognito appearance.
    1. 599Rider
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      EDIT: V1.2 fixes this problem
      For Cyberpunk versions before 1.2: ?Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch
      For Cyberpunk versions after    1.2: ?Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
    2. paco88
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The same thing happens to me, I installed it in the corresponding folder and the only thing that changes is the naked model for an incognito appearance.
    3. 599Rider
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      EDIT: V1.2 fixes this problem
      Go to the bottom of this page and grab "Too Many Cooks". Please let me know if that fixes it
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Sorry, it doesn't work for me. Your other mods if they work for me without problems.
    5. 599Rider
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      EDIT: V1.2 fixes this problem
      I might know the problem, are you running a recent version of Appearance Menu Mod? I made an archive for that which is probably conflicting with this one. Try moving "basegame_AMM_lizzyincognito.archive" out of your mod folder and trying again. Please let me know if that works. 
    6. 599Rider
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      Please try version 1.2, I made a change to prioritize this archive over AMM's Lizzy archive.
  7. ChrisBlack7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Interesting mod, and that dress.. I hope someone can make it werable for V :)
    1. Xeldan
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      It's available in several places already.  It's called the Goddess Dress.  One place is here:

      All instances appear to use Johnny's Pants as the item replaced.
    2. ChrisBlack7
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks, I know I saw that dress some where but didn't have time to search..