hope this still works with 2.12, this mod was a godsend when playing with my little brother running around behind me. even if he wasn't there, some of the ads (bottoms up in particular) just make me uncomfortable.
I'm genuinely curious: what is the appeal of a cyberpunk game for you if profanity and lasciviousness both offend you? I'm not *bothered* that you have created this mod because it doesn't personally affect me. I'm just baffled by it. It's like making a Fallout mod that takes out signs of a nuclear holocaust having occurred, or a Resident Evil mod that removes zombies.
I do a LOT of modding with Skyrim and Fallout. I prefer for example to remove the gore and useless critical body explosions. The ability to Mod allows us to add or remove from the game that which does not add enjoyment. Pulling a bit of the excessive is worth it for me. Kudos to namjins
Yes, yes, I know the purpose of creating a mod. As I said, I'm curious why he wanted to play this game when two core tenets of it seem to conflict with his beliefs. I'm not asking the author for a philosophical justification. I'm just curious.
My enjoyment of the gameplay, story, and world isn't based on the amount of profanity or lasciviousness that can be crammed into it. That being said, I understand they are part of the Cyberpunk genre, but IMHO the same messages could have been conveyed without the excess.
Those who are responding to your question claiming the sexuality in 2077's in-game advertising is disruptively excessive are the exact same people that the writers of the Cyberpunk universe are making fun of. Sex figuratively and literally sells. That doesn't mean I agree with it, but the story and tone is absolutely effected by their removal. This is a future where the hyper-sexualization in advertising continues on the trajectory that we see now. Their reaction is the exact same as conservatives in the early 1900's who were angry about posters with women in skirts that exposed their ankles and how contemporary conservatives feel when they see Paris Hilton crawling over a car with a burger. But instead of being mad about the psychological warfare that the marketing industry wages, instead, they are mad/disgusted at titties and testicles.
If you want to argue lore-wise, arasaka controls a large section of the city. Or as V mentions at the beginning of act 1 in the conversation with Evelyn Parker: "Arasaka rules this town".
Only the outskirts of the city are ruled by gangs and degenerates, the city itself by hard business. I envision their ads to have more profesionalism to them like how Apple presents its products. While sex sells, it does not when it's overly excessive (think in the direction of the bottoms up ad). Mind you, I don't mind having sexualized ads and stripclubs and whatnot in this game, but seeing a whatson's wh*%# / bottoms up ad next to Arasaka Tower in corpo plaza breaks immersion. A cola bottle in between two big breasts is not stimulating to buy that product or to look at, nor does it make the brand unique or rememberable in any sense.
Glad to have civil discussion on this tho, always nice to see how others think of the same matter!
Believe it or not, sometimes people don't want to be bombarded with images they find visually disgusting while they're trying to play a game.
I get cyberpunk is all about corporations doing anything to move product. i get that it's about depraving humanity to a base level where life is nothing but stimulus.
That doesn't mean I want or need to look at 12 billboards with a guy covered in feces eating ass every time I look up. I paid 60 bucks for this game. I want to enjoy it how I want to enjoy it.
I really don't feel as though making the ads less extreme and less gross is taking away from anything.
I was looking for a mod like this, not becuase I'm offended, I think the developers went overboard with the constant comical porn in your face, to the point where it takes away from my immersion. I understand the message they're trying to convey, but they could have done it in a more subtle way.
Hypersexualization and the objectification of human body are the key points of a cyberpunk universe. The thing is human body is worthless as you can simply swap your limbs, your privacy dont matter as you are watched constanly, this loss of privacy and the sacredness of human body is the key point that Cyberpunk genre criticizes, and yeah sex sells. It ought to be disturbing, in your face with no holding back, if you think CDPR went overboard, you're hugely mistaken, in fact, the ads are mild at best, they chose a safer route. It should have been more gory, explicit, and outright disturbing. Subtleness is what we have in today's world, its not 2022 real world, its dystopian 2077. Its okay to want to change the ads with something less explicit if you feel offended or disturbed (because you should be, thats the point of the ads), but you gotta accept the fact that it contradicts with what makes it cyberpunk. All these people saying this mod makes the world more believable and it shoulda been more subtle, completely got the cyberpunk idea wrong.
That's the best thing about this mod or any other mod, it doesn't matter what you think. People are gonna mod this game and any other moddable game to their liking. Not a thing you can do about it. Pissing contests and expressing your opinion isn't gonna change it. I won't use this mod, but I appreciate it being here for people to use none the less. Let people live their lives and stop being over-opinionated about everything you don't 100% agree with. People like different things for different reasons.
Because the default advertisements come off like some Saints Row crap and totally pull you from the setting. It doesn't fit at all to be in this dystopian future, constantly worrying about your life, if you're going to get mugged, if a cyberpsycho is going to turn you into ground beef, and then get slapped in the face with eight Bottoms Up billboards in a row.
Thanks ! The bottoms up ad did it for me :) I don't mind sexual, but why sexist ? Why show a future where hypersexualisation of women's bodies is in turbo overdrive? One could say it's artistic view, well, I'm living in the present and I want to see less sexist stuff right now. So, thanks namjins :)
Look for Ads for Nightcity or Cybergirls ads These advert replacer mods are individual files. The product you want to replace is Sojasil - so you'll pick the archive with that in the filename
I'm still looking for a replacement for that Bottoms Up ad, but I don't know what the heck it's even advertising.
I like the game for the game, but yeah - sick to death of the "bottoms up" ad in particular all over the goddamn place.
And I have to concur with the comment about how places like Corpo Plaza (sterile megacorp HQ buildings staring each other down from across the plaza while drones within plot on how best they can literally cut throats to stay ahead), don't seem like the kind of venue where you'd see advertising fit for a dive bar. It'd be nice if there were some way to control what shows up where if only for the sake of thematic consistency.
Works very well for me as of 1.6. Actually makes the world more believable, there are still plenty of vanilla and as intended ads as well. I think this is a great balance thank you.
What the hell does puking blood imagery have to do with less sex related? More like less vile related. I have no problem with nipples and even genitals flapping around all over the place, however I don't need to be blasted with an aggressive mix of sex AND violence in every single ad. That's the issue with the vanilla ads for me. Therefore I appreciate the toned down version this offers.
Only the outskirts of the city are ruled by gangs and degenerates, the city itself by hard business. I envision their ads to have more profesionalism to them like how Apple presents its products. While sex sells, it does not when it's overly excessive (think in the direction of the bottoms up ad). Mind you, I don't mind having sexualized ads and stripclubs and whatnot in this game, but seeing a whatson's wh*%# / bottoms up ad next to Arasaka Tower in corpo plaza breaks immersion. A cola bottle in between two big breasts is not stimulating to buy that product or to look at, nor does it make the brand unique or rememberable in any sense.
Glad to have civil discussion on this tho, always nice to see how others think of the same matter!
I get cyberpunk is all about corporations doing anything to move product. i get that it's about depraving humanity to a base level where life is nothing but stimulus.
That doesn't mean I want or need to look at 12 billboards with a guy covered in feces eating ass every time I look up.
I paid 60 bucks for this game. I want to enjoy it how I want to enjoy it.
I really don't feel as though making the ads less extreme and less gross is taking away from anything.
So, thanks namjins :)
These advert replacer mods are individual files. The product you want to replace is Sojasil - so you'll pick the archive with that in the filename
I'm still looking for a replacement for that Bottoms Up ad, but I don't know what the heck it's even advertising.
And I have to concur with the comment about how places like Corpo Plaza (sterile megacorp HQ buildings staring each other down from across the plaza while drones within plot on how best they can literally cut throats to stay ahead), don't seem like the kind of venue where you'd see advertising fit for a dive bar. It'd be nice if there were some way to control what shows up where if only for the sake of thematic consistency.
Edit: But maybe something for fundamental Christians or Muslims to enjoy, with less sex-related stuff, I get it.