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  1. djkovrik
    • premium
    • 1,492 kudos
    Frequently Asked Questions 

    I installed the mod but it does not work or I have redscript compilation errors
    1. Try to delete your r6\cache\modded folder and verify the game files integrity, very often it can fix everything.
    2. If you are using REDLauncher and/or Vortex for playing the game then also install cybercmd and repeat step 1.
    3. If you are using Vortex then disable REDMod Autoconversion feature if you have it enabled and reinstall the mod then.
    4. If it does not help check your Cyberpunk 2077\r6\logs\redscript.log file, if you see any errors near the end of the log then upload it to pastebin and drop the link here.

    How to change markers colors or available markers limit?
    Open and edit Cyberpunk 2077\r6\scripts\CustomMapMarkers\config.reds with any text editor
  2. djkovrik
    • premium
    • 1,492 kudos
    Compatible with the patch 2.1
  3. Guido500
    • premium
    • 72 kudos
    This wonderful mod works with patch 2.2!
  4. BitBaron
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I upped the mark limit to 350, but then even that was not enough so increased it again :'D

  5. wisiel
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Is there any way to increase the limit? I just wanted to add another marker, I thought it was a bug but in the description I see that it is a mod limit.
    edit: I found the relevant line of code in config.reds, the question is was the limit of 50 just a random number or does it have to do with any potential issues?
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,492 kudos
      No issues, you can increase it as you like
    2. wisiel
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Great! Thanks for reply!
  6. Eternamore
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hi. Could you please guide me in the files to correctly change the middle center button to another key? Unfortunately the middle mouse button is not working for me, so I need to change to another key.
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,492 kudos
      You can't change that, it's hardcoded to vanilla world_map_menu_zoom_to_mappin hotkey which is IK_MiddleMouse
    2. Iqbalev
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      Hi, I don't know if you still need this or not. But, you can change the button, I managed to do that without issue, yet.

      Here's how:
      - Go to Cyberpunk 2077/r6/config/
      - Open the inputUserMappings.xml file
      - CTRL + F and enter "world_map_menu_zoom_to_mappin"
      - In the second button entry, change "IK_MiddleMouse" to whatever you want
      - In my case, I changed it to a T key. So, it becomes "IK_T"
      - Save, and done
    3. Eternamore
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Hi. Thank you so much! Unfortunately, I completed the game and will not play it again. Although I hope this can help other players who don't know how to change the key. It's amazing that you know this and the creator told me it couldn't be done. Your message must be in the description.
  7. Xektul
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod. Super useful!
  8. IcoJay
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Nice job
  9. Halliphax2
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    I'm not sure exactly when this started (i.e after which patch) but it appears this mod stops the audio fluff/noise playing in the fast travel map when you hover over a fast travel station and hold a button to confirm your selection (there's usually a "charging up" noise queue for the duration of the button press).
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,492 kudos
      Can't confirm that, seems to work as expected for me.
    2. Halliphax2
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      Super weird, might have an old mod conflicting or something, will crack out the test bench. 

      Apologies if it turns out to be nothing and I've wasted your time here! 
    3. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,492 kudos
      Maybe thats conflict with something or happens under certain conditions only, dunno. Ping me if you find more details
  10. LizardCor
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    Not sure you do some "request"? But would be nice if...
    Add some bad guys icons - Skull icon or something that me me know there is or often spawn Gangs. Help get loot ( weapon, ammo bulets, cars - icons) 
    Add some food icons - I love to play with immersive mods like survival mod ( Skyrim/Fallout 4 and ect ) so Burger, slice of Pizza for food Botle, Cans for drinks Cups for drings that geve energy. 
    Nice to see som bed icon as well. 
    Just would be nice that all. Anyway good mod will be handy for me that for sure.
    Thank you
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,492 kudos
      I'm using existing mappins which are already ingame so not sure that everything you mentioned is available there (you can see all possible icons here)
  11. bizebs
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    Thanks bro. Nice mod! I have a question. Is it possible to change the size of the icons in the settings? And where?
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,492 kudos
      Nope, size is not changeable
  12. WizleWiz
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, first of all, thank you for your work. Unfortunately, the mod isn't functioning properly for me. Whenever I set a marker on the map, the map automatically closes. When I reopen the map, the marker is not present. The placed marker is not being saved. Also, changes to the filters don't help. I have all the required mods updated to the latest version. I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a tip or if this issue is already known to you.
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,492 kudos
      Marker saved at the players position so try to move a bit maybe to move player arrow marker from saved position. As for filters, it should be under quest markers selection I think
    2. WizleWiz
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Those who can read are clearly at an advantage, I was not aware of that, even though it is stated in the description.
      Thank you very much, your mod enriches my gaming experience.